I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1694: Chinese martial arts practice class

In addition to the college entrance examination, there is actually another thing in Jiang Siming's family, that is the middle school entrance examination.

Xiaoxiao is already in the third grade and is also in high school this year.

The high school entrance examination is also very important, of course, for Xiaoxiao, she is quite relaxed.

The high school entrance examination is not difficult for her at all.

She doesn't even need to take the exam, because all well-known universities in the country have thrown olive branches at her.

Fudan High School, Tsinghua High School, North China Demonstration High School, Peking University High School, Hengshui High School, etc.

Without exception, these schools all hope that Zhao Xiaoxiao can go to their schools.

And promised that she didn't need to take the entrance examination, she was recommended!

It's a pity that Zhao Xiaoxiao didn't want to go anywhere, and didn't accept a recommendation. He said that it is incomplete if there is no middle school entrance examination.

Jiang Siming and Zhao Xuan also followed her, and similarly, they didn't worry about whether Zhao Xiaoxiao would fail the exam.

This super schoolmaster never has to worry about them in his studies.

She had already learned all of her junior high school knowledge, and now she is almost half of her high school knowledge.

The reason why I didn’t finish it was because I was addicted to practice, otherwise Zhao Xiaoxiao would dare to participate in the college entrance examination this year...

As for which college to choose, Jiang Siming also handed it over to Zhao Xiaoxiao, so that she could plan slowly after the exam.

It is because of the presence of this student, Jiang Siming's home is not at all about the atmosphere of the entrance examination, on the contrary, he is as happy as usual.

Nancy's return made the house a bit more lively.

It was just two days after Nancy came back, her legs were a little floating, and she couldn't walk easily.

They were all tossed by Jiang Siming, huh!

Nancy also knew that Jiang Siming was going to marry them in a month, so she was very happy to'pay'.

Now they all spare two hours every day to discuss wedding matters.

Jiang Siming is also looking forward to the day when he will marry his girlfriends a month later, the scene, just thinking about it, makes my heart beat wildly.

At the same time, in a top-secret factory in Kunshan City, the first batch of sewage purifiers were developed.

This is a milestone progress in China's sewage purification, and represents the future. China's sewage treatment will far exceed other countries!

These processors are exactly the same as the one Jiang Siming took out before, and they are almost equivalent in function.

Jiang Siming was relieved after learning about it, at least he had successfully completed the tasks assigned to him by the elders.

He has hundreds of billions of dollars given by the elders, and it's not enough to keep taking money without doing work.

As soon as these processors came out, they were transferred to the most polluted places in cities, especially the Yellow River Basin.

The treatment of sewage from the Yellow River is of urgency. Ninety cities in the first batch were transferred to treat the Yellow River.

It is still early, but it can be predicted that in the next ten years, the domestic rivers and lakes will become clear and bright, and the water resources environment will also be greatly improved.

Jiang Siming is also very happy, anyway, he has made hundreds of billions, and simply handed over this factory to the state, allowing them to arrange freely.

In fact, if Jiang Siming keeps this factory, the future valuation will be an astronomical figure.

Just selling to foreign countries can make a lot of money, definitely more than the 200 billion that the elders gave.

But Jiang Siming still turned it in directly. Originally, this thing was for the purpose of improving the environment, and it didn't matter whether it made money or not.

It can be regarded as a little Weibo contribution made by his businessman to the society.

For this reason, Jiang Siming's weight in the eyes of the elders has become heavier, and he personally called to thank Jiang Siming for the wave, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

He belonged to the empty glove white wolf, it was just a fragment.

Within two days, because there was nothing wrong with Jiang Siming, he entered Fudan College again to teach.

This time, because Jiang Siming said hello in advance.

Only students in the Chinese martial arts class can watch, so the number is much smaller, but there are still more than a thousand students sitting in the classroom waiting for Jiang Siming to teach.

The professors of the Chinese martial arts class are specially arranged by Fudan University, and they are several times larger than the average large classroom.

One Chinese martial arts is mainly based on theoretical classes, and students need regular activities. The second is that there are a lot of people in Jiang Siming's class, which is why such a large place is arranged.

Jiang Siming discovered after class that the other teachers and students did not come, but Professor Ma Manman was still there.

"That... Teacher Jiang, I also want to learn Chinese martial arts class, can I come and listen?"

Ma Manman is nervous and nervous, she hasn't alleviated what happened last time.

Now I want to hide when I see Jiang Siming, after all, it's too embarrassing.

It's just that Jiang Siming finally had time to come to class, she really didn't want to miss it, so she had to bite the bullet and come over.

She was hiding in the back corner specially, but Jiang Siming discovered her.

Jiang Siming nodded quickly when he heard the words: "Of course. You can come and listen whenever you want."

"Thank you, Teacher Jiang, I will definitely follow you to learn." Ma Manman was delighted.

Jiang Siming didn't say anything, and began to give the students a class in Chinese martial arts.

"The first level of Chinese martial arts is to strengthen the body. That is to say, learning martial arts requires the most basic physique and physical fitness, and secondly requires perseverance. Presumably, the daily substitute teacher has already told you."

"Then next, I want to test your basic skills."

The first learning of Chinese martial arts is physical exercise.

Without a good body and the determination to persist, how could one learn Chinese martial arts.

Fortunately, most of this group of Fudan students have good temperaments, and persistence and self-discipline are not too difficult for them.

After all, people who can be admitted to Fudan University show that they have worked hard in their studies.

But being able to persevere in knowledge does not mean persevering in exercise.

Once Jiang Siming was tested, at least 30% of the students couldn't stick to it.

Those who persisted are all sweating and panting.

This made Jiang Siming frowned.

"Your general physical fitness is still too poor. It's just a small physical test, and you are so tired."

Jiang Siming was a little disappointed, and sure enough, the physical fitness of young people today is too weak.

Just doing fifty squats is so tired, it means that I have never exercised much.

This also strengthened Jiang Siming's determination to promote the national martial arts throughout the country.

With such weak physical fitness, health will become a problem in the future.

Now almost 80 adults are in sub-health state, it is necessary to learn Chinese martial arts and keep fit.

In order for them to have the determination to stick to it, Jiang Siming decided to show both hands.

"Guess how many catties I can lift with one hand?" Jiang Siming asked.

"100 catties!"

"150 pounds!"

"200 catties!"

The students all started to guess.

Jiang Siming smiled lightly: "Then let's try, are there any classmates willing to come up."

"I'm coming~"

"I'm coming too!"

In the crowd, Jiang Siming saw Xia Ran and Lu Yao who raised their hands first, and called them out with a smile.

Then they called out three female classmates and asked them to report their weight.

Five people plus one, good guy, more than six hundred catties.

Jiang Siming asked them to sit at the lecture table, and then lifted the table steadily with one hand!

This scene made all the students look stupid


Two changes today, four changes tomorrow~

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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