I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1709: Odd to even unchanged?

Alas, when the traveler treats him like this, it can be said that even Wang Mang is inferior.

Xiang Shaolong in Xun Qin Ji is 18,000 times stronger than him.

Jiang Siming also doesn't have any favors with this Yi Xiaochuan. In contrast, he appreciates Gao Yao more.

Gao wants to be affectionate and righteous, and his grievances will be avenged. Even if he eventually becomes a big villain, he still cares very much about the goddess he recognizes.

The high points before the blackening, heart and soul to Yi Xiaochuan.

Even disregarding the danger of beheading, concealing the crime of stealing the palace treasure for Yi Xiaochuan.

Just for this, Jiang Siming has a very good impression of Gao Yao.

Is it Yi Xiaochuan? forget it!

Of course, he was talking about the role of Yi Xiaochuan, not Lao Hu.

For Lao Hu, Jiang Siming still liked Di, and the two were good friends.

However, Jiang Siming's purpose is still fragmentation.

Each small copy will have a fragment. Jiang Siming doesn't know where the copy in the myth is. He has to go in and find it.


Jiang Siming chose to enter this copy.

Without any choice of identity, Jiang Siming appeared in the myth copy.

There are many differences between a small copy and a mainline copy.

The first is that the progress is very fast, and it will end within 30 days at most.

And it can't be archived, it's gone after the end.

Therefore, as soon as Jiang Siming entered, he immediately activated his divine consciousness, covering the entire dungeon map, which was the Great Qin Empire.

But his consciousness turned back and forth several times, but he didn't find any traces of debris.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple, otherwise this copy will be too easy to pass, but where is it? I don't have a clue or direction at all, how to find..."

Jiang Siming scratched his head, now it feels better to give him a task.

"Small dungeon reminder: Fragments are usually found in important characters in the dungeon, you can start from this point."

When Jiang Siming heard this reminder, his eyes lit up.

Yes, since it is a copy of the myth, there is a high probability that something as important as the fragment will revolve around the main character.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming immediately searched for Yi Xiaochuan on the land of Daqin.

Not to mention, he really found it!

At this time, Yi Xiaochuan was accidentally contracted with the plague. Regardless of the danger to his life, Lu Su took him everywhere to find a doctor.

Jiang Siming was speechless when he saw this, Yi Xiaochuan, you are a real loser!

He didn't have time to worry about Yi Xiaochuan's life and death, and focused on finding debris on him.

But after searching around, even Lu Su, Gao Yao, and Yu Yan have searched, but no fragments were found.

"Is it possible to find it in another way?"

Jiang Siming thought about it, in this case, he might as well try to contact them first.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming disappeared into the uninhabited primitive jungle.

As soon as Jiang Siming left, a tiger crouching waiting for an opportunity attacked him.


The tiger flopped, but he slammed into the air, bumping his head on the branch, dizzy...

I guess Brother Tiger couldn’t figure it out. How could the ‘food’ in front of him disappear out of thin air...

Outside a thatched house in Daqin County, Kuaiji County, Lu Su kept begging the doctor he invited to come in and treat Yi Xiaochuan.

However, the doctor bluntly said that the immortal Yi Xiaochuan was difficult to save, and then rushed away for fear of being infected.

"Hey, this is the eighth one." Gao Yao looked helpless, squatting on the ground scratching his ears.

Lu Su also had no choice, and said, "Brother Gao Yao, what shall we do now?"

"No matter what I do, I have to save Xiaochuan. Xiaochuan is my buddy. I can't watch him die. I'll go and invite a doctor over again!"

Gao Yao said he was going out to find a doctor.

However, at this moment, a young man in white wandered over, carrying a medicine box in his hand.

Gao Yao looked at the medicine box, his eyes brightened, and he rushed over, blocking the young man's way.

"Brothers, are you... the doctor?"

Gao Yao finished his question, and then looked at the young man's face with Lu Su.

At this look, both of them were shocked!

Good.... A handsome face!

Zhong Shen is handsome, Feng Shen is handsome, but that's all right?

And the temperament is like a fairy like the dust.

Seeing this young man, Yi Xiaochuan, who originally looked pretty good, seemed so insignificant.

Fortunately, if Gao was a man, Lu Su was also concerned about Yi Xiaochuan's illness, and did not waste much time on this issue.

Jiang Siming looked at the unkempt seniors and smiled lightly: "Yeah, what's wrong, you are sick?"

He decided to hide his identity first, become an ordinary person, approach the mainline character, and slowly explore the existence of debris.

"It's not that I'm sick, it's that my brother is sick, doctor, please save my brother, as long as you save him, I will repay you as a bull and a horse!"

Gao Yao finished speaking and knelt down to Jiang Siming.

This kind of love, Gao Yao really deserves to be a real man!

Jiang Siming glanced at Gao Yao with admiration, lifted him up, and said: "Don't worry, you are a favor, I will help!"

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor! Doctor, you are really a bodhisattva, you are so handsome, you are more handsome than Wu Yanzu and Tony Leung!"

At the end of Gao Yao's speech, he quickly shut up, thinking that he would definitely not know Wu Yanzu and Tony Leung.

However, Jiang Siming smiled and asked, "Really, how do I compare with Liming?"

"That's handsomer than him!"

Gao Yao blurted out, but soon he reacted.

How can people here know Liming? ? ?

"Big...Doctor...how do you know Liming? Could it be that you too!!!" Gao Yao wanted to see through.

Jiang Siming smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, I am also a traverser."

"Really! Brother, you are really like us, sucked by that treasure box???" Gao Yao seemed to have discovered the New World.

"Well, I was walking behind you at the time, and I was accidentally sucked in by that magic box." Jiang Siming casually made up a lie.

Gao Yao is convinced that the other party even knows the box, it must be!

"Hahahaha, Xiaochuan, Xiaochuan! I saw the people with us again! Doctor, come in with me!"

Gao Yao was extremely excited and took Jiang Siming's hand, and rushed into the thatched cottage, leaving Lu Su confused.

In the thatched cottage, Yi Xiaochuan, who was too weak to open his eyes, was also shocked by the information, and he looked at Jiang Siming suspiciously.

"Are you really a traverser?"

"Replacement as fake." Jiang Siming replied.

"Then I will test you a few questions, the first one, the odd to even change?"

Jiang Siming responded easily: "The symbol looks at the quadrant."

"Palace jade liquor wine?" Yi Xiaochuan asked again quickly.

"One hundred and eighty cups."

"Brother want to have a key?"

"Are you worthy?"

The last two shouted in unison: "How many do you deserve!"


Yi Xiaochuan laughed, pulled Jiang Siming excitedly, and said, "Brother, where are you from?"

"I am originally from Yunnan and worked in Shanghai before I came." Jiang Siming explained.

"My fellow!" Yi Xiaochuan was very happy.

However, Jiang Siming didn't like him.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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