I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1541: Surprised Little Snake

Those who were assigned the grilled fish decisively stopped their work.

You can do it anytime, but the fish will get cold if you don't eat it.

Seeing everyone eating so happy, Jiang Siming also said that he was very happy.

What people who cook are most happy to see is that everyone enjoys eating.

Jiang Siming hadn't felt this way before learning 【Cooking Skills】.

Now I have a deep understanding.

Even Jiang Siming, a member of the program group, gave them two fish. They were eating so hard, they were all rushing to eat...

"I'm finished, it's so delicious, I really want to have another bowl." He Jiu put down the empty bowl in his hand and licked his mouth still.

When Xiao Peng and Zi Feng heard this, they hurriedly hugged the bowl and hid away, for fear that Hejiu would eat their...

After eating, I continued to work, and dinner was gradually prepared.

More abundant than noon.

The reason is that Jiang Siming and Yoona Reba moved a lot of fruits at noon, which made Hejiu a rare lavish one.

In addition, Jiang Siming's two fish bribes made the program crew eat people softly, so the ingredients were very abundant.

They gave the half-head abalone that Jiang Siming said casually.

For dinner, everyone gathered at the table in the yard.

Nian and Ari still refused to leave Jiang Siming, so they huddled in his stomach to sleep.

Xiangxiang hugged the bamboo and ate her fragrantly.

The director of the program group is most happy.

He knows how popular this episode will be without having to broadcast it.

Jiang Siming's new girlfriend, the national treasure panda, the cat who can fish and the suffocating little fox, the penguin dishwasher, the cooking skills of Jiang Siming and so on.

Each of these topics is enough for the audience to discuss.

Just pulling one out is definitely a guarantee of ratings, let alone so many topics gathered together.

The director even felt a little regretful, if only these topics could be broken out one by one.

He thought that even if they couldn't play them one by one, they would have to be played separately.

Turn one period into two or three periods.

Anyway, this issue is a topic from beginning to end.

Thinking of this, the director couldn't help but smile with honey.

Outside the yard, laughter, pushing cups and changing cups.

This atmosphere is definitely not seen in the previous episodes.

Not long after dinner started, Huang Laoxie asked Zi Feng to go to the kitchen to bring the last dish.

Zi Feng went, but not long after entering the kitchen.


A scream sounded.

Everyone was excited for a moment, thinking that Zi Feng was in an accident, quickly put down the dishes and rushed to the yard.

Zi Feng ran out of the kitchen with a pale face, and Hua Rong turned pale with fright, as if seeing something terrible.

"What's wrong? Zi Feng." He Jiu asked quickly.

Zi Feng pointed to the kitchen and answered in a panic: "There are...there are snakes!"


Everyone looked into the kitchen and saw a small snake in the corner under the kitchen stove.

The whole body is golden, like corn, but it looks very small, only as long as the headphone cable, and no more than **** thick.

But despite this, it is also a snake!

Almost everyone has a fear of snakes, especially girls, who are afraid of such mollusks, and they are still cold-blooded.

Everyone hurried out of the kitchen for fear of being bitten.

The program team also hurried over.

The appearance of snakes in this show is not a trivial matter, in case it bites the guests.

"Call 119 and catch the snake." The director said.

"No." Jiang Siming stood up and stopped the director who was about to call.

"This is a corn snake, non-venomous."

Jiang Siming said with a smile to appease everyone.

In fact, he didn't even know what snakes were non-poisonous and what snakes were poisonous.

But after picking up the [Snake Training Proficiency] fragments that Ah San had dropped in the group stage before, he knew everything about snakes.

Everyone was relieved when they heard that it was non-toxic.

"How come there are snakes here." Lao Bai was also very scared.

Jiang Siming explained: "Yunnan is a natural forest reserve. There are many kinds of animals, and there are beautiful scenery in this place. Snakes are all too normal."

"This snake should be too hot, so where did it slip out? This snake is very small. It shouldn't have been long since hatching from the egg."

After Jiang Siming said to the director: "There is no need to occupy public resources, I will deal with it."

After all, Jiang Siming walked into the kitchen, squatted and looked at this cute little corn snake with a smile.

Corn snakes are recognized as non-venomous and very docile snakes.

This kind of snake is in the range of pet snakes and will not hurt people at all, unless it is forced to hurt it.

Seeing Jiang Siming, the little snake shrank in fear.

At this time, Ah Nu and Ah Li also came over and saw a snake. The two little guys were old and new, they were about to rush to play.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming stopped them both.

He just wanted to try the skill [Snake Training Mastery], but don't let these two guys play it to death.

"Don't do it, I heard you two." Jiang Siming warned them.

Ah Nu and Ah Li had to obediently agree, and of course they had to be obedient when the master spoke.

Jiang Siming continued to face the corn snake, gestured to it with both hands, and then began to whistle again.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and had no idea what Jiang Siming was doing.

"What is Amin doing?"

"I don't know, talk to the snake?"

"He can speak snakes?"


Everyone was curious, and even Reba and Yoona didn't know what Jiang Siming was doing.

Until a few minutes later, Jiang Siming suddenly opened his palm to the corn snake and put it on the ground.

"Come here." Jiang Siming shouted to the snake.

Everyone felt that Jiang Siming was dreaming, how could a snake understand human words.

But what is amazing is that this corn snake, after hearing Jiang Siming's shout, actually swam onto Jiang Siming's palm and lay on it very docilely and motionless.

Jiang Siming said again: "Stand up."

The snake really stood upright, even twisting its body, very obedient.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

What is this? Is this really a snake? It's not a toy in snakeskin.

"Okay, done."

When Jiang Siming finished speaking with a smile, he found an empty glass jar and called in at the snake.

The little snake obediently got into the jar and waited.

"Well, everyone, let's eat." Jiang Siming said calmly.

Everyone didn't want to eat, they all gathered around and asked how Jiang Siming did it.

"I have learned a little bit of snake training, so I can tame some simple snakes."

Jiang Siming explained.

Everyone realized that Jiang Siming was training snakes just now.

"This snake really doesn't bite people?" Huang Laoxie was ready to move.

Jiang Siming smiled, grabbed the snake from the jar and put it in his hand.

Huang Laoxie's body trembled first, but when he found that the snake really didn't bite, he was so behaved, he was relieved.

He even started petting the snake.

"Really behaved! Better than a dog." Huang Laoxie said in surprise.

He Jiu couldn't help but also came over, grabbing it and placing it in his hand.

This corn snake was quickly played by everyone one by one.

This may be the most dignified snake...

[Author's digression]: First more~~

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