I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1631: Online justice gloves!

Because the car was killed, it didn't even need to be repaired, and it was directly into a box.

Tinker Bell, who was too late, found out with the last teammate that it was too late.

But Dingdong didn't want to run, because he was in a very good position now, Shiya, who was with Jiang Siming just now, took Jiang Siming's position to death.

He decisively got out of the car and let his teammates drive around to the other side, letting Jiang Siming suffer from the enemy.

"Don't get close to him when you go around, or you will probably die under his gun."

Dingdong did not forget to ask his teammates.

The teammates said they knew that they had completely obeyed Tinkerbell's words and chose to make a big circle.

But while he was circling, Tinkerbell was no shelter.

Jiang Siming came out of the car that had just been blown up vigorously and shot without mercy!

Fortunately, Dingdong learned to be smart a long time ago, and hid behind the stone cliff tree early.

Knowing that Jiang Siming was just a QBU, Ding Dong didn't feel much pressure.

On the contrary, he is a little eager to try, after all, he has an M24 in his hand.

The big sniper confronts the sniper, and it takes a lot of guns to strike him, and he only needs one shot.

As long as he hit Jiang Siming with a single shot.

This made Ding Dong begin to try to confront Jiang Siming tentatively!





You come and I meet the two of you, and the two sides begin to officially fight.

But no one dared to show his position for another moment. Although Jiang Siming's sniper was weak, he only required two shots to start his head.

Tinker Bell can only use his life's level to confront Jiang Siming.

Don't dare to relax for a moment.

He was finally shot in the head, but he did not die, and half of his blood remained.

And he lived up to expectations, and managed to snipe Jiang Siming a shot.

It is a pity that this shot hit Jiang Siming on the shoulder, but did not hit the head.

But this is enough to excite Tinkerbell.

While beating behind the tree, he silently encouraged himself, and when he was full of blood, he seemed to be bolder, take a shot first, and then head his head.

Yes, just wait until your blood is full.

After finishing the first aid kit, Tinker Bell began to drink drinks wildly, seeing the blood bars quickly fill up.

Before his teammates arrived, he couldn't wait, and leaned out again, wanting to confront Jiang Siming.

Even Xiao Dingdong saw Jiang Siming hiding behind the car and couldn't get out, thinking he was scared and didn't want to confront him.


Dingdong shot Jiang Siming to show his challenge!

Jiang Siming really reappeared from behind the car, and Xiao Dingdong was overjoyed.

This time he intends to calm down, wait for Jiang Siming to fire a shot first, and then complete the headshot kill at the moment when he shoots and pauses!

Well, come on!


Gunshots sounded, but what shocked Ding Dong was that there was something wrong with the gunshots!

Why... 98K voice!

Hearing the sound, Tinkerbell felt bad, but no matter how fast he reacted, he couldn't avoid the bullet that had already exited.

A 7.62 bullet blasted his skull accurately.

Tinkerbell fell to the ground in regret.

"Fuck! Where did he come from 98K! Isn't it a QBU!" Ding Dong shouted incredible.

Did this person carry two snipers?

At this time, the RNG member who was killed behind the car said weakly: "It's my gun...he picked up my 98K..."

Xiao Dingdong only realized that he was fooled!

Jiang Siming first used QBU to let him relax his vigilance, tempting him to confront himself, and deliberately let him get a shot.

After tasting the sweetness, he used his own medicine to replace the big sniper from his teammate's box, and hit him off guard.

"He shouldn't have time to shoot blood when changing his gun, handsome, you can fight him!"

At this time, Shuai Shuai, the last player to circumnavigate behind, had already arrived behind Jiang Siming, and he would be able to see Jiang Siming's back when he was about to rush up the hillside.

Hearing Ding Dong reminding Jiang Siming that there is no blood, he ignited a wave of confidence and courage, and rushed to Banpo like a Spartan warrior.

As soon as he rushed forward, he raised his eyes and saw Jiang Siming's figure right under his nose, and he was even spraying himself with medicine to restore blood.

Shuai Shuai was overjoyed and wanted to shoot.

But Jiang Siming also spotted him at a glance, quickly cut off the drug-fighting state, raised a 98K lightning shot!

You don't even need to turn on the quasi-mirror. With a shot, Shuai Shuai died on the spot!

When Shuai Shuai died, the audience's breathing became louder.

This wave of duel made them dare not breathe.

After all, RNG is too young to be easily played by Jiang Siming.

At this time, 17shou seemed quite stable and rare.

After all, knowing that Da Jing and the monkey were going to die, he decisively sold his teammates and saved the team to survive again.

Tinker Bell was completely different. He loyally rescued his teammates, but they gave them for nothing.

Of course, if Tinker Bell wins, everyone's thinking must be 17shou is too scary.

The initiative is in the hands of Jiang Siming, he can beat RNG, 17shou is right.

He didn't beat RNG, 17shou will definitely be scolded.

In the end, the sixth sense of 17shou was more accurate.

All the members of RNG died, and two fragments flew out with shining light.

"Pick up [Black Technology Series·Network Justice Gloves] Black Fragments*1 (1/10). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Network Teleport Gloves]: It can also be called a punch glove along the network cable, which can carry out an indiscriminate and concealed attack on someone at the other end of the designated network.

This method can avoid all network reconnaissance, but the attack time is only 30 seconds, and can only be used once at a time, and the cooling time is 24 hours.

PS: The light of the righteous way is sprinkled on the earth, and your gloves are smashed in the face.

When he saw this fragment, Jiang Siming couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Lao Jiang, why are you laughing? What is so funny."

The team asked kindly.

Jiang Siming smiled and hit haha: "Nothing."

At the same time, he was eager to try this fragment, such a fun thing, he really wanted to try it now.

Hit people along the network cable, this kind of feeling has never been unprecedented!

When playing games in the past, I always met that kind of slut, who obviously cheated others, and scolded others arrogantly, and even said without embarrassment:

"You are so capable, but you hit me along the network cable?"

I believe that many people have encountered this kind of people, and sometimes they really want to find his address and rush over to give him a blast, and beat these keyboard men into stupid ones.

This sentence will never be heard on Jiang Siming again, he will hit it once when he hears it!

Hit you along the network cable? Yes, it is your request, don't blame me.

It's a pity that this thing is only used for 30 seconds, and it takes one day to use it once.

Otherwise, Jiang Siming must spend a day on the Internet and cry all the keyboard men!

There is also a fragment that is also very fragrant.

"Pick up [Fragment Mall] Colorless Fragments*1 (4/5). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Fragment Mall]: After the collection is complete, a shard mall will appear. There will be various redeemable shards, but the conditions are harsh and the number is extremely limited.

Note: This fragment cannot be assembled with universal fragments.

Only one piece can be collected, looking forward to~


The sake book friend group has been established to the tenth, my friends, if you want to join the group, come to 685614956, there will be reminders every day~

[Author's digression]: Fourth more~

I owed what I owed yesterday, I will make up for everyone today~ Sake is still more reliable, hehe (hanhan scratching his head)~

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