I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1739: Lovesick Empress

And originally at this point in time, Ace was going to be executed.

But it was also because Jiang Siming severely injured the two generals, and the red dog even broke his arm.

So that the navy dare not execute Ace now.

Because of the execution of Ace, White Beard will definitely take action.

The combat effectiveness of their navy was greatly weakened by the loss of two generals.

So the Naval Headquarters decided to postpone the execution of Ace and changed it to two months later.

Jiang Siming didn't tell Luffy because he didn't want him to mix up this muddy water.

There is only one reason, Luffy is still too weak.

He went, only to add chaos, without any help.

In fact, in the original book, it was also because of Luffy's weakness that Ace was killed by Akadog in order to save him.

So he didn't want to repeat the old drama.

"Let's go, let's go see everyone, and let me tell you something by the way."

Jiang Siming said.

Nami asked suspiciously: "Then shall we come back?"

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "It should take a long time to come back, so I just said hello to their men. We are leaving."

"Don't you need to tell the queen?" Robin said.

Jiang Siming shrugged and said, "I think too, but I haven't seen her in several days. The matter is urgent and we must go."

Everyone had no objection, and immediately followed Jiang Siming to leave Daughter Island.

But at this time, a female guard rushed from the palace to ask Jiang Siming for help.

"Mr. Jiang, please save Her Royal Highness!"

Jiang Siming wondered: "What happened?"

"The queen is sick! It's a bizarre illness. Granny New has investigated for three days and finally found out the cause. She said that she must invite you. Only you can save the queen." The female guard was very anxious.

Jiang Siming glanced at Nami, then at Robin, the few people looked at each other, feeling confused.

Jiang Siming suddenly seemed to think of something and patted his thigh.

Damn it, won't you?

Jiang Siming remembered that when Lu flew to Daughter Island in the original book, the Empress also fell ill.

The name of this disease is...lovesickness!

The queen of their daughter island can't get lovesickness, maybe there is some kind of curse on the island.

Once a person has lovesickness, he will have a high fever, unbearable pain and no cure, until death.

In the original book, Hancock got this disease because he fell in love with Luffy.

But now... Does the empress like herself?

by! This woman has such a poor concentration, I remember that I met him on three sides.

And he restrained himself and stopped teasing her.

Because what Jiang Siming was thinking at the time was that he was embarrassed to pry into the love of Luffy.

But you said it won't work if you don't pry it now, it seems that love came to the door by itself...

Jiang Siming was very wronged in his heart. I really don't blame him this time. He didn't want to be the Empress.

"Mr. Jiang, please, save the queen!" The female guard thought Jiang Siming was unwilling to go, and hurried to kneel to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was speechless, so Nami and the others had to wait for a while before returning to the palace with the female guard.

All the way to the palace of the empress, before I even went in, I heard imaginative sounds coming from it.

"Um... I'm so uncomfortable, Granny New, I think I'm dying, uh..."

"I don't seem to be able to breathe anymore, Mother-in-law New, am I seriously ill and dying?"


The voice inside is exactly Hancock's.

"You are okay, you just have lovesickness. It is not the disease that tormented you, but love!"

"What? How come? What is love? Why have I never heard of it, well... so uncomfortable~"

"You'll know in a while, has anyone invited?"

"Mr. New, here you are, Mr. Jiang is coming soon."

"What? Mr. Jiang is here?"

To my surprise, Hancock, who had been seriously ill and weak, suddenly seemed to be back to light when he heard Jiang Siming coming.

Get up from the bed, and rush to the mirror to tidy up his clothes, there is no sign of serious illness.

Then Jiang Siming followed the female guard into the emperor's palace, and he saw Hancock sitting in front of the dressing table at a glance.

"Are you okay? I heard that you are sick." Jiang Siming asked with tangled eyes.

Hancock smiled slightly, his face flushed with fever.

"The concubine is fine, they are talking nonsense, the concubine is in good health."

The two sisters of Mother-in-law and Empress on the side were overwhelmed. I'll go! Is this the power of love?

Jiang Siming thought for a while, knowing that it won't work if this matter is not handled properly.

"Are you free today?"

"Of course I am free, does Mr. Jiang want me to help?" Hancock replied in seconds.

"I want to take you to a place, do you go?"

As soon as Jiang Siming finished speaking, Hancock began to froze, and his head began to think about it.

"Ah~~ Does Mr. Jiang want to date me? Something like dating will happen to me one day. After dating, does Mr. Jiang want to propose to me, and then we will have many babies...well. .. So happy~"

The inner world of the empress is quite fantastic.

This is also the nature of the empress, the outside second is arrogant and ruthless, but they are all outsiders.

Once she falls in love with a man, she will completely become the other's little fan, and she will be completely immersed in the sweet world of love.

No wonder so many people like this empress.

"I am willing to go, where is Mr. Jiang going? Anything is fine! Even if it is the naval headquarters, I am willing to accompany you~"

The sisters behind him and Mother-in-law New fell to the ground again.

"Um, I just want to see my partner, it may take a long time before I return to the island." Jiang Siming said.

"Ah? Are you leaving?" Hancock stood up quickly, anxious and pitiful, which made people's hearts melted.

"Not really, I plan to take my partners to retreat on the nearby island for two years to improve everyone's strength." Jiang Siming replied.

"Well, does the concubine have time to visit you?" Hancock asked expectantly.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "Our cultivation will be completely closed, and I may go to other places to deal with some things."

"That's it... then I have to go with Mr. Jiang."

Suppressing his loss, Hancock immediately ordered his men to prepare the ship.

So Jiang Siming took Hancock to the island where Luffy and them stayed.

Luffy and the others were also healed at this time. They were training **** the island one by one, and Raleigh was training them.

It can be seen that everyone is training very hard, even Usopp is trying to improve himself.

The arrival of Jiang Siming caused them to pause and all ran to see Jiang Siming.

They had always wanted to visit Jiang Siming on the island, but the rules of Daughter Island prevented them from entering.

They can only wait.

Sanji's admiration for Jiang Siming was drooling every day. He wanted to visit Daughter Island in his dreams, but unfortunately he didn't live.

Seeing Jiang Siming came out, before Sanji spoke, he saw Hancock next to Jiang Siming.

In an instant, his nose bleeds wildly!


Second more~

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