I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1747: There are really aliens!

He was really not interested in diamond rings.

Diamonds are a big scam, not rare at all.

It's just that most of the diamond mines are controlled by big chaebols, who deliberately slap everyone's appetites, advertised that diamonds are very rare and that diamonds last forever.

It's all shit.

Diamonds are not only common on the earth, but also bloody.

Xiao Lizi's "Blood Diamond" exposes the cruelty and ruthlessness of the diamond industry. Those chaebols squeezed the poor African people to dig diamonds for them, and they would kill because of a diamond.

So Jiang Siming didn't want to use diamonds as wedding rings, and his girlfriends didn't like diamonds either.

They prefer gems to diamonds.

But Jiang Siming didn't want to use gems as wedding rings.

Since his wedding is unique, the wedding ring must also be unique.

It is a pity that Jiang Siming's company does not have any rare gemstone mines. Generally, even very rare gemstones cannot meet Jiang Siming's needs.

Please, these 28 people need 28 wedding rings.

And you can't just have wedding rings, jewelry, necklaces, they are all necessary drops.

So Jiang Siming thought about it, since the gems on the earth are not enough...

Why not... go and see in outer space?

Going to the solar system, no, the planets of the solar system have been thoroughly studied by scientists, so you still have to go to the Milky Way to stroll around.

It just so happened that Jiang Siming's intermediate wormhole was useless. Relying on the idea of ​​chance, Jiang Siming first set up a wormhole transmission point in the center of the galaxy.

The location of the earth is placed over the Atlantic Ocean close to the United States. Well, this is also to ensure foolproof safety.

Although only Jiang Siming can control the wormhole, Lao Jiang has always been stable and he likes to keep his hands on everything.

He flew to the United States in an instant. After setting up the portal, Jiang Siming summoned the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, and at the same time entered a first-level alert state, and the true energy on his body would protect his body at any time.

Prepared well, Jiang Siming entered the wormhole.

In the next second, there was darkness before his eyes, and only a faint light could be seen.

There is no sound, the surroundings are as quiet as everything is still, and people are also in a suspended state, like a catkins floating in the sky.

Normal people will feel flustered if they stay here for less than ten seconds, and will have a psychological breakdown if they stay here for ten minutes.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming had already had the experience of flying to the moon last time, and he was not surprised by this space environment.

He has a space genetic physique and can fully adapt to the environment of any galaxy and planet, including the space environment.

In addition, Jiang Siming, a big man of the transformation stage, night vision is a pediatrics for him.

So Jiang Siming quickly knew everything around him.

This is definitely a stellar galaxy that humans have not been able to explore so far. Stars are all equipped with light and heat, similar to the sun.

But the number of planets in it far exceeds that of the solar system, and there are at least hundreds of planets different in size from the Earth.

Some are smaller than the earth, and some are thousands of times larger than the largest Jupiter in the solar system, even if it is far away, Jiang Siming can see it.

But it was difficult to think about it. He had to fly for several days at the speed of light to detect the distance.

This star system is much larger than the solar system.

"Master, this is the Horse System. The Horse System is 3154 light-years away from the Solar System. The Horse System has 2,557 planets."

Hearing the reminder from Xiaoxian, Jiang Siming's eyes were bright, yes, why don't you ask Xiaoxian as a know-it-all!

Xiaoxian is a different-dimensional product. He knows things about the earth and the universe.

But Xiaoxian told Jiang Siming that its ability could only reach the Milky Way, beyond the Milky Way, it would be helpless.

"Then do you know whether there is a planet with life in the Puma system?" Jiang Siming asked tentatively.

"This little fairy doesn't know either."

Jiang Siming was just a little disappointed, but Xiaoxian explained: "But Xiaoxian can use the galaxy exploration once after arriving in the galaxy. For each galaxy exploration, Xiaoxian needs a robot battery to charge."

When Jiang Siming heard it, it was not bad. The robot battery he got before had a few bucks left, and it didn’t matter to use one.

"Then use it once."

Jiang Siming too wants to know about this problem, which is also a problem that plagues all people on earth.

Is there any other life in the Milky Way, or aliens?

It is something that everyone is curious about.

Xiaoxian obeyed Jiang Siming's instructions and used a galaxy exploration.

One hour later, one of Jiang Siming's robot batteries became obsolete, and Xiaoxian also completed the task.

"After the exploration, there are 2,557 planets in the Puma galaxy, 2,515 inanimate planets, and 42 living planets."


Jiang Siming's pupils were slightly open, and his body couldn't help shaking.

He wasn't afraid, but he was shocked after getting this answer.

Really... there are aliens!

Also, there are more than a dozen planets in the solar system plus eight planets and some dwarf planets.

This stellar system has 2,557 planets, hundreds of times the solar system.

There should be life, even if there is probability.

"Xiaoxian, what exactly do you mean by living planets? Are these 42 living planets all human beings like our earth?"

Jiang Siming asked curiously.

Xiaoxian patiently explained: "It's not the master. Among the 42 life planets, 35 are planets that only belong to microbial life. Simply put, these planets only have cell life."

"Of the remaining 7 planets, 4 are animal planets, 2 are plant planets, and 2 are humanoid planets."

Hearing the human form, Jiang Siming became alert.

"You mean, there are also human forms of life appearing?"

"um hum."

"Then will they pose a threat to our planet?"

After hearing this, Xiaoxian smiled and replied: "At least it is impossible for the existence of a galaxy that can threaten the earth. The reason is simple. If their strength or technology has surpassed the earth, they would have already explored the galaxy, otherwise the earth The various exploration signals launched by various countries are their reminders."

Jiang Siming nodded when he heard the words, saying that made sense.

There are aliens in the galaxy, but even if they do, if they are stronger than the earth, they would have come here long ago.

In recent years, scientists in many countries on the earth have been keen to emit signals to the outside world, with the intention of exploring whether there is really life in the universe.

Old Mr. Hawking said that this move is extremely dangerous.

Jiang Siming agreed. He still couldn't get out of the earth and solar system, so he wanted to communicate with people in other galaxies.

If someone is stronger than you, they will have captured you earlier.

It is also a good life for the earth, at least in the nearby galaxies, which are the most powerful, including the horse system.

Since there was no threat, Jiang Siming couldn't help but want to go to those two galaxies to take a look at what the legendary alien looks like.

He can be considered the first earthling to be seen soon.


Second more~

The circuit in the community here is about to be overhauled. It is said that the call will not be available until 8 o'clock. Today's update may be a little later, forgive me.

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