I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1768: Meng Jiangnu?

As a traverser, he watched as his beloved woman was indifferent under other men, and even worked as a security guard for the other man.

Maybe someone would support Yi Xiaochuan. The opponent was Qin Shihuang. He was just an ordinary person.

But you know, Yi Xiaochuan knows that the Qin Dynasty will be destroyed, and Xiang Yu and Liu Bang are his brothers.

Even if Liu Bang was still a land ruffian and had no combat power, how about Xiang Yu?

They are strong and appreciate Yi Xiaochuan very much.

Yi Xiaochuan could take Yushu to Xianyang and take her to Xiang Yu to complete the great cause of destroying Qin together.

Even if you are afraid that Tuan will be retaliated by Yingzheng, you can publicize that you forcibly kidnapped Yushu and you will not be over.

But Yi Xiaochuan didn't do anything. He went where Yu Shu went. In the end, Yu Shu was imprisoned in the tomb for two thousand years.

This is also the reason why Yi Xiaochuan, the traveler, is so annoying, and no one who is close to him has a good end.

However, something Jiang Siming did not expect, within two days, Ying Zheng decreed that Princess Tu'an was appointed as his wife.

Not only that, but also sent general Meng Tian to lead an army of 50,000 to pick up Yu Shu in Tuan.

This wave of Ying Zheng's operations has made Jiang Siming a little surprised.

But soon he understood that Ying Zheng just wanted to get closer to him.

Just for his guarantee of Yingzheng's one-hundred-year life span, it was enough for Yingzheng to offer him as a god.

Not to mention giving away a beautiful woman, even if he captures all the beautiful women in the world to Jiang Siming, he doesn't care.

Ying Zheng's enthusiasm for Jiangshan far exceeds his desire for women.

In his eyes, there is only Daqin Jiangshan.

Daqin officials are too envious of Jiang Siming, this person is afraid his majesty's son?

Even Hu Hai and Fusu had never been treated like this before.

Originally, Ying Zheng didn't need Jiang Siming to voluntarily. He just needed him to wait in the house, and he would send Princess Yu Shu to Jiang Siming's house.

However, Jiang Siming decided to set off in person.

After all, Yu Shu gave it to him, it belongs to his private property.

He doesn't want Yi Xiaochuan, the sixth child, to **** his own "property" on the road.

Then what came back was a silly woman who had been deceived by Yi Xiaochuan.

Following the army, Jiang Siming set off from Xianyang and directed towards Tu'an.

"Guoji, it takes more than half a month to go to Tu'an, and the environment there is bad, and Rong Di may come at any time. Otherwise, you should stay in Xianyang."

Meng Tian came to Jiang Siming's carriage and persuaded.

In fact, Meng Tian just looked down on Jiang Siming. He felt that Jiang Siming was a liar, and he didn't know what method he used to deceive His Majesty's trust.

After all, he had never seen what Jiang Siming was capable of, and he had never even seen him come to court when he became a national teacher.

In the eyes of Meng Tian, ​​he didn't want to bring this burden.

Jiang Siming was eating fruit leisurely on the carriage, and then lazily replied:

"You don't need to worry about this. Remember the mission that the Emperor Shi Huang gave you. On the way, you have to follow my orders. Let's go. Don't rush."

Meng Tian froze, although he was dissatisfied, but he dared not say anything.

Because your Majesty has clearly told him that all his actions must be listened to by Jiang Siming.

The army set off and passed through the Great Wall, which is currently under construction.

Ying Zheng arranged for Fusu to personally supervise him, also to test his ability.

Jiang Siming wanted to see the construction of the Great Wall, so he asked Meng Tian to stop the army and let him take himself to see the Great Wall.

The Great Wall, this world-famous building is also a highlight of Qin Shihuang's achievements.

Jiang Siming also wanted to see how the Great Wall was born from scratch.

Although Meng Tian was very dissatisfied, he had no choice but to agree to Jiang Siming's order.

So he took Jiang Siming to the construction site of the Great Wall.

Just looking from a distance, Jiang Siming was already emotional. There is no emperor, with the vision of Qin Shihuang, and the courage of Qin Shihuang.

300,000 manpower was used to build the Great Wall. The vastness of the project and the majestic momentum can be called a world miracle.

In the absence of the invention of cement, a super barrier that stretches for thousands of miles will be built.

This kind of difficulty and amount of engineering can be imagined.

Qin Shihuang knew that this would cause public grievances, but he did so at any cost.

Even at that time, countless people criticized him and slandered him.

But history has proven that his decision was correct.

The Great Wall of China resisted countless foreign enemies who wanted to invade the country and made a great contribution to China's territory.

Jiang Siming looked at the charm of the Great Wall with emotion.

When it got closer, the construction site was crowded, but methodical, and all the migrant workers were doing their own thing.

"General Meng!"

At this time, a young man came over, saw Meng Tian, ​​and greeted him cordially.

Meng Tian also hurriedly saluted: "I will see the prince in the end!"

"Haha, you don't need to be stuck between you and me, who is this?" Fusu looked at Jiang Siming next to Meng Tian with piercing eyes.

He actually knew that this person was a national teacher appointed by the emperor, and he asked this deliberately.

Meng Tian also frowned, Jiang Siming ignored the existence of the prince and watched the Great Wall go.

"This is Daqin's new national teacher, Jiang Siming."

Meng Tian said to Jiang Siming as soon as he finished speaking: "Guo Shi, this is the eldest son of your majesty, the son of Fu Su."

Meng Tian thought his warning was obvious enough, Jiang Siming should always say hello to the prince.

However, Jiang Siming still stared at the Great Wall, even took out a bronze mirror-like thing, and performed operations on the Great Wall that they could not understand.

"You have to take a picture, record a video, and record it. After this copy disappears, you will never see it again."

Jiang Siming thought to himself, by the way, he called Xiao Xian out for a good record.

It's just that his actions, in the eyes of Meng Tian and Fusu, are just ignoring them.

Meng Tian was very annoyed, and Fusu frowned, apparently he had an opinion on Jiang Siming.

Just as Meng Tian was about to speak, a woman's cry suddenly came from a distance.

The cry was so loud that almost everyone heard it.

Everyone looked suspiciously in the direction of the cry. It turned out that it was a woman kneeling in front of a small dirt bag, crying loudly.

While crying, he shouted his husband to come back toward the bag.

"What's the matter?" Fusu asked his subordinates.

The subordinate immediately explained: "It was this woman's husband who died accidentally while repairing the Great Wall. The woman came to pay homage to her dead husband."

Fusu nodded, not caring too much.

However, at this moment, the sky began to rain heavily.

Such heavy rain, coupled with the recent cold weather.

Fusu was afraid that the migrant workers would catch the cold and delay the project, so they had to suspend them and all went back to the camp to rest.

However, the woman still cried bitterly in the rain, and the cry was getting louder and louder.

"Such a Zhenlie woman, really a strange woman, what's her name?" Fusu asked curiously.

"Back to the prince, she called..."


First more~

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