I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1753: Is there anyone better than him?

Because of Jiang Siming's arrival at the scene, the focus of everyone's eyes immediately gathered on him.

"Hello, President Jiang, I'm Zhao Gang, Chairman of Zhongshan Group."

"President Jiang Yang, I am the chairman of Jiyuan Catering Group."

"President Jiang..."

Everyone Jiang Siming approached immediately introduced themselves and wanted to make friends with Jiang Siming.

The lowest grades here are all ten billionaires, and those below ten billion are not embarrassed to speak up.

Billionaires are already unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people.

But thrown here, it is really no different from a beggar.

People with less than ten billion worth of standing in front of Jiang Siming are under too much pressure, and there is no such confidence to open their mouths.

Everyone admires Jiang Siming sincerely, but he is not afraid of his background.

Jiang Si understands that he started his career without relying on anyone, and they can't accept such achievements and achievements in two years.

Besides, there are many industries under Jiang Siming, if you can make some cooperation, wouldn't it be beautiful!

Jiang Siming smiled and nodded to everyone's enthusiasm, but did not stop to chat with anyone.

He came to visit the port today, not to make friends.

Besides, if he stops to chat with one person, there will definitely be a lot of people around to entangle you. You are embarrassed if you don't say anything.

Jiang Siming just nodded with a smile around him, then filed past.

Wang Dashao followed behind and was unable to complain. How could this guy treat these people as ordinary people? Please, these people are also billionaires anyway.

If he changes, he will definitely have to stop one by one, communicate with them, and talk about many business opportunities casually.

It is a pity that these people are only interested in Jiang Siming and have no interest in Wang Dashao at all.

He is not Wang's richest man, but Wang Dashao has no such face.

Only when he met Penguin Horse and Mamanman did Jiang Siming stop.

"Hello teacher~" Ma Manman teased Jiang Siming with a smile.

She has been learning Chinese martial arts in Jiang Siming's class recently, and there is nothing wrong with calling Jiang Siming a master.

"I didn't go to class recently, did the national martial arts fall?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

"Of course not, but I have been exercising at home." Ma Manman replied triumphantly.

The penguin horse on the side feels rather helpless. This little fat sheep, which has been raised for more than 20 years, still cannot escape the fate of being ‘slaughtered’ by others...

The most annoying thing is that Jiang Siming doesn't seem to want to "slaughter."

"Boss Ma seems to be looking bad lately." Jiang Siming looked at Penguin Ma.

Boss Ma murmured, his daughter fell in love with a sea king, can he look good.

"Maybe I haven't slept well recently." Boss Ma casually found an excuse. In fact, he did not slept well either. It may be that he was middle-aged and his body went downhill.

"Then I suggest you buy our company's products, detox pill and beauty pill." Jiang Siming promoted friendly.

Boss Ma shook his head and sighed: "I have eaten it. It is indeed very helpful to the human body, but this is an occupational disease that has accumulated over the years, and I cannot improve it when I am older."

Jiang Siming smiled, facing Ali Manunu on the other side, and said, "Guess why President Ma has been like a mental boy lately?"

"I'm really curious about this. Could it be your company's medicine?" Boss Ma's eyes lit up.

Jiang Siming quietly smiled at him: "Mr. Ma bought an extremely precious complete version of our company's detoxification and beauty pill, and it is in this state."

Why did Jiang Siming say that? Of course it's selling their own products.

Now my wife and family have eaten all of the detoxification and beauty pills, and they are still refining in the alchemy room every day. Everyone can only take one of these pills, so there are a lot of them now.

Isn't it a waste not to sell?

Besides, how can you find a fat sheep like Boss Ma, this is not easy.

Boss Ma was moved by the consequences, but hesitated, and said, "There will be no side effects, right?"

"My company's products, when have you heard of any side effects?" Jiang Siming asked rhetorically.

As soon as Boss Ma heard it, he was moved to buy.

"Can you sell me one, President Jiang?"

Jiang Siming raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a fox smile, and said, "This is the latest and only one I have made with great effort. The previous one was bought by President Ma."

Boss Ma was savvy and immediately knew what he meant, and asked, "How much did the horse cost?"

Jiang Siming made a 2 gesture.

Boss Ma thought it was 20 million, and said with a chuckle: "Twenty million, I bought it."

Jiang Siming laughed, and replied in a low voice: "Two, billion."

Boss Ma and Ma Manman couldn't believe their eyes widened.

What kind of medicine is so expensive?

If it wasn't for you Jiang Siming who spoke, they would call the police directly to arrest the liar.

"If you want to buy or sell, you don't need to make a fuss. You can also ask Mr. Ma. Jiang Siming doesn't have a lie. That's all for me. I'll go ahead."

Jiang Siming left after speaking, leaving Boss Ma there to hesitate.

His net worth of two billion is only a trivial matter, but no one is a fool.

No matter how rich you are, you can't just buy something and spend two billion.

"Dad, I think it's true, or buy one." Ma Manman believed Jiang Siming very much.

Boss Ma's personality is still relatively stable, shook his head and said: "I will ask Mr. Ma later."

Ma Manman also nodded and didn't say anything, just looking at Jiang Siming's leaving back, she felt empty in her heart.

"Dad, he is getting married." Ma Manman bit his red lip.

How could Boss Ma not understand what his daughter meant, and comforted: "I know, but your parents don't want you to compete with so many women to be jealous. I hope you can understand that you are Ma Manman, the future leader of the Penguin Empire. ."

"I know." Ma Manman lowered his head and said dullly.

Boss Ma patted his daughter on the shoulder and comforted: "Don't worry, there are many good men in the world, and you will find them in the future."

"Is there really a better man in the world?" Ma Manman asked rhetorically.

Boss Ma was speechless for a while, even if he wanted to lie to her again, he couldn't open his mouth.

In the end, Boss Ma could only sigh. If Jiang Siming were single, it would be great. He and his wife would be satisfied with a son-in-law like Jiang Siming with 10,000 and 100,000 happy.

It's a pity, the other party is a sea king (cover his face).

Although it was recognized and supported, Boss Ma would not allow his daughter to be with Jiang Siming.

The two father and daughter finally did not discuss the matter again, but Mamanman's mood has been relatively depressed, and finally went back without waiting a few minutes.


First more~

The computer system crashed today, and I only got up at noon. I took the machine to the computer shop for a long time, and there was something in the shop, so it was delayed.

Today this point should be able to write another chapter.

Don't panic, everyone, the sake will make up for the loss.

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