I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1761: Let President Jiang pass~

These hundreds of cars joined in, filling the whole street.

In fact, they don't need them at all, just Jiang Siming can completely control the audience.

But the presence of these people makes the whole welcoming team even more domineering.

There are two main streets lined up just by the position!

These two streets were all occupied at once, full of the roar of sports cars, and there were thousands of cars with one piece.

Modu had never seen such a arrogant battle before, and the people on the roadside were shocked and dumbfounded.

Not to mention the magic capital, even the world has never seen such a wedding team.

Without the help of the traffic police, other cars automatically hide away.

Even if it was already the green light, I would dare to pass without a car.

Just kidding, if someone’s car bumps into it today, the owner estimates that he won’t be able to afford to win a five million prize once a day in his life.

Today's car owners are exceptionally qualified, and they all wait for the green light. The car behind is unknown, so they whistle to urge.

The driver in front screamed angrily. The petty temper got out of the car and ran to the back to drag the driver out of the whistle, pointing to the aggrieved side and shouting:

"You open it! Do you give me a try, do you dare to move?"

When the driver saw it, his head instantly shook like a rattle. He was not moved or moved. He was wrong and wrong.

The team got together, just when everyone thought it was over.

In the sky, the sound of a helicopter appeared.

Boom booming...

Looking to the sky, everyone's expressions are as exciting as they are.

Ten private helicopters hovered high in the sky to form an air greet team.

Land and air amphibious coverage.

If there was no sea nearby, Jiang Siming's yacht club would have come.

Here, the team just set off for Disney, which is the wedding scene.

The live broadcast of this wedding, just the beginning, is already countless high-powered.

A fleet of helicopters and thousands of luxury cars drove into Disney.

Fortunately, Disney is quite large enough to accommodate these cars, otherwise you really have to wait outside.

All the cars drove in, all the way to the hotel where the hostess was staying.

The maidens had been waiting for a long time, but they were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

The visual impact on them is absolutely unprecedented.

The cars stopped one by one, the doors opened, but the drivers and Jiang's family were all in the shadows.

Everyone did not find Jiang Siming's figure.

"in the sky!"

When everyone heard the reminder, they all looked up.

I saw Jiang Siming jump off from one of the helicopters!

Everyone screamed in fright, even if the helicopter descends very low, it must be tens of meters high.

But nothing happened, Jiang Simingyun leapt from the helicopter lightly and landed steadily.

"Light work! It must be light work!"

Everyone just remembered that Jiang Siming is a **** of war, a **** of war.

No worries about injury, everyone had the intention to see Jiang Siming.

I saw that what Jiang Siming wore today was completely different from what they thought.

There is no western-style suit, but a Chinese-style red robe and red gold boots, full of elegance!

Jiang Siming's figure perfectly sets off this ancient wedding gown that belongs to China. This is the first time everyone has seen modern people wear such beautiful ancient clothes.

And it's the most **** red outfit.

It turns out that men can also be so stylish in red robe!

Domestic audiences saw Jiang Siming's dress, and many unmarried people were itchy, and wanted to wear this when they got married.

Foreign countries are all at a loss, don't know what the clothes are, but they are pretty!

Even later, Chinese wedding dresses became popular abroad.

Jiang Siming wore red flowers and smiled like a spring breeze. He raised his leg and walked in the direction of his family.

Naturally, the maidens would not let Jiang Siming enter the hotel so easily, all of them stopped in the middle.

Jiang Siming didn't have the best man team to help.

Generally speaking, a best man group is needed for western weddings, but not for Chinese weddings.

Jiang Siming had never thought of hiring a best man, he was enough alone, and the woman also did not find a bridesmaid.

Seeing Jiang Siming was besieged by her parents, the Jiang family could only helpless.

Can't blame them, who made this kid so much family.

In terms of the number of people, they can't even compare with a fraction of others.

Besides, Jiang Siming also greeted them in advance and didn't need their help.

"What are you doing, let me give you a hand, I'm going to pick up my ladies."

Jiang Si asked clearly knowingly.

The headed maiden family is Tang Ru’s older brother, Tang Song, chairman of Bixin.

Tang Song is not so foolish. He smiled and said to Jiang Siming: "Have you thought about the natal level, are you ready?"

Jiang Siming smiled and patted Tang Song on the shoulder, and said, "Don't pretend to be a cup, you are the best solution."

"Damn! You underestimate me? Today I will show you what is a stumbling block." Tang Song said angrily.

Jiang Siming didn’t care at all. Instead, he said, “If you let go now, I can consider providing you with the LILI translation software team to help you completely upgrade the Bixin software and help you get the next financing for free. There is no need to dilute a little share. If you don’t let me open it, I can’t do anything about it. In the future, please don’t find me for Bixin’s voice business and financing.

Tang Song was stunned for a second, then changed his face in a second, stepped aside, and shouted: "Let President Jiang pass~"

puff! Hahahahaha

The audience burst into laughter.

Tang Song, you are so good!

But it doesn't mean you can go if you get Tang Song. With so many family members, how could they be the same as Tang Song.

What came out at this time was that the young people's team of the maidens were all young men and girls in their dozens and twentys.

Although they admire Jiang Siming very much, they have to stand firm at this time.

Jiang Siming also understood, and when he flipped his hand, dozens of VIP cards appeared in his hand.

"These are free cards for major luxury stores. As long as they are valid today, if you let go, these cards are all yours. Girls like bags and clothes, boys like luxury cars, digital, etc., everything. It’s free, but there will be no shop after passing this village."

At first, everyone thought Jiang Siming would take out the red envelopes, but they realized that the red envelopes were an insult to Jiang Siming.

People just send tens of billions of welfare to netizens on Gulu Weibo, so do they need to send red envelopes?

Seeing the card in Jiang Siming's hand, these young people couldn't hold back, screaming and taking away Jiang Siming's card, and went to the side to divide the spoils.

Brand-name bags, brand-name perfumes, brand-name clothes, and even luxury cars, grab them today!

Who can stand this, do you want to give it to you?

It's strange to be able to hold it.

Sugar-coated cannonballs are Jiang Siming's weapons.

Some people are not good at sugar-coated cannonballs, not because they are not tempted by sugar-coated cannonballs, but because the power of sugar-coated cannonballs is too small.


Third, Comrade Lao Jiang is finally getting married~ Sahua~

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