I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1717: This makes Europe up!

The remaining three people have only one idea, which is to run.

Where there is life, there is hope.

They are not like Jiang Siming, who can take the first place and wave freely.

They can't afford it.

Once the wave loses, the 50 million runner-up bonus will be gone, and even the 30 million third runner-up bonus will be gone.

After all, the scores of 17 and STK have caught up with them.

"This car is no longer needed. He must still be staring here to change the car in the city."

Ibiza calmly analyzed that he didn't dare to get in this car.

At this time, the three of them abandoned the AE86 decisively and went back to ask for a convertible jeep.

However, how to get through the city is a problem.

In order to be robust, TL chose to close the cigarettes even at a short distance.

I thought it would be foolproof, but who would have thought that Jiang Siming used Scarl to do a blind scan when they passed through the smoke bomb!

It is a blind scan, but it is not for Jiang Siming.

He has a smoke bomb to see through. In normal times, he would probably play it again, pretending that he can't see the smoke bomb.

But this is the last one today, and Jiang Siming doesn't plan to keep it.

Doesn’t anyone think that it’s too much to get a nerve gun occasionally? No way?

This shuttle Scarl sweeps the car, and the small warhead arbitrarily travels through the smoke, making a straight line!

Anco and Jeby who passed through the cigarette fell to the ground!

Damn it!

There was a shocked sound from the audience.

Through the smoke bomb, two blood-filled enemies were blindly swept to death, which was violent.

Of course, everyone just thinks that this wave of Jiang Siming has perfectly predicted the time and location of TL's escape, plus the magical marksmanship itself.

TL is difficult!

Two were swept down, leaving only one lone wolf in Ibiza.

Although Ibiza passed the smoke area smoothly, two teammates fell to the ground and died, leaving him in a dilemma.

After thinking about it, he decided to save his teammates first.

"This cargo gun method is too scary, you climb up to me!"

Needless to say, Anco and Jeby have already been climbing to Ibiza.

While they were busy saving themselves, Jiang Siming had already been killed from the mountain.

Taking advantage of his illness and killing him, he has to make a quick decision, some people are still waiting for him to take it.

Ibiza had a hunch that Jiang Siming would come, so immediately after helping Jeby up, he immediately went into the next room to cover his teammates.

Let Jeby help Anco to be their bodyguard.

Even Ibiza chose to take the initiative to shoot and expose his position, provoking Jiang Siming to confront him, in order to delay the recovery of his teammates.

Before the change, Jiang Siming would definitely refuse to accept the dictatorship, and first kill Ibiza.

But time is running out and the game is rare.

Jiang Siming ignored Ibiza's provocation at all. With one head, how can he get two heads so fragrant at a time?

He had already rushed into the P port housing area, and the grenade brewed in his hand had already been unplugged. After three seconds of charging, he threw it toward Jeby's position.

"Hidden! Don't help!" Ibiza yelled to Jeby in a hurry.

When Jeby saw the grenade flying over, he reacted extremely quickly and gave up Anco for the first time and retreated.


The grenade rubbed their scalp and exploded. Although the grenade's power had been cut a lot, it exploded on the faces of the two of them. That was not a joke.

What's more, although Jeby was helped up, the key is that he has no blood.

Even if he was only hit by a grenade, the damage was enough to cause him to fall to the ground a second time!

An Anco grenade died completely, and Jeby, who had been pulling up so hard by Ibiza, also fell again and lost his combat effectiveness.

"The player [4AM_Ming] used a fragmentation grenade to kill the player [TL_Anco]"

"The player [4AM_Ming] used a fragmentation grenade to knock down the player [TL_Jeby]"

After Anco died, it turned into a fragrant fragment again and flew into Jiang Siming's body.

"Pick up [American Gas Luck+500] Transparent Fragment*1 (1/11), the number of fragments is not full, it is temporarily unavailable."

[Pirate Bounty Level 2: Antique·Reward Furong Stone Carving Bishan x1]

Jiang Siming didn't have time to look at the fragmented information, and focused on this battlefield.

Anco was killed and Jeby fell to the ground.

The spectators in the European and American divisions are like a concubine.

It feels... no more...

The last Ibiza is left to survive.

His existence still leaves a little hope for the European and American divisions.

After all, Ibiza had killed Jiang Siming. As long as he played stable this time, it would not be impossible to kill Jiang Siming again.

Can kill him the first time, can kill him the second time, the third time!

Ibiza slipped out of the house and temporarily hid behind the wall.

He desperately adjusted his breathing, his eyes focused, and then, he heard Jiang Siming's footsteps rushing forward.

Ibiza thought Jiang Siming was going to confront him head-on, and the hand holding the mouse even turned white due to too much pressure.

"Come on, let me maintain the last side of TL!"

Ibiza thought it was a gun battle, but the next second, he was dumb.

A flash bomb was thrown at his feet, and Ibiza, who was unable to dodge, was stunned.

Then, his screen went black.


Ibiza was so angry that he smashed the table. Jiang Siming, who is still playing yin with him with such a big advantage, dare not shoot at him?

However, no matter how angry it is, TL is completely cool, 0 points.

No matter what Ibiza thinks, Jiang Siming is only interested in fragments.

Jeby's box was nothing, but Ibiza's box gave Jiang Siming a surprise.

"Pick up [100% equity of Meiweiting Wedding Company] golden shards*1 (1/7). The number of shards is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Meiweiting Wedding Company]: One of the top wedding teams in China, with five top wedding designers, more than 3,000 employees, and the company's valuation is over 13 billion.

[Pirate Bounty**: Treasure·Reward the best Deep Sea Night Pearl x50]

[Pirate Bounty Level 4: Pirate·Reward Superman Fruit x1]

Combining the fragments of luck just now, Jiang Siming has made a lot of money.

Three pieces came out of the four boxes. It seems that the hands are very hot today!

Maybe it was because he knew that he was getting married, and Brother Fragment came to celebrate himself in advance, right?

Especially for this wedding company, it is really timely.

During this time, he and his wives were discussing which company to find to arrange. Originally, he wanted to find a company in Xiangjiang. It was recommended to Jiang Siming by his father-in-law, and said it was not bad.

But the wives were not satisfied after learning about this company, because their company's wedding design style was too European.

They don't like pure European weddings, on the contrary, they are more interested in Chinese ancient weddings.

Girls now like European-style weddings, white wedding dresses, in which castle to get married.

But no one in Jiang Siming's family likes pure European style.

The Chinese history of thousands of years, the wedding inside, completely crushed European style.

Even the wedding of the Han Dynasty thousands of years ago is enough to shock the world.

Taking Zhou rituals as the blueprint and elegance, dignity, and solemnity as the charm, they prefer such weddings.

And Jiang Siming knew about Meiwei Pavilion, and the designer inside happened to be the main Chinese school.


Today, I went to get a drip again, once a day, for two days, and at the end of today, after I came back, I took the medicine and I was sleepy, so tired.

Write a chapter first today, and five more tomorrow, so there is still no chapter!

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