I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1771: The direction of the fragment


Jiang Siming smiled.

"Who is your brother? I just hoped that I would be condemned by the heavens. You treat your brother like that?"

I have to say that Yi Xiaochuan's ability to call everyone a brother is comparable to Liu Bei and Liu Bang.

"Yes, yes, it's mine, I apologize to you, but Yushu..."

Yi Xiaochuan held back his anger.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.

"I don't care about Yushu or Yushu, I only know that she is my woman now, legal, understand?"

Yi Xiaochuan couldn't help it any more, and said angrily: "You still do this! We are just in love with each other! What do you want after you have Lu Su!"

Jiang Siming's expression remained unmoved, and he chuckled lightly: "I don't just have Lu Su, I also have Lu Fei. Both of them belong to me. Of course, there is more Yushu now."

"You are immoral, don't you think you married all three! This is the crime of bigamy!" Yi Xiaochuan lost his mind.

Jiang Siming looked at him like a fool, and said, "What you said makes sense, but I have to remind you that this is the Qin Dynasty. It's common for men to have three wives and four concubines."

"If you really can't bear it, you can go back to your time and go to the court to sue me. I will wait for the day I receive the court summons."

Angry! Yi Xiaochuan was so angry in his heart! But he dare not spread it.

"You can't do this, I agree with Yu Shu, Jiang Siming, just as I beg you, let Yu Shu come from the same place, okay?"

Yi Xiaochuan pleaded.

Jiang Siming changed his attitude and nodded, "It's OK."

Yi Xiaochuan was overjoyed, but Jiang Siming said again: "I will give you this opportunity now. You go to her carriage now. If you can get her out of the carriage, I will let you take her away."

Yi Xiaochuan's eyes lit up, and he walked towards Yu Shu's carriage.

Stay close.

"Yu Shu, I am Xiaochuan, come and follow me, I will take you away from Tu'an and Daqin. We will have a happy life that belongs to us, and we will be happy forever."

Yi Xiaochuan spoke to the person in the carriage in a very gentle and affectionate voice.

However, there was no movement in the carriage.

Yi Xiaochuan almost thought that Jiang Siming lied to him.

"Mr. Yi's kindness, Yu Shuxin accepted it, but Shu Yushu couldn't agree."

Yu Shu's response came from inside, cold and without a trace of emotion.

Yi Xiaochuan didn't expect Yu Shu to reject him so decisively, and hurriedly said: "Why? I am Xiaochuan, have you forgotten, you don't need to be afraid of the national teacher, he has already told me that he will not embarrass you, nor It will be embarrassing for Tuan, right, Jiang Siming?"

For fear of Jiang Siming's denial, Yi Xiaochuan also specifically made sure.

Jiang Siming nodded very cooperatively, and said, "Yes, I won't embarrass him, nor will I embarrass Tuan."

"You heard, Yu Shu, come with me!" Yi Xiaochuan said with joy.

But the people in the carriage still did not respond.

"Yu Shu has already told her husband, Mr. Yi's kindness, Yu Shu heartily accepts, but will not agree, Yu Shu voluntarily marries the national teacher, ask Mr. Yi to respect himself."


Yi Xiaochuan hardly believed his ears. He knew what Yu Shu was like, so he dared to say such things.

But Yu Shu's answer was completely beyond his expectation.

Yi Xiaochuan also wanted to work hard to persuade.

However, Jiang Siming has run out of patience and waved his hand:

"Okay, I don't want to waste time with you idiot. My native teacher has to go back to Xianyang to get married. General Meng, drive him away and hinder us, so he will be treated as an assassin."

"Here!" Meng Tian immediately agreed, and with a cold face waved, the soldiers framed Yi Xiaochuan and threw him out of the team.

Yi Xiaochuan was anxious, but to no avail.

In the end, he could only watch Jiang Siming leave Tuan with Yushu.

"I will never let Yu Yan marry him, never!"

Yi Xiaochuan looked at the back of the Daqin army leaving, and the yellow sand that was raised by soldiers passing by, his fists were clenched white.

Then he decided to go to Xianyang!

Jiang Siming on the carriage had a full view of Yi Xiaochuan's expression.

What surprised him, Yi Xiaochuan's body was shining with fragments of light!

It's just that the light is very faint, and it disappears.

But Jiang Siming was sure that he saw it with his own eyes.

"Is this the way to get the fragments? To irritate Yi Xiaochuan? It seems not enough, but at least the direction is right."

Jiang Siming showed a smile, and he finally found the fragments hidden in the small copy.

There is no competition now, and One Piece has no mission. He can only go to a small copy to earn some extra money.

Now that he has a direction, Jiang Siming is much more relaxed, and he doesn't have to look around and guess.

The Daqin army returned all the way to Xianyang and stopped in many local counties for repairs.

But as soon as they stopped, Yu Shu would immediately shut herself into her room, not leaving the door behind closed doors, even for so long, without even looking at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming didn't care at all, and didn't plan to repair the relationship between him and Yu Shu.

Jiang Siming has no interest at all for women whose hearts are not here.

Does a family with a hundred flowers care about a single flower?

During this period of time, Jiang Siming never paid attention to Yu Shu, but instead became mingled with the Meng family army.

Meng Tian also turned from his initial dissatisfaction to admiration, because after getting along, he really found that Guo Shi was a person of unparalleled talent.

Whether it is knowledge or ability, he is the best person he has ever met.

He even has countless unique insights into army management and command and tactics, which benefits Meng Tian a lot.

If Jiang Siming knew what they were thinking, he would definitely sneer.

Just kidding, brother is also the emperor, well, the soldiers and horses he commanded, and the lands he layed down, were only a lot more than Qin Shihuang.

Finally, in the past month, Jiang Siming and Meng Tian returned to Xianyang.

Ying Zheng had already prepared Jiang Siming's wedding, and as soon as he went back, he personally held a big wedding for Jiang Siming, and announced the three-day celebration of the whole city!

Princess Yu Shu put on her wedding dress that night.

Qin Chao's wedding dress was black and very beautiful.

Coupled with the people in the palace personally dressed up and dressed up, Princess Yu Shu completed the wedding with Jiang Siming and sent them to the wedding room prepared for the two in the National Teacher's Mansion.

After receiving all the wedding guests, Jiang Siming is planning to go to the backyard to rest.

It was discovered that a figure with a vigorous stature sneaked in from the wall of the National Teacher's Mansion and slipped toward Jiang Siming's wedding room.

Jiang Siming, who saw everything in his eyes, smiled without anger.

He sent it to the door to abuse himself, how could he be polite?

This time, it was just right to test whether the direction of the fragment was the way he thought.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming deliberately swaggered towards the wedding room.

Hearing the footsteps, the man in black immediately found a place to hide when he was about to enter the wedding room.

Jiang Siming pushed the door in unconsciously and closed the door.


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