I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1736: Go to Daughter Island with the Empress!

Even the Four Emperors are very interested in Jiang Siming.

Baibeard even bluntly wanted to accept Jiang Siming's son, and promised that as long as Jiang Siming agreed, he would be the deputy captain!

Of course, Jiang Siming didn't know that he had to go and cut him.

Who really wants to be your son?

Everyone knows that Baibeard's biggest hobby is not drinking, but collecting his son.

Baibeard's mantra is: You are awesome, be my son!

He took over a dozen sons before and after, and Ace was also taken by him as his son.

Of course, this is also because Baibeard is too eager to have a family, so he takes his son everywhere.

Baibeard is very good to his sons, and his sons are all masters.

It's just that Jiang Siming doesn't know, let alone interested.

What they have to do now is to escape!

Yes, run away.

Although he won the battle from the Chambord Islands, the killing of the Dragon and the severing of the red dog arm were big news that caused a sensation in the world.

How could the navy headquarters and the world government let them go so easily.

Now the whole world is arresting Jiang Siming, as is the Straw Hat Pirates.

Now the Straw Hat regiment, including Jiang Siming, was seriously injured, unable to resist and could only escape.

On the Wanli Sunshine.

After several days of fleeing, they finally escaped the navy's tracking temporarily.

Lu Fei, Sanji, and Sauron were the most injured. Like Jiang Siming, they were still lying down receiving Chopper's treatment, waiting to recover from their injuries.

Robin, Nami, Rem and Ram were the least injured and the fastest to recover.

So now they are all girls on the boat.

While sailing, taking care of the wounded and cooking.

Had it not been for the old man Raleigh in the town, Nami and the others would not know how to take the next step.

However, the most important thing is not here yet.

The most terrible thing is the lack of medical supplies, food and fresh water on board the ship, all of which have to be bought in the city.

But now the cities and towns all over the world are full of their wanted warrants, and at the most critical time, Nami and the others dare not go there at all and can only wander in the sea.

"What can I do, Chopper said that I must buy medicine, otherwise Luffy and Sauron's wounds will become inflamed." Nami said anxiously.

Robin calmly analyzed it and said, "Let's go to the nearest town to sneak in. I will go to buy supplies with Chopper, and you and Remram will stay behind."

"Well, that's all." Nami nodded.

Everyone just wanted to act, but found a big ship approaching in the distance.

Nami and Robin were shocked, thinking it was the navy who came after them, and just wanted to inform Raleigh.

But I heard shouts from the ship.

"We are here to help you!"

Nami looked around and found three women standing on the bow.

One of the women was so beautiful that she felt her heart beating at a glance.

"Who are they? We don't seem to know them." Nami warned.

Raleigh came over at this time, looked at the big ship opposite, and laughed.

"You can be saved. They belong to the Nine Snakes and Pirates. The Nine Snakes and Pirates belong to the island of Daughters. Their emperor is the black-haired woman standing on the bow of the ship and Boya Hanku who is also one of the Seven Martial Seas. Grams." Reilly explained.

"Qiwuhai? Isn't that a bad person!" Nami said in surprise.

Lei Li shook his head and said: "Qiwuhai is not all bad guys. Some Qiwuhai joined the navy as a last resort. For example, Boya Hancock, she did not want her island to be attacked by the navy and pirates. I will choose to become Qiwuhai."

"Then why does she help us?"

The old man Raleigh said triumphantly: "Our Roger Pirates have a favor with the last emperor of Daughter Island. They must have come to help because of my face."

"That's it! That's great! Uncle Raleigh, your face is so good." Robin praised.

Lei Li laughed with relief, the old man's face is still great!

The big ship gradually approached, and the two giant pythons and sea kings dragged the entire big ship closer.

Three women on the ship boarded the deck. The appearance of Hancock made Robin and Nami sigh. How could this woman look so good-looking and have such a temperament~

Raleigh stepped forward and smiled: "Mother-in-law New asked you to help me, right? Say hello to me and her, I haven't seen her in decades, haha."

However, what surprised him was that Hancock ignored him and asked Nami Robin instead.

"Mr. Jiang Simingjiang, are you on this ship?"

"What do you want?" Nami thought it was Jiang Siming's enemy, and immediately became alert with Robin.

"Don't get me wrong, we are... Mr. Jiang's friends, specially here to help him." Hancock replied with a guilty conscience.

"Why haven't I heard Brother Jiang say..." Nami murmured.

Robin thought that Hancock was not a bad person, and smiled: "Big Brother Jiang is on the boat, but he is injured and is still recuperating. Are you here, what's the matter?"

"We know that you are arrested by the whole world and have nowhere to hide, so we want to invite you to the daughter island."

"The location of our daughter island is very remote, and as Qiwuhai, the navy dare not come in for investigation. You can get the best rest and medical treatment inside."

Hancock's words made Robin and Nami overjoyed. This is what they need most now!

"Thank you so much!" Nami agreed immediately.

Hancock said again: "But there is one thing. If you want to enter our daughter's island, you have to go through a long windless zone. I will let the boa constrictor on our boat help you hump over, so you don't have to panic."

"okay, thank you."

Robin and Nami were so happy, they finally found a place to rest for a while.

Hancock nodded, then coldly turned and took the two sisters back to his boat.

Raleigh was completely treated as air.

"Uncle Raleigh, it seems to be different from what you said~" Nami teased slyly, and Robin on the side squeezed a smile.

Raleigh's face flushed, and almost wanted to jump into the sea in embarrassment.

Led by the ships from Daughter Island, the Wanli Sunshine followed all the way and finally arrived at Daughter Island.

The appearance of Hancock warmly welcomes daughters from all over the island, and people respectfully yell the Queen to Hancock.

Jiang Siming was meditating to regain his qi, and he couldn't help being curious when he heard the voice outside. He dragged his unhealed body and walked out of the cabin.

As soon as Jiang Siming appeared, he was clearly seen by women across the island.

"How come there are men!"

"How could a man appear on our island!"

"Is it the enemy? Be alert!"

"Is this a man? He looks good!"


There are no men on Daughter Island, and there is a river similar to the Zimu River in Journey to the West.

Every woman in Daughter Island has to drink water from the Zimu River to give birth to a baby when she turns thirty.

And all the babies born are daughters.

Except for those who were lucky enough to have been to Daughter Island, almost 90% of women on the island had never seen a man.

For a while, Jiang Siming became a rare species like the giant panda.


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