I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1687: 2 billion bounty!

"Tony Tony Chopper: Bounty of 50 Baileys."

When seeing this number, everyone including Jiang Siming began to smile.

It was quite hard to hold back.

In the end, they couldn't hold back, they all burst into laughter.

The happiest laugh was Sanji.

Only Chopper opened his mouth wide and broke down.

"I am also a pirate, I have fought like a man anyway, why my bounty is only 50 Baileys, oh oh oh..."

Chopper cried.

Chopper was indeed miserable, carrying a bounty of 50 yuan, fighting hundreds of millions of dollars.

Jiang Siming must sympathize with it.

"It's okay to come on next time." Jiang Siming comforted.

As expected, Chopper didn't cry, mainly it wanted to see if anyone had a lower bounty, so that it would be more comfortable.

The fourth one is for Robin. She had 80 million Pele when she was eight years old. This time she hasn't changed much. The main Robin's strength has not improved much.

It is mainly her ability to understand historical inscriptions that the Navy is most afraid of.

"Nicole Robin: A 90 million Bailey is offering a bounty!"

The fifth one is Nami, which is also the first time Nami has a bounty.

After Judicial Island demonstrated the ability to sound thunder fruit, Nami became one of the main targets of the navy.

"Nami: A bounty of 130 million Pele!"

"Wow, I'm also a pirate worth 100 million Baileys, hehe!" Nami covered her mouth for fun.

She must have been scared before she changed it. After all, she had no strength.

But now Nami, who has top natural fruits, and Jiang Siming's backing, is not afraid.

If she hadn't used the fruits just now, Nami's bounty would at least double.

The power of the thunder fruit is very famous.

The sixth one is Sanji's turn.

Sanji looked at his bounty with expectation, and wanted to see his handsome photos more.

He is already looking forward to when his appearance is seen screaming and admired by beauties all over the world, that must be the pinnacle of his life!

But when everyone looked up at Sanji's reward order, a handsome face appeared on it.

Sausage mouth, steamed bun face, and funny soaring eyebrows and bullseye.

Not to mention the low-profile version of Sanji, even the original version is not so ugly.

"Heizu Shanzhi, bounty: 80 million Baileys!"

Hmm...wow hahahahahaha...

Everyone present laughed loudly, much louder than when Sanji laughed at Chopper.

"This is not me, this is not me, this is not..."

Sanji was so angry that his body was swaying, and his desire to commit suicide was gone.

It's over, this will be laughed at by women all over the world...

"Sanji cheer up, people should learn to accept." Jiang Siming smiled and comforted.

But Sauron, who was on the side, made up his knife and said, "He is like this."

Sanji's face turned black into coal, and he almost kicked the green algae head to death.

The seventh picture is Usopp. He also successfully entered the navy's vision after getting the fruit of the Thousand Transformation Dragon Eudemons.

"Usopp: Bounty of 70 million Baileys!"

"Frankie: Bounty of 60 million Baileys!"

Finally, Ram and Rem, the two of them are also starting to receive bounty!

"Jiang Ram: Bounty of 80 million Baileys!"

"Jiang Rem: Bounty of 50 million Baileys!"

Everyone is staring at the last reward list, because it must be Jiang Siming's reward.

Everyone is also very curious, how much will the bounty be raised this time for Big Brother Jiang, who defeated eight navy and Qing pheasant generals.

500 million? 600 million? Or 700 million?

When everyone looked at the last reward list, everyone's breathing increased and their heartbeats quivered!

"Jiang Siming: Bounty of 2.01 billion Pele!"

2 billion...a full 2 ​​billion bounty...

Everyone present couldn't help but swallowed at the same time.

This is definitely the highest bounty in the history of the park!

Even Roger, the Pirate King, only had 1.5 billion bounty before he left for the new world!

Before arriving in the New World, Jiang Siming had a reward of 2 billion.

This... it's terrifying!

"Big Brother Jiang is five times my size... I really am still so weak..." Lu Fei looked deeply shocked.

Sauron is very motivated: "This is the goal I want to chase! Brother Jiang, I will definitely surpass you!"

Jiang Siming was also a little surprised at his bounty, but he did not expect that the bounty soared from 300 million to 2 billion.

It seems that the Navy hates itself in the Judicial Island War.

And Jiang Siming found that because of his appearance, the plot of One Piece began to change.

Although not much has changed, the plot and rhythm seem to have accelerated a lot.

Moreover, the total bounty of all their Straw Hat group has already reached 3.27 billion and 50 Baileys.

This bounty, even in the new world, is an absolute heavyweight pirate group.

Such a high bounty will inevitably face more attention from the Navy and the world government.

In the future, their straw hat group will become more dangerous.

Fortunately, although the risk factor has increased, Jiang Siming has also improved everyone's strength, which is not more worrying.

With the farewell of the residents of Water City, the straw hat group finally left on the Wanli Sunshine.

The Wanli Sunshine built by Frankie is bigger than the original one. Because Jiang Siming also participated in the design, he asked Frankie to change the cabin.

That is to say, there is an extra layer, this layer has become the exclusive territory of the female members of the straw hat group. Nami, Robin, Ram and Rem live on the second floor.

Jiang Siming was also taken by them to live on the second floor, completely away from the group of men below.

This made Sanji drool with envy.

So the straw hat group went to the next island, the Chambord Islands.

But before that, they had to pass what Bingberg said was the magic ***, which was the terrifying three-masted sailing ship where Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Wuhai Seas, was located.

With the current strength of the Straw Hat regiment, Jiang Siming didn't have to worry about not being able to defeat Moonlight Moria.

But he still has to go, because there is a disgusting transparent fruit ability inside.

In the original book, he peeked at Nami taking a bath and almost forcibly married Nami as a wife.

Jiang Siming must return to the team on time this time.

In order to prevent himself from missing the time, Jiang Siming also specifically instructed Rem to notify himself when the three-masted sailboat arrived.

The relationship between him and Rem's master and servant can be heart-to-heart.

After making up his mind, Jiang Siming also prepared to leave the copy temporarily.

At this time the sky was already bright, Jiang Siming looked at the time, it was eight o'clock.

Damn, class time is ten o'clock, and there are two hours left.

Jiang Siming quickly got up, washed briefly, and drove to Fudan University.

The auditorium of Fudan University was already full of people at this time.

Thousands of students were recorded in the auditorium, waiting for Jiang Siming's arrival.

Even the students who didn't apply to the martial arts class, they tried their best to come and see.

After all, this is Jiang Siming! Valkyrie! Richest man! singer! The king of gaming!

Wait, each of these titles, which are enough to make young people envious, are all gathered on him, don't you want to see it!


[Author's digression]: First more~

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