I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1727: Intermediate air transporter!

Just these blue fragments, Jiang Siming was too greedy.

It's a pity that the prices inside have stopped Jiang Siming.

Let's look at other things first.

The black series, his favorite.

[Black Fragment Series]:

Urban sewer technology: 30 universal fragments

Manned flying motorcycle: 5 omnipotent fragments

Manned flight technology: 50 omnipotent fragments

Unmanned driving technology: 40 pieces of universal fragments

Air purification technology: 30 pieces of universal fragments


The black fragments, the more you look back, the more Jiang Siming's breathing gets worse.

There is even a robot factory inside, which can mass-produce all types of robots Jiang Siming needs, but the number of fragments required in this factory is as high as 300 pieces!

There are more spacecraft technology factories and ready-made spacecraft, even the lowest level, more than 70 pieces of debris.

What other planet transformation seeds can change the climate, soil, water source, etc. of any planet and transform it into an ecological environment exactly like the earth.

A powerful batch!

But none of the things in it was something Jiang Siming could afford.

Jiang Siming finally understood why the fragment mall's introduction said that the fragments inside were extremely demanding.

He regretted it now. Damn, he couldn't afford it after reading it. It was the most painful.

There are fragments from other departments, and there are a lot of good things.

The orange fragments have a large number of techniques, magical powers, magic weapons, treasures, etc. that are more powerful than [Idols’ Prison Power]. [Idols’ Prison Power] is just a *** in it.

A lot of cyan fragments are against the sky.

The gray fragments are a large number of unlimited thermal weapons. You need to have enough omnipotent fragments, and even the exchange office can destroy an earth in one second.

But the fragments needed for that kind of thing are astronomical.

Jiang Siming didn't need it either. He was distracted and worked hard, and it was not difficult to destroy a planet.

The pink fragments are a lot of dimensional favorites and maids, and the price is not cheap at all.

Moreover, in addition to the fragment colors that Jiang Siming had obtained, there are new colored fragments in the mall.

But these new color fragments are locked.

[Universal fragments are eligible to be opened when the stock of universal fragments reaches 500 or more]

On this condition, Jiang Siming is temporarily unable to see it.


Jiang Siming sighed after reading it. Before, he thought he had a lot of omnipotent fragments.

Now compared with the mall, he is a poor ghost.

It's like the richest man in the village suddenly went to the international market. For the first time, he found that he was too poor.

After reading it anyway, Jiang Siming came up with a conclusion.

The things in it, you can afford it, you don’t really like it, and you really can’t afford it...

Crying, crying, tears streaming down!

Loveless Jiang Siming had no choice but to close the Fragment Mall.

Unexpectedly, the mall suddenly gave him a wave of comfort.

【Open the Fragment Mall for the first time, you will get a free lucky draw opportunity. 】

Jiang Siming's eyelids lifted instantly, and tears disappeared immediately.

"Sweet! You must!"

While yelling in his head, Jiang Siming unconsciously rubbed his hands several times on the innocent Ari who was still in the bath.

Ari raised his tired eyes and gave his master a bitter look.

Why? Take a bath, do you want to rub my skin off, bad master~

Jiang Siming didn't see the eyes of Ari's little bitter woman, and stared at the fragments in the mall.

"Come to a [Planet Transformation Seed]! Or to a [Robot Factory]! It’s really impossible to bring me a small country, I want to be a king!"

Jiang Siming thought about it, praying that he could get a good value.

If he really gets the seeds of planet transformation, he can be the master of the planet.

Good guy, this thing requires 20,000 omnipotent pieces.

Jiang Siming is greedy.

It is a pity that Jiang Siming waited for a long time, but he failed to become the master of the planet, and he didn't even become the king...

"Draw [Qiyun+4000]!"

Jiang Siming pouted his lips, he hadn't seen any use of this stuff until now.

But just after he pulled out the fragment, a prompt sound came.

"Total luck value: 10,300 points, promoted to intermediate luck!"

Jiang Siming was taken aback. Intermediate air transporter? Is this a comforting title?

Looking at it again, I found a different place.

[Intermediate Air Luck]: You can choose to consume your own air luck and complete two things that change the world's rules or thoughts at your own will.

Jiang Siming: "???"

Is this finally eye-opening? Did you bring pillows when you fell asleep?

Jiang Siming's originally depressed mood suddenly recovered.

Good guy, after accumulating so many lucky points, I can finally use it!

"Then what else do you say, use it once first!"

Jiang Siming immediately decided to use an opportunity.

Needless to say, Qiyun seems to have already sensed what he wants to change.

"Consumption of 5000 Qi Luck! Successfully changed!"

Jiang Siming didn't believe in evil, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and went online.

Public opinion surrounding this matter is still erupting, and the heat has grown from tens of millions to billions, or even billions.

Jiang Siming checked those comments, and he thought that many people would still scold him.

But at a glance, public opinion on the Internet is not what Jiang Siming thought.

"To be fair, we can't worry about things that you want me. Although it's not allowed by law, they don't get a certificate. What's wrong with just a wedding? If you have Jiang Siming's ability, you too You can do this, no one is stopping."

"I have seen a lot of sour people speak before, but few can stand up! In my opinion, there are three points."

"First, from the perspective of men's and women's morals, Jiang Si clearly did not do the right thing, but the key woman is not being persecuted. What's wrong with you if you have their own wishes?"

"Second, from the perspective of materials, Jiang Siming's wealth is enough to take care of them for a lifetime, or even a few lifetimes."

"Thirdly, from an emotional point of view, no girlfriend has ever made unwilling remarks. Even the reporter found an opportunity to interview Reba. She said she was completely willing and she really loved Jiang Siming. Like other girlfriends, you still What can I say?"

"In general, Jiang Siming is bothersome, but he at least dare to admit, even dare to face the verbal criticism of the world, and decide to get married, for this, I am a Shandong master admire him, he is a pure man! Pure!"

"That's right, it's better than those guys who speak single-mindedly and secretly fool around? And the most important thing is that their girlfriends are not willing to share their men with other women. This must be It’s based on mutual agreement."

"I don't comment, I'm just curious, apart from Yoona, Reba, Princess, and the girl who is playing with him, who else is Jiang Siming?


Third update~ There is one more chapter, which will be submitted soon!

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