I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1647: Cut the throat

"Hahahaha, how can mortals kill gods? You can't kill me!"

Ainilu laughed loudly, flashing horrible electric lights all over.

Jiang Siming looked at him, suddenly showing a chill: "Really?"

Anillu just wanted to speak, but found that the sword energy left in his body was running around in his heart!

After a few breaths, the sword energy containing the true energy of the foundation cut Ainilu's heart again!

And this time, it was a crushing cut!

Ainilu was shocked and hurriedly used electrotherapy again to restore the wound.

What made him stunned was that the wound cut by Jian Qi could no longer heal.

And his vitality is quickly fading.

"What did you do to me? Bastard!"

Ainilu was in horror, and even his power was rapidly draining.

Jiang Siming calmly retracted the Magic Sword Thousand Blades, and said to him: "Don't be so ambiguous, it will cause everyone to misunderstand, just wait for death slowly."

Ainilu was frightened and angry, seeing that death was imminent, he was also willing to fight.

Strike the Gouyu drum behind him continuously with both hands.

"Two hundred million volts Thor!"

Ainilu, who knew he was about to die, still wanted to pull Jiang Siming as a backstop.

Use his strongest ultimate move.

As soon as the drums stopped, Ainilu became an ancient **** of thunder.

To be precise, it is the phantom of Thor.

Covering the sky and the sun, almost the entire world is covered by thunderclouds.

The Thunder God, incarnation of Anilu, stretched out his huge palm, and his palm contained a monstrous blow!

This palm, as if falling from the sky, with endless pressure, pressed towards Jiang Siming's head.

However, Jiang Siming did not take this hand seriously.

Is 200 million volts very leathery?

Please, any lightning in the sky usually exceeds 500 million volts.

The volt of Super Lightning is over 100 billion.

Jiang Siming's Thunder Tribulation during the Nascent Soul Stage had more power than super lightning, let alone this kind of 200 million volt current.

In Jiang Siming's eyes, it was a small spark.

The reason why he was numb when he was electrocuted just now was because he didn't pay attention and his realm was too low, so he didn't have time to defend.

But now.

Jiang Siming said, how about just letting you stand and let you get electricity!

The giant thunder palm was like the palm of the Tathagata covering the Monkey King, and it hit Jiang Siming!

Jiang Siming didn't run away, didn't even do a defense with a sword, so he stared straight at the thunder palm and hit him.

"Big Brother Jiang!"

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates were in a hurry.

Nami directly wanted to rush over to save Jiang Siming, but fortunately, Robin caught her in time.

This thunder light shocked the world and completely surprised the members of the straw hat group.

It turns out that there are still such powerful people in the world, and if this palm is placed on any of them, it is estimated that they will die on the spot.

Ainilu laughed madly: "Before I die, you will definitely die before me! Maybe if you die, the wound in my body will heal again. After all, you can't beat God!"

After that, Ainilu’s Thunder Palm successfully landed, completely covering Jiang Siming, who had nowhere to escape!

In an instant, the electric light was wanton, like a ferocious ancient behemoth, about to tear Jiang Siming to pieces.

The python, which was still struggling with Luffy in his stomach, accidentally broke into the thunder and lightning area, only to get a little touched.

The giant python's scales are as solid as iron, and it becomes coke!

The giant python also fell straight, no longer living.

Seeing this power, the people in the straw hat group took a breath.

Sauron used a sword to chop this giant python before, and they could not cut through the giant python's scales with all their abilities.

But now, just die after a little bit of thunder and lightning?

How hard will Jiang Siming, who is at the center, be hit? The smoke disappears...

"Big Brother Jiang!"

Nami cried with rain, and even pleaded with Robin: "Robin, please, let me go, woo..."

Although Robin couldn't bear it, he calmly said, "Let you go now, you will definitely die, and you can't do anything else."

At this time, Rem and Ram came over and said to Nami, "Sister Nami, it's okay. We and my brother are telepathic. If he is in danger, we can feel it right away."

"Is it true..." Nami didn't believe it.

"Well, don't worry, sister Nami, brother is not so easily defeated."

Hearing this, Nami also temporarily stabilized, but still stared at the center of the thunderous battlefield.

Ainilu was laughing wildly, and he believed that Jiang Siming would definitely die.

"At this time, do you regret that you have been against God? There is no regret medicine in the world, so you can go to **** with unwillingness and regret!"

After Anilu finished speaking, the thunder and lightning gradually disappeared, and the center of the field gradually returned to tranquility.

"This... this is impossible!"

Anilu seemed to have seen a very horrified picture, staring at everything in front of him with canthus.

I saw where Jiang Siming stood just now, but he is still there, just standing there without moving.

There were no traces of electrical injuries all over the body, as if the lightning just didn't go to him at all.

It even made Ainilu wonder if Shizui hadn't released a big move at all.

"I said you have been there all the time."

Jiang Siming moved and walked slowly towards Aini Road with his sword in his hand.

"Impossible, why do you have nothing, impossible! I don't believe it!"

Ainilu was almost crazy, his strongest blow could not hurt Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming smiled, 200 million volts sounded bluffing, but in fact, compared with the thunder disaster he endured, it was not even a small spark.

Even though his state is very low now, it stands to reason that even such a small spark is enough for him to drink a pot.

Let alone electrocution, at least some injuries are certain.

But... Lao Jiang... he has a magical weapon!

The Ten Thousand Dragon Armor he wore was not just for fun.

After the increase, the Wanlongjia can survive even the Thunder Tribulation of the Yuan Ying Period, let alone such a small spark.

Hit it without even reacting at all.

There is no limit to the orange fragments, but according to Jiang Siming's strength, although the foundation period is very weak, it is still easy to urge Wanlongjia to protect himself.

It was just because of lack of power, Wan Long Jia would not come out without urging.

But Jiang Siming later discovered that even if there was a Wanlongjia, he could not escape the electric shock of the mine detector...

This thing seems to have specifically asked him to power him. It may be because of the detection of such a large mineral deposit. In general, Jiang Siming also made a price.

Alas, it's just a sentence anyway, no electricity...

Seeing Jiang Siming approaching step by step, Ainilu, who has always been a god, has endless fear in his heart.

He wants to escape! Want to escape quickly!

Ainilu immediately urged the last remaining electricity, wanting to escape far away.

But when he appeared to run away, he was already caught by Jiang Siming. He was not given a chance, and he was one step ahead.

One sword. Cut your throat!


I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival! Eat more rice dumplings, eat more vegetables, and have to go to dinner with sake~ I didn’t go home, so I could only make it difficult for the next restaurant, hehe

[Author's digression]: First more~

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