I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1707: Frightened

At this time, the border of Pakistan is filled with the smoke of war.

The sounds of gunshots, grenades, and rockets were mixed together, making it impossible to deal with each other.

But obviously, Ah San’s army was much stronger, and the Pakistani side was defeated steadily, and more and more soldiers died in the artillery fire.

The Asanmen laughed arrogantly at the border of Pakistan and shot unscrupulously.

In their eyes, a small country like Pakistan, isn't it just bullying?

Even if there is China behind it, they think that China is nothing but you, and it can't beat their Asan Empire.

"Continue to attack! Break down their defenses, invade their cities, occupy their women, rob them of their money!"

An Asan general yelled arrogantly and commanded to proceed.

As soon as the A-San soldiers underneath heard it, all of them would attack Pakistan even more frantically, just like they had been beaten with blood.

However, at this moment, an abnormality suddenly occurred!

The Asan General was suddenly cut into countless pieces, and for a while, blood and fog filled the sky, and internal organs and limbs were scattered on the ground.

None of the Asan soldiers had recovered from the shock. Then, the tanks, rockets, machine guns and so on they were proud of.

They were all torn apart, and even the hardened carapace couldn't resist the fate of being divided.

Then, there are several captains, all of whom are like the generals, unable to escape the fate of being divided.

At this time, all the soldiers of Ahsan reacted, looking horrified, looking around.

They seem to be still looking for who did it and where the attack originated.

But they couldn't find it no matter how they looked, and the number of people who were divided began to grow exponentially.

Seeing the comrades around him inexplicably divided into hundreds of pieces, the surviving soldiers felt terrified.


Run quickly!

Fleeing became their only thought, it was weird and scary.

Inexplicably, people died so miserably, the key is not to find any reason.

That little fighting courage was enough to dissipate without a trace in an instant.

Ah San started to rout and everyone ran back desperately.

Even so, there seemed to be a large cutting net chasing them behind him.

People who run slowly still haven't escaped the fate of being divided.

Puff puff!

Blood mist burst one after another!

Behind him has become a sea of ​​blood.

The soldiers of Ah San were completely frightened and ran into their own country crying.

Thousands of soldiers crawled around, thinking that as long as they ran out of their borders, they could get their lives back.

However, when they ran across the border and returned to their own three kingdoms, they still couldn't escape the fate of being cut!

Puff puff...

It wasn't until all of them were cut that the scene was quiet.

On the field, there are already bones everywhere.

The other A-San troops who came to support saw the scene in front of them. They were all scared, their legs were soft, and there was a spasm in the stomach. What kind of military courage, in this moment, collapsed completely.

What are you playing? Run away quickly!

Ah San suffered a tragic and severe injury on this day.

Thousands of soldiers were slaughtered in a single day, and from the last audio sent back from those soldiers, one can feel despair and horror.

"Ghost! We angered the ghosts and gods! It is the ghosts and gods of Pakistan who have come!"

This was the sound made by all the soldiers who died in the end, and the Asanmen were frightened, and they dared not launch any attack on Pakistan in a short time.

It is estimated that they would absolutely not dare to move Pakistan any more before investigating the real cause of death of these thousands of soldiers.

Pakistan is also at a loss. They were all defeated and retreated before the city was destroyed.

The soldiers of Ahsan died one by one. Some soldiers from Pakistan witnessed their deaths and believed that they were blessed by their gods.

It just so happened that Karachi was a city with serious theology, and some people immediately thought of the saint of the Holy Land.

She must have summoned the gods to drive away these Asan soldiers.

As soon as the news came out, countless Pakistani people flocked to the holy place to worship.

Zaina, who was still hiding in the Holy Land, was also shocked by everyone's devout worship. People were praising her as a true saint and blessing Pakistan.

Zaina was confused, and finally saw the news before she knew what had happened.

"The death of these frontier enemies...isn’t it the bad guy’s death that just wanted to invade me...it must be the benefactor who did it, it must be..."

Zaina quickly figured out the cause and effect. She didn't think Jiang Siming was the **** she had summoned.

Because Jiang Siming doesn't look like someone from his country at all, but he looks like... an oriental face!

Zaina quickly searched the Internet, and she, who was not hopeful, suddenly clicked on a piece called "The God of Chinese Art, Crushing All Martial Arts in the World!" ]’S message.

Clicking in, Zaina exclaimed, her hand covering her mouth, her face in shock.

Because the man inside is so similar to the one who saved her!

"Is it him? It must be!"

Zaina was overjoyed, because she finally knew who was saving her, and this person also protected her city and country.

She was extremely grateful to this person, not to the so-called gods spoken by the people of Pakistan.

"He told me that I was not allowed to reveal his information, and I would be tight-lipped."

"It just so happens that I will be able to complete the ten-year deadline in half a month. I'm going to China to thank him in person!"

Zaina made up her mind, and once again looked forward to the hopeless future and became optimistic.

Jiang Siming didn't expect that he would save a person casually, and came to thank her from a place thousands of miles away.

At this time, he had already completed the task and returned home to eat warm meals, waiting for news from the Department of Energy by the way.

Sure enough, the news that Pakistan got a complete victory and drove away Ah San quickly became a global hot news.

The Minister of Energy also called Jiang Siming and told him that the Pakistani situation has subsided and that they are willing to sell the oil field to China for exploitation.

The main thing is that they also understand that their own strength is sitting on such a large oil field, and they will certainly continue to receive coveted peeping from Ah San and even other countries.

Instead of this, it is better to sell it to China, which will not only gain benefits, but also protect it.

The Minister of Energy told Jiang Siming that not only can oil fields be exploited, but Pakistan only needs 20% of the revenue and 50 billion soft coins for mining.

Everything else belongs to them.

And the Ministry of Energy only needs 20%, which means that Jiang Siming can enjoy 60% alone!

Sixty percent of these trillion-dollar oil fields will come out at that time. Jiang Siming said without exaggeration that he can kill the world's richest man every minute!

When he got the news, Jiang Siming was naturally also happy, and he happily agreed to pay 50 billion.

Jiang Siming also separately sent 10 billion disaster relief materials, which was considered to be given to Pakistan for them to rebuild their homes.

This move won unanimous support and gratitude from the people of Pakistan.


The first thing is ~ I took the medicine to sleep and only wake up now, I have taken myself, hurry up and code!

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