I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1741: A bit dreamy

"Forgot to say, after everyone enters their respective training rooms, there is no way to meet each other. Unless you get out of the training room, you can meet again. I will ask Hancock to send someone to deliver more food regularly."

Jiang Siming knew that Luffy was a big appetizer, so he was better treated.

"Brother Jiang is so nice, love you~" Lu Fei was moved.

Jiang Siming continued to tell everyone: "One more thing, I can only adjust the training time, and I may not be there often, so for the sake of everyone's unified time, I will adjust everyone's training time to two years."

"That doesn't mean that we will be separated for two years?" Sanji asked.

"Yes, so today is our last day together." Jiang Siming nodded.

Everyone was a little bit upset at once, but soon recovered.

Anyway, it's all in this training ground, it's better than going to different places thousands of miles apart.

Being able to gather together for training is already a gift from God.

"Okay, I'm basically done. If everyone agrees to the plan, just raise your hand."

Once Jiang Siming finished speaking, everyone raised their arms with great ambition.

training! Must train! Because of them, no one wants to hold back Jiang Siming!

Jiang Siming was very pleased.

Then, I started to debug different training venues and opponents in each training room.

For example, Luffy, he needs to activate the three-color domineering in his body, so Jiang Siming arranged for him to be a forest beast.

These forests are only a one-year training project. After one year, many opponents with tricolor domineering will be arranged to play against him.

Fighting is the best way to practice.

Another example is Nami, she doesn't need the weather to be awesome anymore. With the thunder fruit, the most important thing is to awaken and develop her fruit ability.

As long as she can develop to the level of Anilu, she is at least Qiwuhai's strength level, or even stronger.

In the first year, Jiang Siming arranged for her an environment capable of maximizing her awakening ability, and also arranged many enemies with natural fruit ability.

These enemies are illusions, so they will not pose a threat to everyone's lives, but every time they are defeated by the enemy, they will be punished by electrotherapy in the training ground.

Let them be vigilant at all times and not take it lightly just because the enemy is an illusion.

Everyone, Jiang Siming arranged the best training venue, and everything was settled and it was dark.

The Empress arranged a lot of food, and everyone spent the last night on the island.

The next day, everyone gathered outside the training ground, obviously, parting was imminent.

Although everyone is in the same place, the true distance is no more than one door apart.

But this distance is actually farther than the ends of the world.

In two years, they have not seen each other.

"I will definitely learn the three-color domineering, master the use of rubber fruit, not only the second gear, but also the third gear, the fourth gear and the fifth gear I have to learn!"

"I must make my sword sharper and stronger in two years. My goal is to be the world's number one swordsman!"

"I want to use these two years to prove that chefs can also become very powerful. Next time I meet that **** robot bear, I will kick it out!"

"The world's No. 1 sniper, it's our Usopp, quack, our Usopp will surely realize all the cows I have blown!"

Men are declaring their aspirations and goals.

It's just that no one seems to be listening...

Nami: "Brother Jiang, wait two years for me to come out, I must be your girlfriend~"

Robin: "The search for historical texts has to be put on hold for two years. I have to become stronger to protect the historical inscriptions. In contrast, if I can protect him once, these two years will be worth it."

Ram: "Brother, you have to wait for me. Ram will definitely be great when he comes out!"

Rem: "Brother, when Rem comes out, I will be your nanny every day~"

Well, the women didn't even care about Luffy and them, their focus was on Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming smiled and waved to them, and said, "See you in two years!"

Everyone cleared up their emotions and finally stepped into the training ground!

Nami, Robin, Luffy, Brook, and Usopp all carry the charms given to them by Jiang Siming.

It is said that they can evolve their fruit ability.

After everyone entered, all of a sudden, Jiang Siming, Hancock and Leili were left on the island.

"I should go back, too. Xia Qi's bar still needs my help. I hope to come back to Chambord in two years. I invite you to drink."

After Raleigh finished speaking, he jumped into the sea and swam back to the Chambord Islands.

Raleigh didn't need a boat at all.

In this way, only Jiang Siming and the empress are left on the island.

And Jiang Siming is leaving too.

"Mr. Jiang, is Ace going to Malin Vandor to execute you?" Hancock had an exquisite heart and guessed what Jiang Siming was going to do.

Jiang Siming didn't deny it either, and nodded.

"Then, when you go, can you be with your concubine?" Hancock asked shyly.

"Of course it's fine. With your help, I won't worry about it anymore." Jiang Siming replied.

Hancock smiled, but then he squeezed a few more times, mustered his courage, kissed Jiang Siming's mouth, and then clutched his red face, ran back to his boat, and flew like a flee. 'Back to Daughter Island.

Jiang Siming touched his lips, obediently, the empress offers a kiss, this feels a bit dreamy...


Withdraw from the copy, the sky is already bright.

The wives had already got up and went to work, Jiang Siming stretched out lazily and went downstairs to eat.

My heart is left at home, and I want to read books about pregnant women and all kinds of books about caring for children.

Eating sour plum while reading.

After pregnancy, she started to like sour food.

And Zhao Xiaoxiao discussed the name of the child with her mother.

"Xinyi Mom, how do I think the name is Jiang Taotao, the female is Jiang Taotao, the male is Jiang Taotao, just like my Xiaoxiao, they are all repeated names~"

Before Wang Xinyi spoke, Jiang Siming's voice came from behind.

"It's not so good, can you name it so casually." Jiang Siming walked over with a bowl of soy milk, spitting out while drinking.

Zhao Xiaoxiao pouted and akimbo said: "Why don't it matter? My name has been considered for a long time, okay, stinky father!"

Jiang Siming rolled her eyes, she dare to be more casual.

However, Wang Xinyi asked Jiang Siming curiously: "Then brother, what do you call it? Have you thought about it?"

Jiang Siming gave a dry cough, feeling a little embarrassed, he actually didn't think about it.

After thinking about it a lot, I didn't think it was appropriate.

"I'm thinking, don't worry, don't worry, the child is nine months away from birth, I will use these nine months to come up with the most suitable name."

Jiang Siming vowed to say that Xinyi believed it very much.

Only Zhao Xiaoxiao still firmly believes that Jiang TAOTAO sounds good~


[Author's digression]: First more~

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