I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1649: Mini Roulette

After leaving the sky island, the Meri returned to the ocean for the next destination.

Because the Golden Meri has been damaged too many times during this period, and the damage is severe, the straw hat group decided to go to the water capital famous for the shipbuilding industry to repair the Meri.

Jiang Siming actually knew that the Meili was no longer working.

But he didn't say that the Merley itself was just a small sailing ship, sailing all the way from the village of West Robb into the great sea route is already incredible.

Coupled with the battles and experiences that the Straw Hats have encountered all the time, the Merley can no longer stalk them far.

They needed a new ship, the Wanli Sunshine, which was replaced after the Straw Hat regiment.

It would take at least two months to sail away from the city of water. Jiang Siming fulfilled the agreement promised to Nami, but did not leave the copy.

Instead, he stayed on the ship for many days.

At the same time, he is also trying to trigger other tasks.

The brown shards that had previously been rewarded for killing Anilu remained useless on him, not that it was useless, but it was not time yet.

"Pick up [Small Duplicate Roulette] brown fragments*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Small Dungeon Roulette]: The branch copy series, other small copies can be added before the main copy is over.

There will be no time loss concept for small copies, but the time for each small copy is very short. After the end, it takes 30 days to wait for the next small copy.

The refresh time of the first small copy is still 7 days.

This is the new brown fragment that Jiang Siming got, a function that can add a copy.

Generally speaking, before Jiang Siming has cleared a dungeon, the next dungeon will not appear.

The three copies of Yitian, Doomsday, and Three Kingdoms were all passed by Jiang Siming one by one.

Currently "One Piece" is not over, Jiang Siming himself cannot go to the next copy.

But now, there is a small instance of Roulette, which means that he can enter other instances before One Piece ends.

Of course it is all voluntary, because these small copies are randomly brushed, and there will be no punishment whether they go or not.

And the explanation above is that small copies will not have the concept of time passing, but they also have side effects.

That is, the small copy will not be archived and will disappear when it is over.

And each small copy will only have a random fragment, which needs to be found by Jiang Siming himself, and is no longer given in the form of a task.

Last but not least, the property in the small copy cannot be brought back to reality.

It seems that the small copy is not very attractive to Jiang Siming.

But let's look at the copy first. If it is interesting, Jiang Siming still wants to go in and see.

"Hahaha, look at this fish I caught, which is bigger than yours!"

"Nonsense, my fish is the biggest!"


The dispute between Luffy and Usopp interrupted Jiang Siming's thoughts. The two were fishing on the edge of the deck, and Chopper was the referee.

Sanji is processing the fish they catch and stewing fish soup at night.

Sauron was still the same, cultivator mad and sleep mad, either cultivating or sleeping.

Nami was teaching Ram to paint, and she would peek at Jiang Siming from time to time.

Robin is leading Rem to read, and Robin is very fond of Rem.

Originally, Chopper was her favorite, but now the existence of Ram and Rem makes Robin the most caring about them.

After all, Robin is as old as Jiang Siming, and the love of the older sister for the younger sister is the most unstoppable.

Jiang Siming got up from the chair and walked to the kitchen.

"Sanji, let me help you. How about I cook tonight?"

"Of course, I want to learn more about Brother Jiang's cooking skills. I'll give you a hand."

"No problem, I will teach you a new dish today, Dongpo meat."

As soon as Jiang Siming entered the kitchen, Luffy was about to jump up happily outside.

I can have a big meal made by Brother Jiang again tonight!

Only Nami is half happy and half disappointed, because Jiang Siming will cook a meal for everyone before leaving.

Cooking, which means that Brother Jiang is leaving to practice again.

At night, the straw hat group ate a delicious meal of Dongpo meat on the boat and drank several bottles of scented red wine brought by Jiang Siming from the ring.

This red wine is made by Jiang Siming's winery. Most of the wine in One Piece is fruit wine and sake.

Although it tastes good, it has a mediocre strength and tasteless.

As soon as this red wine was taken out, Sauron poured it out without two bottles...

Seeing that everyone was full and drunk at the table.

Jiang Siming smiled bitterly, and he would have stopped drinking them.

They are all drunk now, and he has to help them carry them back to the room.

Jiang Siming got up and carried Luffy and them back to their room one by one.

Ram and Rem drank too much, Jiang Siming was still muttering when he picked them up: Keep drinking~Cheers~

Jiang Siming became very angry and put the two little guys into his bed to sleep.

He wants to leave anyway, let Ram and Rem sleep.

Jiang Siming still didn't plan to send them back, mainly because they both liked it here, and there was nothing to do when they went back.

So they all begged Jiang Siming to keep them.

Jiang Siming had no choice but to agree.

And each of them wore a spin-off of Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, even Nami and Robin.

After all, they are going to wrestle in the dangerous world of One Piece, this armor is the most suitable for them.

Finally, if you carry everyone back, Nami is the only one left.

As soon as Jiang Siming picked up Nami from the sofa, she woke up.

In the restaurant where only Jiang Siming and Nami were left, the two looked at each other. In the end, Nami couldn't help but mustered her courage to offer a sweet kiss.

In the end, fortunately, Jiang Siming's willpower was firm enough to not eat this alluring little thief cat.

Be patient and eat it when it's cooked...

Although he didn't "eat" him, Jiang Siming didn't lose to himself, and he didn't do anything less.


After exiting the copy, the day is still dark.

Jiang Siming had lost his sleep, ran into the treasure house and put this huge golden pillar in!

This golden pillar still occupies a lot of space in his universe ring, and must be taken out.

The thirty-ton golden pillar was placed in the innermost treasure house by Jiang Siming.

These 30 tons of gold are at least worth tens of billions.

Gold alone is so expensive, let alone the golden pillar of craftsmanship.

Put the golden pillars away, and put all the cultural relics and antiques given by the pirate bounties from the competition during this time.

The map of the location of the shipwreck of the Lady Atoka was also placed in it. There is no time to look for it now, let's talk about it later.

Jiang Siming added a large number of treasures to his treasury.

If we continue at this speed, in a few years, Jiang Siming’s treasure house will definitely become a more powerful existence than the Louvre and the Forbidden City.

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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