I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1751: Holy Fruit Blossom

Sister Bao’s company has such a business model.

Invest first, cultivate high-quality employees, and then let these high-quality employees go to the rich.

The return is often dozens or even hundreds of times the investment!

There are countless successful cases of her company, and I don't know how many rich men have talked about it.

Whether you are a single man or a married man, as long as you are targeted, you can't escape.

The most well-known cases are the recent Pan Shuai, and the Hong Kong King Guo Juxing a few years ago.

The two of their current wives are both the elites of Sister Bao!

Seeing this, it is estimated that many men are grateful that they are a pauper.

But the fact is that, no matter which country it is, there are companies like this.

There were also in ancient times. For example, some shrewd old bustards in brothels would train famous prostitutes. You should know the names of Li Shishi and Chen Yuanyuan.

Those are all cultivated, and they specialize in rich people.

Master Li got into Song Huizong, and Chen Yuanyuan got into Wu Sangui.

This model, in modern times, is unsatisfactory.

Sister Bao is now the most famous figure in China's industry and the most successful businessman.

Sister Bao smiled when she heard her subordinates say this, and said, "I know what you said makes sense, but the goal I'm talking about next is unique."

Sister Bao lighted a cigarette, spit out gracefully, and continued with a smile:

"Let me just say that. If you can win this customer, you will be rich and rich for the rest of your life, or even the next eight lifetimes."


The female subordinates exclaimed, is it true? So exaggerated?

No customer has ever received such an evaluation from Sister Bao.

The most valuable client of their studio is Lin Hao, and the most famous client is Guo Juxing.

But even for the two of them, Sister Bao has never given such an evaluation.

Sister Bao squinted, very satisfied with everyone's response.

She turned on the computer, released the customer photo she said, and projected it on the wall.

When everyone looked at it, they all took a breath.

I saw Jiang Siming's picture on the projection wall!

"How about it, Sister Bao is not bragging. If anyone can win this customer, Sister Bao can use the head to guarantee that she will be rich for generations."

"Moreover, the dream lover you usually ridicule about is not him, so this client is the next and biggest goal of our studio, none of them!"

Sister Bao finished speaking, but the female subordinates are not so stupid, knowing how difficult this task is.

"Sister Bao, of course we completely believe what you said, but have you considered how difficult this task is? Looking at all the photos of his girlfriends, which one is not better than us?"

"Yes, we can be goddesses among ordinary people, but in Jiang Siming's eyes, it may be just average."

"I knew a civil aviation flight attendant before. She is a famous flight attendant in the local civil aviation industry. Last year, Jiang Siming was selected to be her private flight attendant on her private jet. I asked the reason, and she said Jiang Siming didn't like her."

"Sister Bao, you can't draw us pie, how can such a difficult customer get it."


Upon hearing this, Sister Bao dusted the ashes into the ashtray, pinched out the cigarette butts, and said with a smile: "So this time I am going to send out the magic weapon of our company, Anti and Fei Er."

"Isn't Andy Bao you used to soak the young master of the Qin family? Fei'er you used to soak Lin's three-year-old? Sister Bao, you want to use two to soak one?" The female subordinates were shocked.

Sister Bao asked in return: "Should the Qin Family Master and Lin Tianwang add a piece to Jiang Siming?"

Everyone was taken aback, really, in terms of wealth, Qin Gongzi was just the richest man in the province.

No one’s wealth yet Jiang Siming has many fingernails.

Besides, Young Master Qin still relies on his parents for his money. Jiang Siming is a well-off generation who can talk and laugh with Wang Dawang and Ali Ma and even dominate them.

There is no comparison at all.

In terms of fame, it is true that Lin Sansui is the king of heaven, but Jiang Siming is also proficient in music and has also won the King of Singing Award.

Music is just Jiang Siming's hobby.

So when Sister Bao said, everyone thought it made sense.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense. Everyone knows the strengths of Antti and Fei Er, so all of us have to cooperate with them during this time. As long as the task is completed, I can guarantee that the money will be distributed. Everyone of you can be rich."

With that said, the whole company is full of enthusiasm.

Jiang Siming has become their sweet pastry and cash cow!



Jiang Siming, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa at home, sneezed inexplicably, and when he opened his eyes, he realized that the little fellow Ari was lying on him and scratching him with nine tails.

"You little fox, what are you doing, just start to hide when you are in a good condition?"

Jiang Siming smiled and gave her Xiao Pipi a palm.

Ari and A-nan are still in a semi-dormant state.

Both guys are getting better lately, but they are still lethargic. They probably have to sleep for more than 15 hours a day.

Jiang Siming is also helpless. If there is a lack of energy, Jiang Siming can directly pass some energy over, or feed a few pills of medicine and he will immediately be able to live a life.

But the key point is that they are not lacking in energy. On the contrary, they are too much energy in their bodies, which makes them unable to absorb all of them, and it takes time to digest them slowly.

Jiang Siming doubted whether they were still asleep when they got married.

But Ah Li ignored Jiang Siming's love reproach, nine tails pointed at the door, as if to show Jiang Siming something.

Jiang Siming got up and walked out the door, his eyes widened suddenly.

I saw the sacred fruit tree that had been planted for a year at the door of the house, and it actually blossomed today!

And not only does it bloom, but also grows up a lot.

Yesterday, it was only a small tree with thick thighs, even the height of the second floor.

On this day, the effort has grown to the thickness of a bucket, and the branches and leaves have surpassed Jiang Siming's entire villa. Fortunately, Jiang Siming had a mindful mind.

Don't plant it next to the house, otherwise the house will have to be wrapped up by the holy fruit tree, and the sun will not shine in the future.

The location of the sacred fruit tree species can be stuck in the sun at noon, which is also the state of the hottest time.

In summer, it is covered by a tree at noon, and it is cool inside and outside the house, without turning on the air conditioner.

Moreover, after the sacred fruit tree bloomed, the fragrance of the flowers revealed a light and elegant fragrance. Just smelling it, I felt the real qi in my body.

As if Zhenqi liked the smell very much.

The sacred fruit tree was picked up by him during the game last year. At first it was just a small sapling.

"Pick up [Black Technology Fragment·Different Dimension Holy Fruit Tree] Black Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

【Holy Fruit Tree】: It blooms once a year and bears fruit once every two years. Taking the holy fruit can prolong life by 100 years and can be taken indefinitely.

Jiang Siming was wondering how it suddenly became like this. He remembered that the sacred fruit tree bloomed, and he had to wait at least a month, so why did it come earlier?

Jiang Siming remembered, it should be the Spirit Gathering Formation.


Third update~ There is another update, on the way!

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