I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1592: Air strikes!

For this one, Jiang Siming no longer owns Golden Shadow, so he doesn't know where the most people are, so he can only fly by feeling.

He wanted to fly to the boxing ring of the most central casino, but Jiang Siming found that no one seemed to get off the plane.

Instead, it was the power plant on the casino hill, and there were many umbrella bags flying there.

"Go, power plant."

Jiang Siming no longer hesitated, and decisively pressed the F key to jump off the plane.

Kite also followed closely.

When the two men headed down, their bodies slammed toward the ground, the kite had learned the information about the power plant for the first time.

"There are two teams, Brother Jiang."

"That's great, it's right."

Jiang Siming smiled, it seems that he picked this point well.

"Should we jump into the bakery or the factory? Or the textile factory outside?"

This is the first time Kite has acted with Jiang Siming from the beginning.

There was no one in the last one, so I did it together after searching.

This time it looks like it must have just been shot.

"Workshop, let's go one by one, so as not to jump into a workshop together and GG without a gun."

Jiang Siming said that although the kite felt Alexander, he still seriously agreed.

Landing to the lowest altitude, in that one or two seconds, a full ten parachute bags were opened in mid-air, and all flew to the power plant!

God's perspective was also locked in the power plant early, and it will definitely be a **** storm here.

Jiang Siming and Kite jumped into a workshop separately.

Jiang Siming picked the factory building on the right. When he was fifty meters in the air, his face went black as soon as Jiang Siming turned on [Equipment Perception].

Nima! Really no gun!

On the other side of the kite factory, there are many guns.

He didn't have a gun.

Jiang Siming is really a Buddha, do you want to be so dark-faced!

But at this time, it was too late to finish the turn, because two people followed the kite and it was too late for him to turn around.

Besides, Jiang Siming also had enemies following behind him, so he could only fall into the factory that he picked first.

Flew down directly from the window on the ceiling of the factory building.

This little trick can land directly from the ceiling of the factory building, and it falls in the middle of the factory building, at least three seconds faster than others.

But this technique requires a very high test of pulling an umbrella, and you may have to fall to the ceiling before you fall, and then jump from above, which takes longer.

Jiang Siming landed accurately without any accidents. This accuracy is comparable to that of a basketball hollowing into the net, and he entered in a hurry.

The two enemies following him saw Jiang Siming flying in so quickly, and they hesitated.

They were afraid that Jiang Siming would have guns when he fell in, so they would die if they went down.

"Turn around, go to the factory on the left?"

"It's too late to go now, follow him, don't be afraid!"

The two players diverged in their opinions, and again they lost some time.

After Jiang Siming landed, there really wasn't a gun in the factory.

These are accessories and throwing objects.

Jiang Siming didn't choose to run away, but picked up a grenade in seconds and pinched the ring decisively in his hand!

And walked outside the factory building, silently calculating the time for the thunder to explode.

When Jiang Siming walked out of the factory, the two umbrellas floated down leisurely.

Just when they were about to reach the height of the ceiling of the factory building, Jiang Siming walked out of the factory and threw the grenade into the air!

The two are so dying, they happened to fly next to each other.

I wanted to form a group so that the combat effectiveness would be stronger.

But under this flying grenade, this move became the fuse of their death.

The grenade just exploded in the air under their feet!


The grenade exploded in the sky.

And these two enemies had no time to dodge, they just heard a rumbling in their ears, and then they turned into two boxes in the sky, and they floated down Shi Shiran...

"The player [4AM_Ming] killed the player [AG_Dayai] with a fragmentation grenade"

"The player [4AM_Ming] killed the player [AG_CI] with a fragmentation grenade"

This is directly dead.

There is no chance even to fall to the ground.

I go!

Can you still play like this? ?

The audience said they were silly.

Throwing a grenade into the sky will kill two people. This operation...is too beautiful!

"I'm going! This thunder cowhide!"

Weishenhe always looked at Jiang Siming's computer screen while searching because there was no one in the mansion.

This wave of operation seems simple, but the time and distance control requirements of the opponent mine are extremely accurate, and no one can be killed by 0.5 seconds late.

Jiang Siming turned a deaf ear to the compliments of his teammates, did not turn his head after throwing the grenade, and went back to the factory to pick up the thrown objects.

Picking up another grenade and Molotov cocktail, Jiang Siming rushed to the kite factory without stopping.

Here, the kite also landed two enemies.

The three of them picked up different guns almost at the same time, and the kites hit two, so they didn't dare to attack rashly.

Take the gun and find the box as a cover for the first time, blocking the enemy's sight.

The other two Thai players don't care so much. The two teammates behind them died before they landed. They must get rid of the kite as quickly as possible.

The two rushed into the kite box one by one.

The kite didn't have any fear or dread, and the heroine refused to let the eyebrows, judge the position of the enemy's footsteps, and attacked decisively!

Rather than sit back and wait for death, don't be the best player!

Da da da...

Kite had a UMP9 in his hand, after the bullet knocked down one of the AG members.

It's a pity that the UMP9 bullet is too small, and it took a long time for her to kill the first person.

Let another AG member have sufficient time to shoot.

The kite had already pulled the quasi-mirror very quickly, but unfortunately it still failed to complete the one-on-two counter-kill and fell to the ground regrettably.

Although the man knocked down the kite, he himself became remnant blood.

The Thai brothers wanted to make up for the kite at the first time.

However, when he first defeated the kite, Jiang Siming had already rushed over.

A Molotov cocktail was thrown at him!

The Thai brother at the back didn't even know that a Molotov cocktail flew from behind his ass.

And slammed firmly on him.

That little blood volume was instantly burned out by the burning flask.

Before the bullet to fill the man was shot, he fell limply on the fire, becoming a charred corpse.



Jiang Siming couldn't help but spit out his mouth.

If it weren't for the Molotov cocktail that he had foreboding that the grenade might be too late when he came over, the kite would definitely have been replaced.

The grenade needs a countdown, but the Molotov cocktail does not delay damage, and it can burn the enemy's blood when it falls.

Jiang Siming's wave belonged to one grenade and one Molotov cocktail killed three professional players.

The hearts of 4AM fans just mentioned their throats, for fear that the kite will be filled.

Now they all put their hearts back in their stomachs.

It's dangerous and exciting!

When the kite saw Jiang Siming threw a Molotov cocktail, it quickly climbed out in a tacit understanding.

Although some blood was burned, it was fine.

This team of enemies was solved by the two of them in the electric light and flint.

It's just a pity that neither the pirate bounty nor the Tuhuang bounty came out.

However, AG generously gave Jiang Siming two pieces as compensation!


[Author's digression]: First more~

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