I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1692: Nancy is back!

【Shanghai·Seven days·Heavy rain】Modify【Shanghai·Seven days·Sunny】

【Guizhou·Seven Days·Heavy Rain】Modify【Guizhou·Seven Days·Sunny Day】

【Hubei·Seven days·Heavy rain】Modify 【Hubei·Seven days·Sunny day】

【Fujian·Seven days·Typhoon】Modification【Fujian·Seven days·Cloudy】

【Shaanxi·Seven days·Severe heat】Modify【Shaanxi·Seven days·Clouds】


Jiang Siming revised a lot of flooding cities that are occurring and about to occur.

Some cities that have not rained for a long time and are about to face drought are adjusted to moderate rain scale.

After this operation, Jiang Siming spent more than half an hour, and he didn't know he thought he was constipated.

As soon as the adjustment was finished, the heavy rain outside had stopped, and a round of sunshine was shining on the earth.

This is the most suitable day for the college entrance examination today.

Come out of the toilet.

Not long after entering the kitchen, Jiang Siming was ready to cook as usual.

But just about to start, the [Little Prophecy] that hadn't moved for a long time suddenly rang today, as if something was told him.

Jiang Siming immediately activated the [Little Prophecy] and suddenly saw a picture.

In the picture, a bus full of students and their parents is driving on a bridge.

These students are all future people who are about to go to the examination room to start a new chapter in their lives and revenge.

However, when they were expecting to accompany their parents to the examination room, the bus suddenly turned on the bridge, broke through the guardrail, and crashed into the bottomless river!

The car took the cries of the children, plunged into the river, and quickly sank to the bottom!

Jiang Siming couldn't help but feel the pain when he saw this!

Soon, the picture disappeared.

Jiang Siming also received the same backlash as before.

The first time I predicted my subject, this time I predicted a group of children.

Still taking out the fairy beans, Jiang Siming, who recovered his state, quickly turned off the kitchen fire and disappeared into place out of thin air.

When he returned to Shanghai again, Jiang Siming had already come to today's college entrance examination room.

No one knows what he just did.

Only one piece of news from Guizhou City reported one piece of news.

A bus that almost fell into a bridge was about to fall. A gust of wind blew the bridge back to the bridge.

At present, the bus driver has been under criminal detention, and all passengers are safe and sound.

It was found out that the child of the bus driver had committed suicide because of the pressure of the college entrance examination, so today he has a mentality of revenge and is about to face serious criminal law.

Fortunately, there were no casualties. These children and passengers also stabilized their emotions. The news did not cause much sensation.

The first examination room in Shanghai, Jiang Siming, as the invigilator, appeared in the college entrance examination room today.

The effect is even greater. Many parents of candidates are also worried that Jiang Siming will affect their children.

But after the first Chinese test, all the children who were invigilated by Jiang Siming told their parents happily that after seeing Jiang Siming today, their minds became very active and they performed very well in the exam.

It is a pity that Jiang Siming is no longer in the first examination room for the afternoon test.

For two days, Jiang Siming visited all the examination rooms in Shanghai, and also visited several spots in surrounding cities.

But because time is really tight, I can only run as hard as I can.

When the college entrance examination was over, Jiang Siming finally removed the invigilation certificate, An Xinxin continued to be a salted fish at home.

He never likes to leave a name for doing good deeds. It’s really exciting to run after doing it.

Maybe good people have good reports. Just after the college entrance examination, a royal flight from the Swedish royal family escorted Princess Nancy to China.

The Swedish royal family was on holiday recently, so Nancy couldn't wait to come over immediately.

The king and queen were helpless and knew that they had promised Jiang Siming, so they had to send their daughter over.

This time only Nancy came to China, and the royal flight was also sent back.

Only Nancy stayed in China Shanghai.

Jiang Siming picked up her at the airport.

This Nizi has changed into an ordinary dress, carrying a suitcase, just like an ordinary girl.

It's just Nancy's temperament and appearance, even if she is dressed normally, she stands out from the outside, it is difficult not to attract attention.

Fortunately, Jiang Si will arrive early tomorrow morning, otherwise Nancy will have to be asked for contact information by many people.


The moment he saw Jiang Siming, the next second Nancy flew into Jiang Siming's arms.

It may have been too long since it was too long to see each other, and it was difficult to control her feelings. Nancy gave Jiang Siming a sweet kiss on the spot.

The two kissed sweetly at the airport, breaking the hearts of those men who were heart-stricken.

Well, I thought I saw a top-quality foreign girl who came to China for tourism alone, maybe she had the opportunity to take her to China for tourism.

Unexpectedly, they already had someone in China.

"Unexpectedly, I had just done two good deeds and sent Nancy to reward me."

After a while, Jiang Siming put his arms around Nancy and joked.

"Huh? What's the good thing?"

Jiang Siming was speaking Chinese, but Nancy could not understand it.

And it was also in Chinese, and the level was much better than when I left!

"Your Chinese has changed very well!" Jiang Siming praised.

Nancy smiled and said, "I have been working hard to learn Chinese since I went back. I can still recite ancient poems."

"Oh? Really, let me listen to "The Preface of King Teng's Pavilion"."

"This...I won't..." Nancy drooped her head, showing a pitiful begging for mercy.

Jiang Siming laughed and left the airport with her chatting and laughing.

After Nancy returned, she was also warmly welcomed by all the sisters.

However, because the college entrance examination has just ended today, Jiang Siming promised that those children who had the college entrance examination will start broadcasting after the college entrance examination.

So after dinner, the time with Nancy will have to be delayed for several hours.

Jiang Siming started broadcasting honestly.

"It's really on the air! Myojin cowhide!"

"Myojin is really trustworthy, and it will start after the college entrance examination."

"Hey, I seem to have failed the college entrance examination this time."

"I just want to know the answer to the last question of Jiangxi Lizong. I haven't had time to ask."

"I can ask, in English..."

As soon as Jiang Siming started broadcasting, many college entrance examination students were still struggling with questions.

Jiang Siming said very angry: "What questions are you right now? It's the stupidest question after the college entrance examination! Forget all the questions for me. Is it possible that you can go back and change the answer now?"

"Now your task is to have fun for me! Watch live broadcasts, play games, go out for supper, sing, or go on a trip, to find Qin Hao to take you to the mountain!"

Originally, these children were very happy to hear the first few fun events, but when they heard the last one, they didn't feel right.

Mingshen, are you sure you are looking forward to us, can you still live with Qin Hao climbing the mountain...


Three shifts~ I'm finished writing. Sake has to go to the store. See you tomorrow~

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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