I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1656: Here comes a master insider

The people who were beaten to the ground by Jiang Siming all suffered serious injuries, the lightest of which had to be broken ribs.

In the medical area under the ring, stretchers and beds were not enough. In the end, there was no alternative but to let the injured lie on the lawn for treatment.

The seriously injured first sent an ambulance to the hospital.

About half of the remaining challengers began to retreat in their hearts.

Now even anyone who is stupid knows that Jiang Siming is definitely a master of Chinese martial arts, and a very strong master.

More than fifty challengers were beaten to the ground, and they didn't even hit Jiang Siming with a single punch.

"The 59th challenger, domestic Sanda celebrity Xu Dong."

After the referee, a man walked up the stage nervously, watching Jiang Siming, who was sweating and panting, his original idea of ​​surrendering was gradually replaced.

Seeing Jiang Siming's appearance, he must have been exhausted.

If he could take this opportunity to knock him off, wouldn't he be famous in the world?

Thinking of this, Xu Dong plucked up his courage and began to jump around in the ring, pretending to be.

Jiang Siming raised his head at this time, looking at him with mischievous eyes, moved lightly, and walked towards him.

Perceiving the danger, Xu Dong subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to surrender.

But before he could lift his hand, he flew out of the field like a broken kite...


The audience booed from the audience.

The boo is of course not for Jiang Siming, but for Xu Dong.

Needless to say, someone kicked by Jiang Siming, the representative is all a Hunzi Caiqi.

There is no corner in the audience, and two voices are communicating softly.

"Why is this guy holding this kind of competition? Isn't this an adult bullying a child? This group of people don't even have internal strength, how could it be his opponent." Huo Wu chewed on bubble gum and vomited a bubble.

"His purpose is very simple, to promote national martial arts. From his starting point, this is indeed a good thing." The ice beauty next to her said.

"Then you don't have to act like that. You see that he is acting like that, he looks almost exhausted, please, can these people add enough money to play with one hand?" Huo Wu vomited.

"If he doesn't act like this, everyone will think he is playing a fake match."

"Hey, when did you speak for him like this? Wouldn't you like him too?" Huo Wu asked with a smile.

A strange color flashed across Bing Beauty's face, and then immediately rolled her eyes and said quietly, "Don't forget the task the teacher gave us."

When Huo Wu heard it, her head suddenly drooped.

The two of them stopped talking, as if there was something unspeakable.

As soon as Xu Dong fell, the remaining champ challengers couldn't sit still anymore, and they all confessed to the boxing certificate that they would not challenge anymore.

"Sorry, it was said in the agreement that once challenged, if one party wants to concede defeat, it must obtain the other's consent. In other words, unless Jiang Siming opens his mouth to agree to your surrender, you can surrender and surrender."

Quan Zheng looked at them in disgust and said, those who surrender without a fight have no backbone at all, especially as a person in the martial arts world, they despise it even more.

The news was passed to Jiang Siming, who refused without thinking.

The remaining gangsters were pale, just thinking about the scene of Jiang Siming kicking other people, the appearance of rolling down from the ring is enough to make their legs and feet tremble.

"Jiang God please, let us go, we know we were wrong, and we don't dare to bluff and deceive anymore."

The frightened **** pleaded with Jiang Siming in the audience.

Jiang Siming glanced at them contemptuously and said: "You can surrender, stand on stage yourself, and vowed that you will not participate in any martial arts-related activities from today, and you will not appear in the public view, including any channels such as online and live broadcasts. Once I find out, I will hit you all over looking for teeth."

When these people heard it, their faces paled.

Unexpectedly, I was so happy that I thought I could come here to show my face and gain a bit of popularity, but it evolved into this ending.

Withdrawing from the martial arts industry for life is tantamount to confiscating their ability to make money.

But if you don't surrender, you have to be beaten. Looking at the **** who were beaten before, none of them were slightly injured.

At least two years of hospitalization start.

Jiang Siming didn't even consider the fact that they were all Chinese people, and they were more fierce than other masters.

For no other reason, he insulted Huaxia Kungfu at them, and at what they liked to behave in a humble position, Jiang Siming made up his mind to cut it down today.

When these **** hesitated, a voice suddenly stood up to speak for them.

"This is too much, what other people rely on to make money, as long as they don't violate the law, can you manage it?"

The speaker was a middle-aged man in a Tang suit, who appeared to be in his fifties, with a public face, a mustache, and his temples bulging out.

A arrogant attitude.

Jiang Siming could tell at a glance that this person was a master of the inner family, which surprised him a bit. He didn't expect that there would be a master of the inner family among the challengers.

He thought they were all weak chickens, of course, in Jiang Siming's eyes, the inner masters were also weak chickens.

It's just that compared with the two weak chickens, the weak chicken of internal kung fu is a bit stronger.

"I don't care about making money, but insulting China Kungfu is no good. They can also choose to challenge me, as long as they have a bit of backbone."

After Jiang Siming had finished speaking, all the **** gritted their teeth at him, clenched their fists, and wanted to rush to beat him.

The eight-character Hu man sneered: "Don't use this kind of grandiose reason, I think you Jiang Siming is also a man of reputation. If you want to find this kind of weak chicken, you can fight with me!"

"Are you sure?" Jiang Siming raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"I'm sure and sure!"

After the eight-character Hu man finished speaking, the whole person jumped several meters high, and he stepped on the arena close to three meters high, as if he had been hung under pressure.

Everyone exclaimed, could this be light work?

Foreign reporters even pointed at Hu Nan, trying to find out if there is really invisible coercion behind him.

But they looked around and found nothing.

In the corner, the humming sound appeared again.

"Why is this person a bit familiar, wait for me to check the information." Huo Wu said and wanted to check the phone.

"No need to check, I recognize it, Shi Guoyou, a murderer at large 15 years ago." Bingmei said.

"Damn, I just said I met him somewhere, do you want to arrest someone immediately?"

"No, he will help us beat him down."

"That said, keep watching, it's exciting, hehe."


"Referee, can I challenge him directly? I don't want to wait anymore."

Hu Nan came to the stage to question the referee.

The referee was also stunned by his hand just now, and said anxiously: "I'm afraid I have to seek the opinion of the lord."

"I have no opinion." Jiang Siming opened his mouth and came.

Hu Nan smiled and gave Jiang Siming a thumbs up, saying:

"Just at this point, I respect you as a man. When you fight for a while, don't worry, I will only take off your arm."


[Author's digression]: First more~

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