I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1705: Just want to be a robber?

Five new heroines have moved into the family, which makes the atmosphere in the family more active.

Yu Fei, Lu Yao, Xia Ran, and Kite, the four girls are okay, they are quiet and shy.

But Eva Arnold's personality is much bolder, not at all cramped because she just joined this new family.

On the contrary, I quite enjoy the days of suddenly having so many sisters.

However, her Chinese is not very good, and she has to start to supplement her recently.

Yu Fei had to go back to the orphanage during the day, Lu Yao and Xia Ran had to go back to class, and they had to go back to school first, and they could only come here by week.

After all, they have to go to school every day, and living in school is definitely the most convenient.

Unlike Xinyi and Jiang Lan, one of them was taking a postgraduate entrance examination and the other was already graduated. Of course, they could live in Jiang Siming's house.

Kite moved out of Jiang Siming’s company apartment, but he has to train hard every day.

After all, the last World Championship is coming soon, even if 4AM has already booked the championship, she still wants to play well to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Eva decisively gave up the seaside villa she bought and moved to Jiang Siming's house.

From now on, she decided to go back with Zhao Xuan and the others after get off work every day.

Not only that, Eva also brought their latest luxury bags, clothes, perfumes, etc., to Jiang Siming's house without money, and gave them to every sister.

This wave of methods to please you ‘seniors’ can be said to be very real.

After becoming a master of transforming gods, Jiang Siming's life has not changed much, and it has not changed much from the Yuan Ying period.

After all, Jiang Siming's personality is relatively lazy, no matter how strong he is, he never thought about anything earth-shattering.

Compared with the shock of the world, Jiang Siming is more willing to be an ordinary person hidden in the world, with all the skills, as long as he protects the important people around him.

Or to stand up when China encounters any difficulties, that's enough.

His daily life is as usual, except for staying at home, he goes to work occasionally, and plays games and live broadcasts at night.

Occasionally, when I have a passion, I can play a piano and sing a song.

What Jiang Siming didn't expect was the issue of oil extraction that he had discussed with the Ministry of Energy recently.

The Minister of Energy gave Jiang Siming a regretful reply that the oil field in Pakistan cannot be exploited temporarily.

It's not that Pakistan is unwilling, but that they are currently facing the military action of Ah San. The country is very violent and has no time to talk about the oil issue.

The most important thing is that Ah San and the others also seem to have discovered this oil field, and they are planning to take it for themselves.

After receiving this news, Jiang Siming's first reaction was to be angry.

Nima's dog, San, dare to move the oil fields that I like?

A floor shop next to the pit, is it still far from shi?

"Don't worry too much. It is impossible for us to watch Ah San do whatever he wants. After all, Pakistan is also our friendly country. It is estimated that we will do something here soon, just because it is not just Ah San that is involved. It's not easy for us to shoot right now, you can understand."

Of course Jiang Siming understood what the minister said.

Nobody supports Ah San who dare to be so bold? There must be a patron behind him, and Jiang Siming also knows who the patron is.

"I understand this, don't worry, I don't worry, there will always be a solution."

"That's good."

The Minister talked a few more words with Jiang Siming, and then hung up the phone.

Jiang Siming put away the phone, curled his lips, and muttered: "Since it's not easy to show up, then I'll come. It just happened that I haven't touched anyone after being promoted. It's not bad to loosen my muscles and bones."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he disappeared at home without saying hello to his wives.

It's just a trip to the country, isn't that a matter of seconds.

In the past, the Yuan Ying stage had to continuously teleport with the help of the small movement technique. Shanghai was at least thousands of kilometers away from Pakistan, and he had to fly for an hour with the small movement technique.

But now, Jiang Siming's flight speed is comparable to the speed of light.

The speed of light can circle the earth seven and a half times in one second!

What kind of concept is this? It takes less than a second to go where Jiang Siming wants to go on the whole earth.

One second before he was still at his home in Shanghai, and the next second, Jiang Siming appeared in the sky over a very strange country.

This is Pakistan. Jiang Siming came to the sky over this country for the first time. As soon as his spiritual knowledge opened up, he immediately understood any corner of Pakistan.

Nothing has happened for the time being, but Karachi, Pakistan, is currently in the eyes of damage.

There are bombed buildings everywhere, and the people of Pakistan have to escape from the city and seek refuge in other cities.

Al-San’s people have almost occupied the entire city, especially the oil fields along the coast. A large number of Al-San experts are on the sea to detect oil fields on the seabed.

Judging from their excited expressions, it seems that this super large oil field has indeed been discovered.

"Spy on my stuff?"

Jiang Siming sneered. With a single thought, the experts and soldiers on the sea stopped instantly, lost their vitality, and plunged into the sea.

With one thought, hundreds of people died.

This is the strength of the transformation stage.

Jiang Siming didn't think he was killing innocent people indiscriminately. First of all, this group of Asan was the aggressor.

Occupy other countries, burn, kill, rob, and do robbery.

He just watched that at the same time that the city of Karachi was destroyed, countless people in the city died.

Just for this, Jiang Siming would not be too much to kill them.

Although it was the hands of the Asan soldiers, this group of experts could not escape the blame.

It was because of their discovery and reporting that the Asan soldiers aimed their artillery at Karachi.

And watching them stare at the greedy eyes of the oil fields below, they definitely want to take the oil fields as their own.

Then, is there no reason why Jiang Siming can't make a move?

Are you really a good man?

This sudden change caused the A-San Army garrisoned by the sea to be astonished. They quickly dispatched lifeboats to rescue them.

However, at this time a figure has appeared on their warship.

"With such a broken warship, you want to learn from Laomi and the others as robbers?"

Jiang Siming smiled. The configuration of this warship is estimated to look down upon China 30 years ago.

Ah San still uses it as a robber, that is, bullying and bullying a weak country.

Jiang Siming didn't want to waste time either. One of his left feet stepped on the warship lifted up, and then he stepped lightly on the deck.

Just stomped like an ordinary person.


This warship was hit hard! Start to fall apart! Smoke is everywhere!

"Oops! Our warship was attacked!"

The Asan Navy yelled in panic, but unfortunately they were too late to respond. This warship that they were proud of sank at a very fast speed!

With a stomping, a huge warship is so scrapped...


First more~

I accidentally caught a cold yesterday. Today I am groggy and my head is heavy. It should be because of the air conditioner.

I just woke up, and today’s update is estimated to be less.

See if you can write two more Sake, if you can't write it, I will make up tomorrow. In short, I will not owe Sake!

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