I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1551: First meeting with Nami

As soon as Luffy and the others left, Ya was very angry with Crowe.

After all, Usopp is her good friend, but Crowe insulted him so much.

"Miss, I'm telling the truth. Usopp's father is a pirate. How can he be compared with a noble person like us, the identity of a pirate, dirty, dirty, and shameless."

Crowe disdainfully said that he has completely regarded himself as a superior person, a superior person who is about to have huge wealth.

"Aren't you a pirate yourself?"

Suddenly, a voice came from inside the house.

It was said by Jiang Siming, who has never left.

Cloo suddenly turned his head and stared at Jiang Siming, "Who do you think is the pirate?"

Ke Ya also looked at Jiang Siming in surprise.

Jiang Siming really couldn't understand Crowe's behavior.

Shrugged and sneered: "Krabatel, formerly known as Klow, the former head of the Black Cat Pirates regiment, three years ago let his subordinates pretend to be shot by the navy, and actually hide here, wanting to seize the family’s property and escape Pirate status."

After speaking, Jiang Siming asked with a smile, "Captain Black Cat, am I right?"

Keya's eyes were full of shock, but she didn't believe it more.


Cloe hurriedly denied it, and the veins on his forehead were violent.

He never expected that Jiang Siming would know his details and identity.

"Miss, this man is slanderous, I want to drive him out of the house, guard!"

The guard who rushed over after hearing the news rushed over.

No one here wants to trust a stranger like Jiang Siming.

Crowe's image in everyone's mind for the past three years is very good, but Ya doesn't believe it.

"Young man, please leave here, we don't welcome you here!" Melly said solemnly.

"Yes, get out!"

"Since you slander the butler Cloo, it is too unforgivable!"

The guards were hostile to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming hesitated.

"Whatever you want, let's go, Ram."

Jiang Siming didn't plan to do it now, took Ram's hand, turned and left.

"Doctor Jiang."

But Ya hurriedly stopped.

"Doctor Jiang, although I don't know what you are having with Butler Cloo, as long as you apologize now, I will intercede with Butler Cloo."

But Ya doesn't want Jiang Siming to leave, but she doesn't want the housekeeper who has taken care of her for three years to be innocently wronged.

Being able to say this shows that Keya has a very good impression of Jiang Siming.

In the original book, Liusopp also said ill of Crowe and was slapped by Kea.

Can be replaced by Jiang Siming, but she still wants to keep the other party.

Jiang Siming didn't look back, let alone speak, stubbornly leading Ram away until he disappeared from the end of Keya's sight.

Ke Ya chased out the room, but Jiang Siming was no longer visible.

Desperate Keya returned to her room, closed the door and cried bitterly.

She also didn't know why she suddenly lost control of her emotions.

But in her heart she always felt that she had wronged Doctor Jiang.

Jiang Siming, who had left the villa, hadn't walked far, and a voice stopped him.

"Hey, tall man! Are you from this family too?"

Jiang Siming turned his head, and a man with a straw hat and a red vest was shouting at him.

There were two people standing next to him, one full of muscles, green hair, and three knives hanging from his waist.

The other is a girl with short orange hair, superb, full of aura and alertness.

Seeing these three people, Jiang Siming immediately recognized that these three were Luffy, Sauron and Nami.

"Wow~ he looks so handsome~"

When Jiang Siming turned her head, Nami boldly praised Jiang Siming's appearance, and cast a flashy eye at Jiang Siming generously.

Both Luffy and Sauron had something wrong, not jealous.

But it feels like being compared, what's wrong with being handsome, huh!

"Tall man, are you the owner of this house?"

Luffy continued to ask.

"No, I'm just a doctor, going to treat Keya." Jiang Siming replied.

"What? Are you a doctor?"

Luffy's eyes lit up when he heard it, and the Pirates couldn't possibly need a doctor.

Frequent fighting, an **** by a "nanny" is urgently needed.

So after that, Luffy added the cute Chopper Huyou.

But now that Chopper hasn't appeared yet, of course Luffy has cast his idea on Jiang Siming.

"Then you join us, we will be pirates together!"

Jiang Siming is happy, Xiao Lufei is still so inconsistent.

When you see someone, let the family be a pirate with him.

Jiang Siming did not agree or refuse. Instead, he smiled and asked them, "Are you a group?"

"Of course!" Luffy nodded immediately.

"No, I just have a cooperative relationship with them." Nami answered frankly.

"You can't pretend it first." Lu Fei pouted and said aggrieved.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "So you only have one partner?"

"What's the relationship with spicy oil! I will look for it slowly, you are my fourth partner!"

"Hey, did you count me too." Nami corrected.

While several people were quarreling, Usopp hurried back.

Seeing Luffy and them, he simply didn't see it, and ran directly to Keya's house.

Obviously, Usopp also discovered Crowe's secret and was anxious to tell Keya to take her to escape.

However, Ke Luo was frightened by Jiang Siming and had already asked the guards to surround the entire villa.

Usopp couldn't get in anyhow, and was in a hurry.

"Go and talk to Keya, I want to see her, there is something urgent!"

"Sorry, our lady is in a bad mood today, and no one wants to see her."


"We don't know, anyway, you go quickly."

Usopp was also driven out, he didn't even see Koya's face.

"Luffy, you want to help me."

Usopp had to ran back to Luffy for help, but after seeing Jiang Siming, he subconsciously thought he was Crowe's person.

"Luffy! Get him quickly, he is a bad guy! He is a pirate!"

The key, Lu Fei believes, this kid has always been a tendon.

"It turns out that you are a bad guy, so I'm not polite. I will catch you first!"

If you don't agree with him, you will start fighting. This character is absolutely proper Luffy style.

"Rubber pistol!"

Lu Fei's fist slammed towards Jiang Siming, and his entire arm stretched more than ten meters like rubber.

The fist, which was still far away, arrived in front of Jiang Siming in an instant, and was about to hit!

"Hey, let me say you at least investigate it first, what if you hit a good guy by mistake?" Nami couldn't bear to be beaten by a handsome boy like Jiang Siming.

However, Lu Fei's punch was easily held by Jiang Siming with one hand.

Lu Fei was anxious to take his hand back, but found that he couldn't move at all, his hands seemed to be handcuffed by iron.

"Is this the power of Devil Fruit?"

"Yes, I ate rubber fruit, but can you let me go first?" Luffy replied.

Jiang Siming was also very cooperative and let go.

Lu Fei turned his wrist, suddenly his fighting spirit soared.

"It turns out that you also have two brushes, so I will fight you even more!"

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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