I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1603: Have you eaten old popsicles...

But Weiwei knew that this wasn't her father's doing at all, but Klockdal's conspiracy.

The purpose is to cause civil strife, and then take the opportunity to overthrow her father, and ascend to the throne to control the entire Kingdom of Alabastan.

"Then we will accompany you to Yuba first, rest assured, we will definitely help you to the end!" Nami patted Weiwei's shoulder kindly and comforted.

"Thank you, thank you." Weiwei thanked her gratefully.

"Let’s not say so much. I bought a lot of clothes. Let’s go back to the boat and change clothes! Ram also come!"

Nami said that pulling the two girls on the boat to change clothes. For the girls, the new clothes were too attractive.

"Brother Jiang, please wait for them here first~"

Nami abandons Jiang Siming's'relentless'.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't have a problem. He sat down on a shady sand dune and took out the magic knife Qianbian to continue playing.

The last time he got this knife, he fainted shortly after playing with it, and the knife kept returning to the Qiankun Ring.

The more he played, the more Jiang Siming felt that this knife was so cool.

Feel free to follow the master's mind, break down and merge.

Moreover, the blade fragments can also form weapons of various shapes, such as shields, gloves, arrows and so on.

As long as Jiang Siming's imagination is rich enough and the blade fragments are sufficient, he can transform the magic knife thousand blades into any shape.

After playing for a while, two slender figures sneaked up in front of him.

When Jiang Siming looked up, he saw two beautiful "landscapes".

Weiwei and Nami, each in a girl costume, exposed white arms and necks, only a thin cloth covering their upper bodies.

Let people have unlimited reveries.

**It's a thin skirt with a slight slit on the thighs, revealing two pairs of slender long legs.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but glance at this kind of scenery.

"Does it look good, Brother Jiang?" Nami asked with a smile.

"Well, if it wasn't for the cool sun on my head that kept basking on me, I would have thought I saw two angels."

Jiang Siming flattered.

The two girls were immediately happy and shy.

However, they just showed Jiang Siming what they were wearing, and when they were praised, they went back to the boat to change the clothes, and changed into sun protection and conservative ones.

It can be said that Jiang Siming has enjoyed the beautiful scenery alone, but other people don't have this blessing.

After that, Sauron Usopp Sanji Chopper and the others came back one after another, but Luffy was missing.

"We have been searching for a long time, but still haven't seen this guy Luffy." Sauron said with a headache.

Anyone who encounters such an unreliable captain will have a headache.

Just after speaking, a cry for help sounded.

Luffy was escaping in their direction quickly.

Behind him was a large group of navy, headed by Small.

Smogg's smog hand was about to catch Luffy.

Luffy was afraid of this, and fled with milk.

"No, it's Small! Luffy, this fool, I said he will definitely be exposed." Nami said angrily.

Others are ready for battle, but they feel guilty when they think of Smogg's smoke ability.

Now they really have nothing to do with smog's smoke.

Jiang Siming walked out of the group and stood in front of Luffy.

"Brother Jiang, help~"

Luffy saw Jiang Siming and hurriedly called for help.

Seeing that Smogg's hand of smoke was about to catch Luffy's foot, Jiang Siming flicked the magic knife in his hand.

Eight thousand blade fragments flew out!

The blade was spinning and flying, forming a fan in the air, and it began to spin at high speed.

The whirl of the blade's turning blew Smogg's smoke back.

"Si Guoyi! Brother Jiang, this is your weapon, it's so handsome!" Luffy forgot to even run away and stood there watching the show.

"Jiang Siming!"

Smogg spotted Jiang Siming and gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't catch you last time. I let you run away."

Jiang Siming smiled at him and said, "Don't put gold on your face, obviously I let you go."

Smolgerton felt dull on his face, knowing he couldn't beat Jiang Siming, but he still chose to shoot!

"Smoke·White Snake!"

Small's hands turned into smoke snakes, and hundreds of snake heads bite towards Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was calm as usual, and with a wave of his hand, the blade fragments spread out again, forming hundreds of daggers, which were ruthlessly chopped off at these white snakes.

All the white snakes scratched by the dagger had their heads cut off and turned into a headless snake body.

Smog's discoloration changed suddenly, completely unexpected that Jiang Siming had such a weird weapon.

"Go, Captain."

Jiang Siming had no plans to kill Small, because this was one of the few navy that still had a sense of justice.

In fact, Smogg has no shortcomings except for being rigid.

Such a person has no mission. Jiang Siming doesn't want to kill him.

"Oh, good! Goodbye, Colonel Smaller!" Luffy agreed with a grin, beckoned to Smaller, and left with a swagger.

Smogg gritted his teeth and said unwillingly: "Damn, I almost caught Luffy, Jiang Siming, you are really getting in the way!"

Jiang Siming took back the Magic Knife Thousand Blades, and he loved this weapon.

A group of people began to officially embark on the desert road, heading for the oasis Yuba!

Smogg and the others didn't chase them to death. They knew that Jiang Siming let them go. If Smogg still didn't know good or bad, Jiang Siming would not be polite.

Leaving the local towns all the way into the desert with yellow sand and uninhabited sky.

The scorching sun made everyone sweat quickly. Despite the sunscreen clothes, the hot and dry weather made everyone very uncomfortable.

"Ah, I'm going to die, I'm out of strength..."

Luffy was the first to say that he couldn't hold it.

He is a rubber man. Rubber tends to have higher body temperature when heated, and he is more afraid of heat.

Chopper also quickly failed. It is a reindeer, an animal that has lived in a snow country since childhood.

I couldn't adapt to this kind of place at all, and I was covered with fur, and soon there was a sign of heat stroke.

"What to do, Chopper is too hot," Sauron said.

"Where's the water? Didn't you two buy water?" Nami asked.

Sauron smiled bitterly and said: "The whole country hasn't rained for several years. We have been looking for water for most of the day, and only bought two pots of water."

"Huh? So little?"

Everyone did not expect that there was so little water.

Weiwei said bitterly: "Nowadays, many ordinary people can't even drink water in their homes. They are looking for sea buckthorn leaves to replenish water."

Although there was very little water, everyone gave it to Luffy and Chopper.

But the two pots of water were of no use to them, and they drank up quickly.

Everyone is a little desperate, there is no water, they can't get to Yuba!

At this moment, Jiang Siming said nothing but took out a dozen...old popsicles!

"Come, come, one per person, eat slowly, some are."

Are you afraid of running out of water? What a joke!

Have you eaten the old popsicles? They definitely haven't...


[Author's digression]: Third more~~

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