I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1553: Ghost battleship

"Mission completed! Reward 1 random boutique gray fragment!"

"Pick up [Ghost Warship] gray fragments*1 (1/1). The fragments are full and can be eaten directly."

[Ghost Warship]: High-tech naval warship, sailing at a speed of 280 km/h, with its own single-barreled naval gun, short-range intercepting torpedo, and automatic protection shield system.

These equipment all have unlimited ammunition and energy.

And this warship has a [Ghost Mode], which can follow any ship when unmanned without being spotted.

Seeing this exquisite fragment, Jiang Siming was quite pleased.

It happens to be practical in this copy of One Piece.

Since he has agreed to join the Straw Hat Gangsters, naturally he will not miss the appointment.

This ship can always follow when he is not in the instance, so that he can join the Straw Hat Pirates as soon as possible every time he returns to the instance.

"Doctor Jiang, I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you."

Ke Ya came to Jiang Siming and apologized to Jiang Siming with a look of guilt.

If Jiang Siming hadn't arrived in time today, she might have died.

"It's fine. It's normal for you to question. After all, no one will believe it."

"Your name is Doctor Jiang? How did you know?" Na asked curiously.

Jiang Siming briefly talked about the encounter with the Black Cat Pirate Ship, and everyone understood.

"Your weapon is a fist? It's powerful!" Sauron asked.

Jiang Siming looked at him and suddenly teased: "Actually, I am a swordsman just like you."

"What? What about your sword?" Sauron couldn't believe it.

"For the time being, no one can force me to use a sword. It doesn't matter if I have a sword or not." Jiang Siming spread his hands.

Sauron was so angry that he immediately threw Jiang Siming his sword.

"I don't believe it! I want to fight you swordsmanship!"

Sauron is of course very angry, but he wants to swear to become the world's number one swordsman.

But Jiang Siming said he was also a swordsman, and he defeated him without a sword.

What this shows, people's swordsmanship may be far above him.

However, facing the sword thrown by Sauron, Jiang Siming did not take it.

"Don't worry, I think you will meet your opponent soon."

Jiang Siming knew that Sauron would meet Hawkeye, the world's first swordsman, on the sea soon.

He also wanted to learn about the strength of Hawkeye, not knowing if he could catch up with this time.

Because the time of this One Piece dungeon is different from Three Kingdoms, although the time ratio is still 1:30.

But it will be lost automatically and will not stop because of Jiang Siming's absence.

Sauron wanted to say something, but Jiang Siming ignored him. Instead, he squatted on his own to heal several guards who were cut by the pirate.

Under Jiang Siming's wonderful rejuvenation, several dying guards saved their lives.

And a little bit interesting.

Jiang Siming discovered that the self-healing ability of the people in One Piece is much better than the people in reality.

And falling from a high altitude will basically not die.

This may be an interesting setting in anime.

When Jiang Siming bandaged the guards, Keya followed him all the time.

Seeing Jiang Siming treating illnesses and saving people, Ya also had unprecedented thoughts of studying medicine in her heart.

"Doctor Jiang."


"Can I... learn medical skills from you?" Keya plucked up the courage to ask.

Jiang Siming looked up at her unexpectedly and asked, "Why do you want to study medicine?"

"Because...because..." Keya hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't tell the reason.

"I'll teach you if you want to learn, but I may not stay here for a few days. I will try my best to teach you my medical skills." Jiang Siming said generously.

"Thank you~ I will definitely study hard, Doctor Jiang, that's not right, Master!" Keya was full of excitement and her eyes were full of joy.

Usopp seemed to see something.

Although Keya laughed happily when listening to his story.

But this is completely different from the smile when he met Jiang Siming.

The former is the joy of listening to stories among good friends, while the latter has a lot of different feelings.

Usopp had to leave the field sadly.

Finally, Sauron Luffy and Nami **** the pirates together, planning to send them to the Admiralty the next day.

"Dr. Jiang, this reward for Crowe and Zenko, can you...divide me a little...just a little bit."

Nami suddenly came to Jiang Siming and said eagerly.

Jiang Siming looked at Nami, who was only sixteen or seventeen, with a tender and youthful face.

He knew why Nami was so greedy for money, all because she wanted to exchange 100 million Baileys for her hometown occupied by the murloc Aaron.

Nami’s childhood was actually miserable, her hometown was occupied by the murlocs.

The mother who adopted her was killed, if not for her excellent sailing talent and drawing talent.

She and her hometown were long gone by the murlocs.

The murloc leader Aaron told Nami that if she wanted her hometown to continue to exist and regain her freedom, she had to work under their murlocs.

And asked Nami to earn 100 million Baileys.

So Nami has become Aaron's subordinate since she was very young, and she steals everywhere.

This also makes Nami especially important to money, and her nickname is Little Thief Cat.

Jiang Siming just wanted to speak, but he didn't expect the second task to appear.

[2-star mission]: Help Nami defeat the murloc Aaron and save Kokosia Village.

[Task Reward]: Reward 1 random boutique black fragment!

[Mission failure]: deduct 1 random boutique black fragment!

Unexpectedly, this triggered the second task.

Jiang Siming smiled, as long as there are fragments, you can do anything, cough cough, of course, except selling yourself.

"You want it all for you!"

Jiang Siming wanted to ask Nami to take her to find Aaron directly.

But this seemed too abrupt, Nami never knew him, how could she know so many secrets.

At that time, he might still be suspected of being a spy of the Murloc tribe, which is not good.

Besides, the reality is about to dawn, and I don't have time to accompany Nami.

Let's wait for the copy next time.

"Really...really, give it to me?" Nami was surprised, her eyes turned into coins.

Jiang Siming was happy, and suddenly remembered that he still had a Nami silk scarf that was useless, so he gave her away.

"Is this your silk scarf? I found it in the village. It looks like yours."

Nami was overjoyed, and the chick nodded like a peck of rice: "This is mine, this is left to me by my mother. I just lost it yesterday, and I have been looking for it. Thank you so much, oh, Doctor Jiang~"

With that said, Nami rushed up moved, and she kissed Jiang Siming's face.

Jiang Siming reacted after being kissed, and he almost forgot the role of the silk scarf.

You can get Namixiang kiss.

Unexpectedly... it really came true...

After kissing Jiang Siming, Nami also reacted, how could she suddenly be relatives.

It's because she has a carefree personality, she can't help blushing, and ran away quickly...


[Author's digression]: First more~~

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