I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1779: Soaring net worth!

In the past few days, Qingyuan Jewelry Company is officially listed for business, and currently only operates in China.

A total of 120 Qingyuan jewelry stores opened simultaneously in major cities across the country.

Qingyuan Jewelry not only has jewelry, diamonds, gold, etc. that other jewelry stores have.

More importantly, only Qingyuan jewelry can be purchased by Qingyuan gems.

What is Qingyuan Gems? That was of course the first time Jiang Siming took it out as a gemstone ring for his wives.

This gem is not only beautiful in appearance, it is also unprecedented on earth.

Even if all other jewelers are desperate to know the origin of Qingyuan gemstones, they can't be known.

As soon as Qingyuan Jewelry opened, countless customers rushed away.

Everyone goes for this beautiful gem that has never been seen before.

Before, I could only see this gemstone at Jiang Siming's wedding, but now I finally have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes. Why don't you rush to take a look?

Even if you can't afford it, you don't need money.

It's just that this kind of gem is too powerful for women. Generally, if you take your girlfriend to see it, you must be prepared to pay for it.

Qingyuan gems have been developed by designers in many styles and sizes, although they are generally very expensive.

But ordinary styles are still affordable for couples with savings.

In just one day, the total profit of Qingyuan Jewelry reached 1.57 billion on the first day. This is just one day!

Although it will certainly not be so exaggerated when the popularity of Qingyuan gemstones drops in the future, this turnover is enough to slap major domestic jewellery companies.

Those jewelry companies are greedy, but unfortunately they don't have precious gems.

In order to attract customers, they can only go to Qingyuan Company to buy Qingyuan gems.

The shrewd Eva gave them a 20% discount and sold them in bulk.

Anyway, Jiang Siming said, this gemstone is constantly flowing, so you can sell it with confidence, even if the earth's diamonds are sold out, it is impossible to sell out the gemstones.

So what else does Eva worry about? Get rich quickly!

Later, when other jewelers and foreign jewelers learned about it, Qingyuan Jewelry's orders were like snowflakes.

But Eva is not stupid, knowing that rare things are precious, and controlling the quantity is the essence of mastering the gem industry.

There are so many diamonds. Why are they so expensive? It is not because they are controlled by the diamond dealers.

In order to increase the price of diamonds, they only release a small amount of diamonds each year.

And vigorously promote the beauty of diamonds, linking it to eternal love.

That's why diamonds are so scarce. In fact, there are more things on earth than oil.

For several days, Qingyuan Jewelry sold a total of 340,000 Qingyuan gems and other jewels, plus one piece, and the profit has exceeded 6 billion.

Later, Eva began to control the supply of Qingyuan gems, and the profit was much less.

But judging from this speed and trend, it is estimated that Qingyuan Jewelry will at least bring more than 20 billion profits to Jiang Siming this month.

And Qingyuan gems cost almost nothing. Qingyuan gems are all brought by Jiang Siming from the planet of Barnes.

In addition to paying taxes, it can be said to be a huge profit, and this money is for nothing.

In addition, Heng Ai Medicine's weight loss pills are also sold externally.

Once listed, the reputation is very good!

Customers who have used it never said that this weight loss pill is not easy to use.

Although the efficacy of slimming pills has been diluted a lot by Yiyi, the efficacy that does not rebound is also eliminated.

But it is still enough to make the weight loss party rush.

After taking this medicine, there is no need to suffer from diarrhea, diet, fitness, etc.

You can see that your weight is slowly falling on the scale every day without any side effects.

It's strange that customers don't like such a good medicine.

Hengai Medicine has once again become the focus. Money is raining on Hengai Medicine. The profit rate is more than one grade faster than Qingyuan Gems.

When Jiang Siming saw the formula of slimming pills, he knew that it would be a medicine that would be popular all over the world.

Because of weight loss, almost everyone is doing it.

No one thinks they are too good in figure, they just want to make them better.

And regardless of gender, men want to be thinner, and women naturally want too.

So as the world's largest sport, how can the weight-loss drugs developed by Jiang Siming be unpopular?

For the time being, it was sold out of stock only in domestic sales. Jiang Siming even merged several pharmaceutical factories and bought one after another pharmaceutical production equipment.

There is still not enough what the market wants, and the supply exceeds the demand. The seller's market also makes it difficult to find a box of weight loss pills, and the price is also rising.

Coupled with the steady sales of Qingaidan, as well as the continuous exploitation of overseas oil and copper-cobalt ore, the money was transferred to Jiang Siming's account one by one.

This month, Jiang Siming's worth began to usher in a spurt of growth!

Almost every two days or so, Jiang Siming's fortune will exceed 10 billion.

In terms of personal assets, Jiang Siming has reached the third place in the Forbes ranking of the world.

He is also closely following Bill Gates and Bezos, and he will be able to surpass and become the richest man in the world soon!

The market value of Jiang Siming's Jiang Group has also reached the seventeenth place in the Forbes company's market value ranking!

Before, the Jiang Group did not even enter the top 100.

Now it has become the seventeenth.

In front of it, except for those national-level banks or domestic enterprises.

Among private companies, Jiang's Group actually ranks eighth.

In front of it, only seven companies, Apple, Microsoft, Warwick, Volkswagen, Samsung, Amazon, and Wal-Mart.

Only these seven companies can compete with the reluctant Jiang Group.

This is what it should be. After all, there are several companies in the Jiang Group with more than 50 billion yuan.

The four companies, Yinghuan, Fuxi, Hengai, Mining, and Technology, have a market value of more than one trillion yuan, especially Hengai and Mining.

Just mining, when copper, cobalt and oil are mined, there will be more than one trillion.

Technology is extreme ultraviolet lithography machine and sewage purifier, and the two companies also have hundreds of billions of profits.

There are more than a dozen companies with tens of billions of dollars.

Together, the market value of the Jiang Group is already quite amazing.

It can be said that by this time next year, Jiang Siming may have left several roads away from other rich men.

He is now the richest man in the world and he only needs to wait for a while.

It's just that Jiang Siming is no longer interested in becoming the world's richest man.

When you can seize the resources of other planets at any time, do you still care about something on the earth?

In the entire galaxy, Jiang Siming can go to this planet and get what he wants.

This feeling is so much better than being the richest man in the world.

If you really want to be, Jiang Siming's goal is to be the richest man in the galaxy, and he is moving towards this goal, hehe.


The fourth one ~ the chapter owed yesterday, make up!

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