I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1638: I'm afraid he is menopausal~

Jiang Siming, who finished singing the first song, showed a smile to everyone.

Is this a solo concert? It feels... really good!

As soon as "Luzhou Moon" stopped, another melodious music rang.

The audience heard it and fry the pan again.

"Little Love Song"! ! !

"This is a simple little love song."

"Sing the twists and turns of people."

"I think I am very happy when you have your warmth."

"The air at your feet has turned."


At the beginning of the light, 100,000 people once again sang along with Jiang Siming.

This kind of concert in which every song can be sung from the beginning to the end may only appear in the singers of heavenly kings.

Jay Chou, Lin Sansui, doctors, etc., songs of people like these will make everyone remember so clearly.

Generally, their concerts are also the first chorus.

But you must know that it took them nearly two decades to achieve this achievement.

But Jiang Siming only took less than a year.

From this point, it was one head higher than them.

When the chorus arrived, Jiang Siming took off the pole microphone and walked slowly from the center of the stage to the auditorium.

At this time, a high platform automatically rises on the stage, like an extension outside the field.

Because the high platform is made of transparent tempered glass, it is blinded by the lights and looks like walking in the air.

Brings shocking visual effects to the audience.

Red windbreaker, silver and white hair, this 27-year-old boy is so dazzling and dazzling at the concert of 100,000 people!

Everyone also noticed that the microphone in Jiang Siming's hand is so cool, it is pure blue, and it is even inlaid with crystal-style decorations.

Sitting in the front row of the infield, Jay Chou and Lin Sansui knew at a glance that this microphone was not a normal product, it should be customized.

Many popular singers actually have customized microphones, which are expensive, and the cheapest ones cost hundreds of thousands.

It's just that everyone didn't pay attention to this, they were listening to the song wholeheartedly.

"you know..."

Jiang Siming only opened the chorus head and boldly stretched the microphone to the audience. It was not a fake singing.

A hundred thousand spectators sang in unison:

"Even if the heavy rain turns the city upside down."

"I will give you a hug."

"Can't bear to see you coming from behind."

"Write down the lisao that I can't survive every second."


This time, the chorus resonated even more with Jiang Siming's microphone.

At the beginning, this song was popular all over the country, with "Little Love Songs" and "Luzhou Moon" everywhere.

It's just that after a year, the heat at the very beginning dissipated, and it seemed that the song was no longer popular, but the heat that it settled down, in fact, has not diminished at all.

Because in everyone's musical memory, these two songs look like they were heard yesterday.

Of the audience watching the live broadcast, 99% of them sang in front of the screen.

Even if they feel that they are not happy enough, they are all frantically brushing the barrage.

There is only one type of barrage, and that is the lyrics.

Everyone brushed the barrage into lyrics, which represented their hearts following the chorus at this time.

"Even if the whole world is kidnapped by loneliness."

"I can't run either."

"In the end, everyone is old."

"Write me... the time and the sound of the piano... the castle!!!"


In the last paragraph, Jiang Siming specifically sang with a higher decibel than the original singing before, which pushed the atmosphere of the concert to a higher point.

After singing the two songs, Jiang Siming did not immediately start the next one, but stood on the air ladder and looked at the audience with a smile.

"It is a great honor to stand here and to see so many audiences gathered here to listen to my concert."

Jiang Siming spoke proudly and raised the microphone in his hand to everyone.

"Have you seen this microphone? It looks good. This microphone is actually a gift I received today. It was customized for me by my fans. It also has a nice name, Sky Blue."

Hearing this, everyone was envious, including Zhou Dong and Lin Sansui, all a little greedy.

Why didn't they receive such a great gift? They have received a lot of gifts, but they have never confiscated custom microphones from fans.

Singing with it must be super feeling and state.

It must be that the state of these two songs just sung by Jiang Siming will know that they sound better than the previous recorded version.

"Today is the first concert in my life. Although I don't know if it will be held in the future, at least I can assure you that I will never leave the music scene. I will continue to create new songs for everyone in the future until you get tired of listening. So far."

These words made all fans excited.

"Never get tired of listening!!!" The fans answered in unison.

How can Jiang Siming's songs get bored?

Fans will only be afraid that Jiang Siming will gradually withdraw from the music scene. After all, starting this year, Jiang Siming has only written a few new songs.

Compared with last year, it is simply incomparable.

A fan joked: "Last year's Jiang Siming wrote a song like a high-yielding sow, this year is like a dystocia... (laughing and crying

Some fans added: "If you have a dystocia, you will have a dystocia. At least he is still giving birth, I'm afraid he won't have a menopause... (cover his face

Now that Jiang Siming said that, the stone in everyone's heart was finally let go.

As long as you can always listen to Jiang Siming's songs, even if he produces one capital a year, he is happy.

Jiang Siming smiled and shouted: "Just say this to you, what song you want to listen to, just order it!"

""The Enemy"!"

""old boys"!"

""Slowly like you"!"

""Night Sky"!"


The audience yelled, Jiang Siming had no choice but to randomly draw a number and choose a lucky female fan.

The female fan clicked on the song "Elegant and Popular".

Then the band began to play the accompaniment of "Elegance and Popular Appreciation".

Jiang Siming also sang this song faithfully.

"Whether every play can be seen in its entirety."

"How unforgettable every day is."

"The sluggish expression may be because I like to think."

"Not good at eyebrow expression."


This song is not like the audience of "Little Love Song" and "Luzhou Moon" just now.

But there are still a large number of fans who sing along.

Don't ask, ask is that they bought tickets to sing to Myojin, that's how wayward!

"They will soon write a love song of elegance and common appreciation."

"It's easier to sing when you write vividly."

"Go to the hall and go to the kitchen."

"Like the girl I've been looking for."


Before listening, and now listening.

There are two feelings.

Listen online and listen live.

It is a completely painless experience.

Jiang Siming's singing skills are still so superb, and his singing voice is still so magnetic and clear.

After singing "Elegance and Popular Appreciation", Jiang Siming did not stop and continued to sing the four songs "Walking Horse", "Rival", "Slowly Like You" and "Night Sky".

The entire concert has become a sea of ​​music.

The sky in Shanghai finally dimmed, and it was dark.

But in the stadium, it looked like a forest full of fireflies, and it looked like a night sky full of stars.

All light sticks waving!

[Author's digression]: First more~~

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