I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1595: Fight against the new Faze!

Seeing Poers flexing his hands, God G felt familiar.

It seemed to see how I met Jiang Siming last year.

It was also so reluctant to admit defeat, and also so dumbfounded.

As a result, he lost miserably.

Especially the passer-by match against Jiang Siming for the first time.

Allenger’s school and school district room, he and Shroud, were crushed by Jiang Siming in turn.

This memory is still very clear in G God's mind.

"No, we have to go."

God G is no longer as reckless as last year, especially after becoming the captain, the whole person is much calmer.

"I don't think it is necessary, Captain, let's not be afraid of him, your current sniper is actually not worse than him, right?"

Young Poers was still a little unconvinced.

A newcomer will never know the horror of the tiger, the king of the forest.

G didn't change his expression, but there was actually a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

Seeing that his opponent didn't mean to fight him at all, Jiang Siming who followed him simply started chasing them and honking their motorcycle horns.

Di di di di!

This kind of honking in the game is very provocative and convincing.

God G still couldn't bear it to the end after all.

Grit your teeth and stom your feet, it's dry!

What allowed God to make this decision was Jiang Siming's provocation and the instigation of his teammates.

In fact, he is now in a very good position. Not only is he close to his teammates in M ​​City, he can also have quick support.

And they have a car as a shelter, Jiang Siming only has a motorcycle, or two people.

On this big highway, it is equivalent to a living target.

God G believes that he has the right time and place, and it is precisely this way that he chooses to step on the brake, and one is in the middle of the road.

He and his teammates got off from the same position of the car at the same time.

As soon as he got out of the car, God G raised the M24 in his hand and flashed!

Flash sniper is a weakened version of sniper, but it is also one of the extremely high-end sniper skills.

There are only a handful of people who can practice flash sniper in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, after all, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds can be different from CF through the line of fire.

Through the line of fire, the masters who play sniper are basically instant sniper and sniper, who are proficient in everything.

That's because the gun that crossed the line of fire has no recoil, and the bullet does not need to be pressed to the gun to stay on a horizontal line, and the characters have no inertia and other factors.

It's actually very easy to play Flash Sniper, but in this PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds game, I haven't seen a few people who can flash, let alone Sniper.

G God has been practicing sniper rifle hard for so long, and it can only be said that he has achieved sniper proficiency.

Relying on this one-handed sniper, in the European and American servers, God G is already invincible in the world.

Countless European and American professional players fell on G God's sniper rifle.

Audiences in Europe and the United States subconsciously thought that Jiang Siming was about to roll off the car when they saw God's flash.

However, this shot was empty.

When Jiang Siming saw his car slowing down, he knew that the other party wanted to fight.

Before the two cars stopped, he had already moved the front of the car and drove to the **** beside the highway.

He believes that the other party's daring to stop is definitely not a stunner or a rookie, it must be because he has great confidence in his own strength.

Jiang Siming was not so stupid and just let him aim on the road.

Seeing the opponent's empty gun, Jiang Siming chose to seize this fleeting opportunity without hesitation.

He didn't even stop the motorcycle and jumped out of the car, although he lost a lot of blood because of the speed inertia, but he didn't care.

When he got out of the car, Jiang Siming leaned out from the **** of the road, and the other party gave a shot, and of course he had to get a shot!

After God G fired the gun, he hid after returning to the car. He knew that the empty gun had to hide first.

But Poers was different, he was playing Lian Si.

And he didn't realize the concept of Jiang Siming getting out of the car even if he lost blood.

He thought that Jiang Siming had made a mistake, and he must have lost most of his blood. As long as he hit two shots, he would be able to unlock the highest achievement of single-killing Myojin.

However, in the next second, Poers found multiple sniper bullets on his forehead!

He fell to the ground instantly, before he could even fire a shot!

"I..." Poers were stupid, and never thought about why he fell so fast.

And he was still stuck in the car window, leaving only a little bit of space.

How did he do it?

"Sorry, my pot." Poers admitted.

God G was very calm, supporting him while arranging tactics: "Ming's style of play is very aggressive. He killed you, and he should rush over immediately. You can't beat him up and help me hold his teammates."

"Okay, I know."

Poers agreed.

"Captain, don't worry, we are on our way here!"

The other two teammates of M City are also rushing to the battlefield.

God glanced at their location, knowing that it might be too late.

Before Poers was pulled up, God G heard the sound of the motorcycle.

"Why did it come so fast?" God G was also a little at a loss.

It stands to reason that at such a long distance, Jiang Siming killed a person and started driving again, at least enough for him to help Poers up.

But before he pulled the person for five seconds, Jiang Siming arrived.

"God G seems to be in a dilemma now. Oh, Ming and FengZ's cooperation is too tacit. The kite never got off the car. When Ming got off the car, she had already cut to the driving position and was waiting for him to get on the car."

The foreigner commented that he was worried about the players in his own division.

Seeing Jiang Siming's motorcycle hit their car, God G could only choose to let it go.

If you don't let go, the kite can directly hit their car, and if you come across the mountain, you and Poers will be run over by your car.

God G had to give up saving his teammates and was forced to choose one to two.

In fact, he still has an advantage. He gave up early, so he has time to take the initiative before the motorcycle stops.

God G is so eager that he hasn't even come with a rifle, so he can only use the M24 first and then flash!

This shot accurately lifted the kite's helmet and knocked her off the motorcycle.

God G thought it was Jiang Siming who was driving, but he hadn't been excited yet.

The person behind the motorcycle had already jumped out of the car, Mosin Nagan in his hand gave him a quick snipe.

"The player [Faze_Grimmmz] used the M24 sniper rifle to knock down the player [4AM_Fengz]"

"The player [4AM_Ming] used the M1891 sniper rifle to knock down the player [Faze_Grimmmz]"

Only after God fell to the ground did God wake up. It turned out that it was not Jiang Siming that he defeated, but the kite.

It seems to be a waste of joy.

After defeating God G and Poers, Jiang Siming did not make up for them at the first time, but made a gesture to help the kite.

At this time, God G and Poers immediately reported to the teammates who rushed over.

"He is pulling people, don't worry, he is pulling people behind the car and can't see you."

That is to say, this report brought the teammates into the unrestored place.

Jiang Siming pulled the kite as a guise. When Faze's two teammates hurried over, he decisively interrupted helping others and raised Mosin Nagan again.

Because these two people came on foot, they didn't have any defense at all.


Move the target with one shot, headshot!

[Author's digression]: First more~

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