I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1730: Boya Hancock!

"Cut, they are all newbies, there is no one who can'fight'."

Jiang Siming sneered at this.

Not to mention five more, even if there are twenty more, Jiang Siming also said nothing.

The fighting power of the two sides is not proportional, and no matter how much the number is, it is "free."

However, it was rare for him to have a good time anyway, much better than before.

I was not full before, but now I am at least half full.

After checking the time, it was still early, and he didn't want to sleep, so Jiang Siming had to run to the copy.

He has to hurry up, otherwise he will be busy with the wedding for the remaining half a month. After the wedding, he plans to go to his honeymoon.

It is estimated that there is not much time to go to the copy of "One Piece" and "Myth".

He doesn't care about the myth, anyway, now he can't find a place for the fragments.

But One Piece has to go, maybe he can burst out a mission at any time to collect some pieces.

As soon as he closed his eyes, Jiang Siming appeared on a blue sea, standing on the ghost warship.

Not far away is the Wanli Sunshine of the Straw Hat Mission.

The Sunshine was docked at an island wharf with no one inside.

Jiang Siming's strength has returned to the realm of being a rookie.

"Hey, the big man in the transformation stage, fighting the foundation stage, what a certain means~"

Jiang Siming sighed, went ashore, and began to observe the situation on the island.

This island is very beautiful, and every place has a number.

Seeing these numbers, Jiang Siming knew where it was.

Chambord Islands!

"I haven't been here for several days, will the plot trend have ended in Chambord Islands, right?"

Jiang Si secretly said that it was not good.

Because the original plot of the Chambord Islands is a catastrophe for the Straw Hats.

Lu Fei and others were attacked by the world government and the navy headquarters because they attacked the Dragons on the island.

The straw hat regiment was unable to fight back, and the skin was ripped apart.

In the end, if it hadn't been for Basolomi Bear's help, they would have all been arrested in advance to the city prison.

But regardless of whether the Bartholomew bears help, the Chambord Islands are the nightmare of the Straw Hats.

If the plot does not change, the Straw Hat troupe will be photographed all over the world one by one by the Bartholomi Bears, and then regroup for two years.

If the plot changes and the Bassoromi bears do not take action, then Luffy and the others will be very dangerous.

"Hey, I knew I would come earlier."

Jiang Siming regretted a little, but at the same time he was a little anxious, and his speed suddenly increased.

After catching a small group of navy on the island, Jiang Siming fisted down and asked for a general idea.

He breathed a sigh of relief after asking, it turned out that the auction hadn't started yet.

This means that Luffy and the others have not beaten the Tianlongren.

No wonder the island is still peaceful.

Jiang Siming **** a few navies and threw them on a big tree to hang them, and blocked their mouths by the way, before clapping their hands and walking to the auction.

At this point in time, the auction house has already started.

It is estimated that Luffy and the others will make a fuss at the auction house soon.

I heard that there are Tianlong people in the auction house, so Jiang Siming happened to take a look.

"Hey, I just don't know if my strength in the mid-foundation stage can withstand the catastrophe of the Straw Hat regiment."

Jiang Siming is a pity, but his realm is too low.

Ninety percent of the strength of the seal can't be used, so it's very fucking.

It doesn't matter anymore, Jiang Siming is not at all shocked when he fought against General Qing Pheasant before.

Halfway through, Jiang Siming noticed a young man with green hair in front of him, beating a group of pirates.

"It's all caused by you, giving directions randomly, making me lost, I..."

"Hey, Sauron."

Jiang Siming walked and interrupted him speechlessly.

Hey, Sauron is good at everything, but this Lu Chi is too powerful, the point is that he still doesn't know it.

Jiang Siming didn't care about anything, grabbing his collar and dragging him away.

"If it wasn't for Brother Jiang this time, you would be dead!"

While being dragged away, while still not forgetting to say harsh words to the innocent pirates, he was also drunk.

All the way to the door of the auction, there was a lot of noise inside, and it seemed that it had already begun.

When Jiang Siming and Sauron arrived, a group of people also came here.

Looking back, there are three women. Behind the three women, there is a big snake following.

"Sorry, the auction has already started, you can't go in." The guard at the door stopped

"Really? No one dares to stop where the concubine wants to go. Are you sure you don't let the concubine go in?"

The black-haired woman in the lead said, her voice was soft and enchanting, like a yellow oriole coming out of the valley, a kite crying and phoenix singing.

The sound alone makes people irritate to reverie.

Jiang Siming looked surprised, but he did not expect that she would also come to Chambord Islands.

If he read it right, this woman should be Boya Hancock!

One Piece First Beauty!

She is also one of the Seven Wu Hai, the leader of the Nine Snakes, and the Empress!

The two around her should be her two sisters.

But in the original book, the empress shouldn’t have appeared in the Chambord Islands at this point in time.

Could it be that because of my own appearance, the plot began to change.

It should not be wrong.

As soon as the woman had finished speaking, the guard looked at the empress, and with a glance, the bodies of the two guards were automatically petrified and turned into two stone sculptures.

"This... Brother Jiang, what is going on?"

It was the first time that Sauron had seen such an exaggeration. The other party obviously did nothing but petrified the person.

Jiang Siming replied calmly: "It's okay, you are definitely immune to her, but Sanji and Brooke are hard to say."

Jiang Siming only hopes that Sanji can be calm when he sees the empress, not to be funny when he loses too much blood and died...

Their conversation also attracted the attention of the three women, who turned their heads at the same time.

The two sisters next to her are very ordinary, but the black-haired woman in the middle is breathtakingly beautiful.

A face with a peerless look, black hair with buttocks scattered over his shoulders, dark blue eyes seem to penetrate a man's heart.

Especially wearing a flaming red corset cheongsam, long legs with high slits and a pair of high heels, showing her figure vividly.

He was almost as tall as Jiang Siming.

The extreme sexiness is coupled with a peerless face, embellished with the queen's temperament.

Jiang Siming had to admit that Boya Hancock was the most beautiful woman he had seen in all the two dimensions.

"You are not allowed to look at me without my permission!"

When Hancock saw Jiang Siming staring at her, he gave Jiang Siming a dissatisfied look.

Although Jiang Siming's appearance is at the same level as her, or even higher.

But Hancock did not eat this set.

Instead, he arrogantly gave Jiang Siming an order.

"Who wants to see you, we just have to go in!" Sauron muttered dissatisfied, thinking Hancock was talking about him.

Hancock's arrogant personality allows others to talk back, especially men.

She hates men most!


Second more~~

Haimi, your empress is here, please sign for it!

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