I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1671: Want to beat Jiang Siming?

Jiang Siming didn't expect that the last piece of him would be the last piece of him (crying).

If he knew, he would definitely spend more time looking for someone, even if it was for nothing.

4AM, which easily won the chicken, once again became the focus of the scene. This time it was the turn of the Huaxia audience to celebrate.

Long-lost celebration, this is, compared to European and American audiences, it only celebrates once in two years.

The Chinese audience said, oh, I haven’t celebrated for a week, it feels like a long time.

4AM kills 28 enemies in total, which is 28 points.

The poison circle refreshed the sixth wave, 6 points, plus 10 points for eating chicken, a total of 44 points.

And in this one, the 17 team performed very well, they took second place and scored 25 points.


NO.1.. [4AM].. [47+26+12+44//129 points].. [eat chicken x2]

NO.2..【TL】..【21+24+28+0//70 points】..【Eat chicken x2】


NO.3..【STK】..【16+18+17+16//67 points】


【Personal List】:

NO.1..【4AM_Ming】..【74 Kills】..【13868 Damage Value】

NO.2..【TL_Ibiza】..【16 kills】..【3835 damage value】

NO.3..【4AM_Fengz】..【13 kills】..【1587 damage value】

NO.4.【4AM_Godv】..【11 kills】..【1111 damage value】


Team 17 and TL have the same name, and STK is coming from behind and is already catching up.

These two teams have thoroughly implemented the style far away from Jiang Siming, so the score progress is very steady.

TL's scores for eating two chickens were almost surpassed and lost by this duck.

The first audience actually knows it, unless the last TL or 17 scores 59 points, it may exceed 4AM.

And it has to be the case when 4AM gives the duck eggs for nothing.

59 points. Excluding the 16 points for eating chicken and the finals, they have to kill 43 in the last...

"I have already thought about it. I will grab a C4 and get on the plane in the next start, and then grab the 4AM championship."

17shou laughed and said, his teammates laughed and said you are dreaming.

"I heard that Idol Lin is going to watch our game on the spot, saying that we are playing well, and there is no need to change the staff, so he came to cheer for us on the spot," Dajing said expectantly.

17shou nodded happily, and said: "No need to think about the first one. It's not bad for us to work hard for the next one. Oh, I am in a good mood. Go, find Myojin to eat, and see if he is free."

"I have to accept an interview, go to the lounge and wait."



After eating chicken at 4AM, I naturally had to accept an interview.

They missed the interview stage for the two consecutive people who did not accept the interview.

But Jiang Siming gave Kite this opportunity and let Kite make an appearance.

When Kite returned happily, his teammates were still waiting for her.

"Let's go, call the coach, and eat."

Jiang Siming is fine today and can accompany his teammates to a celebration dinner.

As soon as I walked into the backstage, I ran into Dajing who had hurried over.

"Why Dajing, panicking, has his ID card dropped out of the contestant seat?" Great God asked in doubt.

Dajing said to Jiang Siming anxiously, "Myoshin, why don't you hurry up, someone wants to beat you."

"Huh?" Jiang Siming couldn't believe it.

"It's true, TL's Jam is squatting outside your lounge, saying that there is something to do with you. We think he is vicious, but at first sight, it is okay."

Jiang Siming was silent for two seconds, and then laughed.

Kite and the Great God also laughed.

After the martial arts conference, anyone would dare to beat Jiang Siming?

Is this person's head sitting on the **** of a donkey?

"Dajing, haven't you seen the martial arts conference?" Always happy.

Da Jing was taken aback, and then he slapped his thigh: "Fuck, I forgot about this! Myojin is a master of martial arts!"

"Let's go, let's see why this Jam is here, I just feel itchy hands if I want to fight."

With a cynical smile, Jiang Siming took the lead to walk to the lounge.

They immediately followed the kite, and they all took out their phones to turn on the video.

This is to record evidence for Jiang Siming, in case they fight, they are completely responsible, it is Jiang Siming's legitimate defense.

The group walked to the lounge, where Jam was indeed there, and the coach at 4am was communicating with him to stabilize his mood.

But Jam couldn't hear it at all, and he was still cursing, saying that people of the yellow race were all such rubbish.

When Jiang Siming heard this, he walked directly towards him.

"Hey hey, Lao Jiang, wait and so on, wait for him to do it first." The Great Gods were anxious.

But he couldn't stop Jiang Siming at all, this guy had already walked to Jam.

While Jam was still yelling, one hand squeezed his cheek fiercely and violently pulled it over, and the other hand shook his palm.

One hundred and eighty degrees, whistling towards his face!


This force can be heard at the end of the corridor.

Jam's face was swollen into a bun on the spot by the blow.

Have seen fan slap competitions abroad, Jiang Siming's strength is not lighter than those big fat guys.

This is because he tried his best to control the strength.

After Jam was beaten, his head went blank, and he fell to the ground.

Jiang Siming was still confused and stepped on his face with a size 42 shoe.

Jam was woken up, and after a brief dizziness, there was a sharp pain. He opened his eyes and saw Jiang Siming looking at him condescendingly, with his feet on his face.

"What's wrong with us yellow people? You white pig has a strong sense of superiority?"

Jiang Siming teased, his feet are getting stronger.

At this time, Ibiza, who came to hear the news, hurried over to pull Jiang Siming away, but they didn't help anyway.

"Ming, what are you doing? It's illegal for you to hit someone on purpose!"

Ibiza glared at Jiang Siming, anxiously.

At this time, Kite stood up, opened the video just recorded on the phone with a cold face, and said sarcastically: "Look at what your teammates said first. He is light at hitting like this!"

Ibiza looked at the video on the phone and understood it all at once.

The people who were surrounding him could see clearly, and they all glared at Jam, as if they were going to beat them.

Jam’s original tone was instantly weaker.

"Jam has a bad temper, you guys..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Siming interrupted: "It seems like someone has a good temper. Even if he has a good temper, whoever stipulates that he must bear him?"

Ibiza had no choice but to apologize, but Jiang Siming didn't take this set at all.

"What's the use of your apology? Are you his father? Let him apologize himself." Jiang Siming didn't show any face.

"Yes, let this grandson apologize!"

"Fucking that we yellow people are happy. Say it again, Myojin trampled him to death!"

"I can't beat reality in the waste game and I want to find abuse, owe it!"

"Myojin clean him up!"


Onlookers stood on Jiang Siming's side.

"I was wrong, sorry." Jam immediately admitted.

Jiang Siming was also very trustworthy and put his leg back.

Who knew that Jam had just been helped by his teammates, he suddenly violent! A heavy fist swung to the kite next to him.

He knew that if he couldn't beat Jiang Siming, he would use the kite to vent his anger!


Five shifts~~Huh! Sake this wave of sincerity is okay, please give more support to "Pick the Pieces" and vote~

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