I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1715: All solo!

After talking to them for a while, Jiang Siming saw He Jiu and Huang Laoxie, and suddenly had an idea.

"Mr. He, you are the host, are you interested in explaining a PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds final?"

Jiang Siming suddenly wanted to hear Hejiu's explanation of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, haha.

Anyway, he couldn't hear him when he was playing, allowing Hejiu to play freely, and he also allowed Hejiu to advertise for them PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, um, very good.

When He Jiu heard this, his eyes lit up, but he was a little embarrassed: "But I haven't played this game. I used to explain the League of Legends in Kuaiben for a while. Netizens can still laugh at me even now. forget it..."

Jiang Siming said indifferently: "People who haven't played League of Legends will definitely not understand it, but this is a simulated live-action gunfight game. There are no unfamiliar professional terms. Besides, there are professional explanations on the court. The guests are endless."

He Jiu listened to it and he really moved, and agreed.

"Brother Lei, go too. You have such a neat tongue, go try it." Jiang Siming said at Huang Laoxie again.

Huang Laoxie is also a master who is not afraid of life, so he immediately agreed and immediately followed Hejiu to the commentary booth.

In this way, He Jiu and Huang Laoxie boarded the forum for understanding.

For a while, the audience became excited. The two big stars want to explain their favorite games, happy~

Jiang Siming had a chat with the principal at the age of three, and the game time was approaching, so he had to return to the contestants first.

"Okay, you two Jedi big dishes cups take a good look at how your brother operates. After saving it, I will always take you to play games for nothing and obey until the end."

Before Jiang Siming left, he didn't forget the technique of Tucao and Cheng He, and the two of them tickled with anger.

But there is no way to refute it, after all, compared with Jiang Siming, the big dish cup can't run away.

Others said they might argue about their food, but the first person in PUBG said, then... forget it...

"Zi Feng, Xiao Peng, Lao Bai, remember to cheer for me and have our team's celebration banquet together after the fight."

"No problem! Brother Jiang~"


Back at the contestants' bench, Jiang Siming's equipment has been adjusted for the kite, and he can start the competition after sitting down.

It's time.

The eyes of the scene immediately returned to the game from the stars.

Even though there are so many stars in this one, they are destined to be just green leaves when they come here.

The real protagonist is the game competition.

Everything on the big screen at the scene shows the current team points first.


NO.1.. [4AM].. [47+26+12+44//129 points].. [eat chicken x2]

NO.2..【TL】..【21+24+28+0//70 points】..【Eat chicken x2】


NO.3..【STK】..【16+18+17+16//67 points】


【Personal List】:

NO.1..【4AM_Ming】..【74 Kills】..【13868 Damage Value】

NO.2..【TL_Ibiza】..【16 kills】..【3835 damage value】

NO.3..【4AM_Fengz】..【13 kills】..【1587 damage value】

NO.4.【4AM_Godv】..【11 kills】..【1111 damage value】


The current leading team is naturally still 4AM, and the gap between second place and 4AM is a full 59 points.

It is estimated that only 17 beasts jokingly bombed the plane to win the championship over 4AM.

So, in fact, other teams have already given up the battle for first place and aim for second place.

Although TL is very unwilling, but can only admit this fact.

Their TL had hoped to surpass 4AM, but after being educated severely by Jiang Siming in the last game, their scores have been equal to that of Team 17.

Not to mention that the championship is hopeless, this one will make the second place away...

And the gap between STK and TL is only three points, maybe... Forget it, I can't think about it.

"Amin is in the first team, right?"

As soon as He Jiu spoke in the commentary, he asked a question that made the audience laugh or cry.

Not sure which team Jiang Siming is on...

"Teacher He, get out of here, you fake fan! Aming is clearly in TL."

Huang Laoxie said ‘indignation’.

At this time, the professional commentator whispered: "Myojin... indeed at 4AM."

He Jiu: "..."

Huang Laoxie: "..."

The audience laughed, and the two fake fans got out of me!

Fortunately, Jiang Siming was busy preparing to enter the game at the players' stand. He didn't hear what they said, otherwise he had to be carried out of them.

As soon as the screen changes, the game officially begins!

As soon as I entered, the grass-green map scenery, the familiar Allengar, returned in the last one!

As the most familiar map for all players and players, the appearance of Allenger has made all players feel safe.

After all, the most familiar picture, they can also play better.

And this game is accompanied by a version update of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

In addition to the long-awaited C4 bomb, there are three updates of different sizes.

The first is about the explosion of the vehicle. From this point on, the durability of the car will not explode immediately after being swept away, but the engine will stop working and it will explode after five seconds.

With this change, it will not be easy to die when driving in the future. Those who want to squat to sweep the car can only rely on their own marksmanship to sweep people off the car.

Instead of relying on bullets to blast the car.

This increases the experience of many players.

The second is that the range of spike traps is increased by 50%, which means that it is getting easier to puncture tires.

The third is to make many lazy cancer players the happiest, parachuting to follow.

After parachuting, you can start the parachuting to follow. Mengxin doesn't have to be afraid that the parachuting skills are too bad and land into a box. Following the team's most able parachuting person, he can land safely.

These updates are not big, but they are all quite interesting.

Especially the appearance of C4, so Jiang Siming is quite expecting.

In the future, I will meet the old tortoise in the building, and a C4 will be thrown on the wall, making them doubt life!

After the game started, the flight plane appeared on Allenger's map.

This time, in Jiang Siming's eyes, the plane was full of dense golden shadows.

[Lucky Connection] [Robber Intuition] All restored!

He can now clearly know the location and ID of everyone.

"I'm sorry if I don't kill more than 20 people. I'm the last one and I must let it go!"

Jiang Siming was ready to flex his muscles.

In any case, in this last game, he had to get the Shard Mall together.

As soon as the plane entered the Allengar map, some players jumped out of the plane one after another.

Because they are all destined to be champions, 4AM has no pressure at all, the coach has said, just play.

This is fine with zero points, after all, a team can't get 59 points in one go.

So the coach didn’t come, and took the children to take the junior high school exam at home...

"All four of us will fly solo. Every time Lao Jiang is happy alone, we have to be happy once too!" Great God said.

Of course it's always said, he meant it.

Seeing that they all agreed, Kite had no choice but to settle down and fly solo.

Good guy, watching them fly out one by one, Jiang Siming is happy, really thinking that flying solo is fun.

You will know that you are wrong when you meet the reorganization team later.

Regardless of them, Jiang Siming was still on the plane calmly, staring at the four figures on the plane.

TL team.

Jiang Siming has a great ‘goodness’, feeling (ji) en (chou)!


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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