I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1669: College Entrance Examination Certificate

When Jiang Siming came over, the two remaining RNG just escaped.

Naturally, TL was reluctant to get the two points, and hurriedly chose to shoot at the escaped RNG, wanting to shoot the two men down.

They didn't even have time to make up for the two who fell to the ground by RNG.

Jiang Siming happened to rush over from the road behind them at this time.

The two of RNG fell in the middle of the road, obviously they could climb away, but neither of them moved.

They don't actually know who came after, but they were attacked by TL. Of course, they attributed their anger to TL.

After all, if you are shamed by someone, you will definitely be upset, and would rather give up your head to others.

So the two of them fell in the middle of the road very cooperatively, letting the cars behind them rush over!

"There seems to be a car behind...wait a minute..."

One of the TLs who heard the sound of the car looked back and was shocked. He yelled as if he had been electrocuted.


At the same time, he wanted to hurry up and make up these two RNG people. The tragedy is that there is no bullet in his gun!

The car that just swept the XDD was gone, and the man hurriedly changed the magazine.

However, they could only watch the two jeeps run over the handsome and handsome their bodies and walk away.

"Oh! NO!"

The TL people all reacted now, and everyone wailed.

The two heads that were finally ambushing were so easily picked up, and everyone wanted to scold their mother.

The Chinese audience, like Jiang Siming, were happy to bloom, picking up their heads for nothing.

Especially the TL that I picked up is comfortable!

"The player [4AM_Ming] used a vehicle to kill the player [RNG_ShuaiShuai]"

"The player [4AM_Ming] used a vehicle to kill the player [RNG_Rain]"

After seeing this reminder, TL was taken aback for a moment, and then even more angry.

The defeated general dare to **** their heads!

"Call me!"

The people of TL didn't need to give orders, and their guns were all directed at Jiang Siming's jeep.

However, the jeep had escaped the most dangerous shooting range and ran to the front.

Although the tire was blown out, Jiang Siming didn't feel distressed at all because the Jeep was out of gas.

Jiang Siming, who got out of the car, danced towards the TL behind him the moment he got off the car.

But the dance disappeared in a flash, and the others had already hid.

But the people at TL can see it clearly, that's an angry one in their heart!

Taking the heads and daring to dance and taunt them as the four of them, this must be killed again by the defeated general!

The four are determined to kill Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming hid and took a moment to look at the fragments given by RNG's people.

"Pick up [College Entrance Examination Certificate] golden fragments*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[College Entrance Examination Certificate]: One-time consumables, you can use this certificate to participate in the college entrance examination invigilation. All students who are invigilated by you will receive the greatest encouragement and perform their best.

There will be no rewards for this certificate. It is purely for encouraging college entrance examination students and can be used or not.


Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, there are still such fragments.

It's purely a piece of helping others.

But this is a favor, Jiang Siming helped!

It's not bad to be able to help the kids in the college entrance examination.

It seems that there are still a few days to go to the college entrance examination. I hope that this year's senior high school children will perform well, and then your brother Jiang will go to as many examination rooms as possible (sunglasses laugh).

Let's get TL up first.

The enraged TL obviously refused to let Jiang Siming go, and the four of them got on the car one after another, planning to round up Jiang Siming and kill him!

Among them, Jam honked his horn arrogantly.

Dance right? I just honked the horn, what can you do with me?

The European and American commentators laughed and said, "Ming angered Jam. It seems that Jam is not afraid of Ming at all."

As soon as the utterance of this explanation fell, in the camera, Jiang Siming's gun was directed at the car that honked the horn as a hello!

The sound of the horn stopped abruptly, and someone rolled out of the car, it was Jam.

The European and American commentators were silent for three seconds.

The same silence is still TL.

Jam, who was arrogantly shouting and honking the horn, was the first to be silent.

Jiang Siming looked puzzled and said something heartbreaking:

"These guys don't really think they can do it?"

After that, Jiang Siming used the [Exclusive Airdrop] smoothly.

And whispered to his teammates: "Before the short head falls, all four of them will have to die."

After speaking, Jiang Siming's hands began to operate.

Although Jam was knocked down, other people's cars in TL have started to detour around Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming calmly removed G145, and first sealed smoke bombs at the two most unfavorable locations with bunkers.

TL intends to occupy these two positions.

But as soon as they arrived, these two positions were all covered by white smoke.

At this time Jiang Siming was not in a hurry, and there was even time to point his gun at Jam who fell on the ground.

"Fucky! Don't kill...Fu*K!"

Jam did not expect that there were three other people beside Jiang Siming who dared to make up for him.

He was so angry that he slapped his keyboard fiercely in the players' stand and was almost punished by the referee.

"The three of you must kill him. If you can't do it, I may not be angry with him. The boxing I practiced for three years is not a joke."

Jam said wryly.

The referee behind him laughed after listening, and challenged Jiang Siming? Three years of boxing?

This fool is afraid that he doesn't watch the news at all.

But Ibiza and the others were busy rounding up Jiang Siming, and they didn't hear what Jam was talking about.

Their mentality is actually similar to that of Jam, thinking that since they can kill Jiang Siming once, they can kill him a second or third time.

So the three of them have nothing to fear.

The encircling line has been formed, but it is a pity that Jam is dead and missing a mouth.

But three on one is enough.

Ibiza found the best rifle range position and couldn't help but shoot Jiang Siming after getting off the car.

Jiang Siming, who was replacing the 98K bullet, saw Ibiza, he already started to move, dodges his steps back and forth.

Ibiza's bullets missed the target.

Jiang Siming, who pushed the peanuts up again, shot him, Ibiza thought he was hitting him, and hurriedly retracted.

But this shot Jiang Siming was not at him at all, but at his teammates.

Sam also fell, and TL started to panic now.

Why so fast... half of the people fell.

The European and American audience held their breath and looked at the screen nervously.

They were still comforting in their hearts: it was okay, the last one killed Ming in a two-on-one game, this time it must be fine too!

Ibiza and Jeby were left, they swallowed, then turned on the microphone to communicate.

"I counted three times, and we shot at the same time!"

"it is good."

Ibiza's hand subconsciously squeezed the mouse, but he never sweated the mouse this time.

After reading the three counts, the two of them prodded out of their bunkers in every second, but Jiang Siming's figure disappeared in place.

Both of them had a cold back at the same time.

It seems to hear Lucian's lines: death, knocking on the door!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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