I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1635: Concert + Summer Solstice + Father's Day!

Today is not only the day when Jiang Siming’s solo concert starts, but also three very special anniversary.

The summer solstice, Father's Day and today's ring eclipse.

This annular solar eclipse is the most spectacular in the 21st century, and it can be seen clearly in many places in China.

Such a romantic day, coupled with Jiang Siming's concert, needless to say, it is super awesome!

So many people come to the stadium today, even if most of them can't buy tickets at all, it doesn't matter.

Just listen to the singing inside the stadium, and you will be content.

Many astronomy enthusiasts came here wearing equipment, saying that they wanted to watch the solar eclipse while listening to Jiang Siming's singing.

Some took their parents for a walk. After all, today is Father's Day.

Those who can buy tickets can take their parents in to see it, and those who can’t buy it are good to go around twice.

In the evening, there is already a crowd of people here.

Tens of thousands of people gathered here, and the nearby traffic was directly paralyzed!

Fortunately, the transportation department had anticipated that it would directly block the roads nearby.

Open up a second road so that it will not block traffic.

But nothing near the stadium can be saved, and no vehicles are allowed to enter or stop.

Those taxis must stop far away from the stadium, and the parking time cannot exceed one minute.

"Master, can't you open the front point?"

"Beauty, where can I still be open to traffic now? Even bicycles can't get through~"


"Why does the master stop here, there are more than a thousand meters away from the gym, right?"

"My buddy, I advise you to check out and get out of the car as soon as the traffic police comes over. I have to leave directly. You may have to go further."


"Driver, how do we get in if you stop here? Let's drive a little further."

"Miss, it's really not that I don't want to drive in, or can't drive in, nor can our Bentley."

"All right, for my Mingshen idol, walking is not bad, I'll go first, Uncle Liu."

"Hey, you bodyguards, you must protect yourself, miss you know!"


Such sounds are everywhere.

The car has to stop one kilometer away, otherwise the traffic jam will be even worse.

Hundreds of traffic policemen were sweating to direct traffic, and nearly a thousand police officers maintained order.

At first, everyone thought Jiang Siming's concert was just a concert by a very ordinary singer.

But I did not expect such a grand occasion.

The aerial camera was shooting in the sky, full of crowded people.

This is about to catch up with the picture of traveling on May Day.

Everyone just remembered, Jiang Siming's concert, but sold 100,000 tickets!

One hundred thousand tickets, plus staff, police officers, hawkers, tourists, reporters, etc.

Add up, at least more than 150,000 people.

Shanghai has never held a concert of 100,000 people.

At most, it was the 80,000 concert held by Jacky Cheung here in 2003.

Now, after 17 years, I didn't expect this record to be broken, and there are so many more.

Today is an unprecedented concert in Shanghai.

The reason why so many people buy tickets even without tickets want to see it, the solar eclipse and Father's Day are just second.

The most important thing is that Jiang Siming has a lot of fans.

In addition, everyone knows the identity of Jiang Siming, the richest man in Asia, and an e-sports player. He is not a professional singer devoted to music.

They are afraid of Jiang Siming's concert, one less one.

Even this guy might have such a show in his entire life. After all, other singers have to make money from concerts. He really doesn't need it.

Maybe it won't open after this one is finished. Wouldn't it be regrettable if you don't watch it later?

That's why everyone is so active.

As time goes by, more and more people appear here.

At first, everyone thought that the number of people at noon was already the most, but it was just an appetizer.

The most intuitive feeling is that every hour, people here will feel that the temperature rises a lot and the range of activities will shrink a lot.

Originally standing somewhere, I can move around freely.

But every hour, the range of activities is sharply reduced.

To the back, there is almost no range of activities.

The nearby public toilets are bursting, and people in line take photos from the toilet all the way to the gym...

Even men’s toilets have to be lined up for a long time, let alone women’s toilets.

Many people who are eager to urinate see this scene, and the urine is held back...

Today, many e-sports players have also come here one after another. Jian Cheng, factory director, Great God, Wu Wu Kai, PDD, Xu Xu Bao, they all came to the scene.

All the well-known players who knew Jiang Siming in the e-sports circle showed up. Because they were in the same industry, Jiang Siming was quite generous in their requests for votes and gave two or three tickets.

They also brought their family members or girlfriends here to watch.

"Ya'eryo, is this the face of my Myojin? It's so terrifying!" PDD's first sentence when he came here.

"Just kidding, how can my brother Jiang be small? For a personal concert of 10w+, which top-tier singer can surpass it?" Wuwukai showed a proud look.

UU on the side rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Don't make it as if it was your concert."

"Puppy, your life is too moist after you retired. I remember that you were on a yacht on vacation the day before yesterday, and came to see the concert today." The director smiled and vomited.

Jane's proud and chubby face was full of smiles, and said: "You are here too, Coach Ming."

Baby Xu Xu on the other side was busy taking photos with his wife.

In short, today is also a grand event in the gaming circle.

Jiang Siming's three live broadcast rooms of Yu, Mouya and Twitch are all open, and the live broadcast is this concert.

Generally speaking, concerts are not allowed to be broadcast live, after all, it will affect future concert sales.

Many fans are reluctant to buy tickets when watching live broadcasts.

But Jiang Siming is different. The whole process is broadcast live. This concert is held for fans. As for the next concert, there will be fewer people, let it go!

In these three live broadcast rooms, the number of online viewers is tens of millions!

Fans who can't buy tickets are excited and don't want them. Myojin really loves them and doesn't forget to broadcast live for them.

"Fuck, I grabbed it for more than half a month. I couldn't get the ticket at 12 o'clock every morning. I can only watch the live broadcast, Gan!"

"I was even more miserable. I was deceived by the scalper for more than two thousand yuan, only to find out that it was a fake ticket."

"Don't say it, don't say it, I don't want to do anything today, I just want to wait here to see the Myojin concert."

"I seem to see pdd!"

"Five to five!"

"Speaking of the aerial photography technology is so good, so clear, and it is shaking at all, just like watching a blockbuster film."


In this live broadcast, Jiang Siming sent his Xiaoxian out for the whole live broadcast.

Xiaoxian's shooting skills need to be said, leverage!

[Author's digression]: First more~~

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