I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1781: Fortunately not playing professional

Soon, time came to the end of Jiang Siming's wedding month.

Jiang Siming is going to the United States again.

Because he had promised Corvo before, this month his birthday was over to attend his birthday party.

Jiang Siming has always said that he can do it, not to mention that he has been the Lakers owner for so long and has not been to a Lakers game.

Speaking of his boss is really unqualified, Barcelona he has gone to watch a few games somehow.

The Lakers really haven't been there once.

Jiang Siming intends to have a pastime in the past this time, just in time for the Lakers game, watching a game in the past, and also celebrated Corvo's birthday by the way.

Corvo is considered to be the best friend he has known abroad, except for Messi.

And this time, after Jiang Lan's careful management.

His ins fans have reached 140 million, surpassing the number of fans of Corvo, and even surpassing Big Brother Cheng.

To become the most influential Asian in the world, Jiang Siming's reputation abroad can be said to be a household name.

In the United States, he also has a very large fan base.

The night before Corvo’s birthday, Jiang Siming had already arrived in Los Angeles.

Corvo's family had been waiting for a long time. The moment he saw Jiang Siming, Corvo hadn't moved yet, but GIGI took the lead and jumped into Jiang Siming's arms.

"Uncle Jiang, you are finally willing to come to our house as a guest!" gigi has grown a lot taller. She has the old gene. At the age of 14, she has grown taller than average high school students.

The other three daughters beside Corvo are all top in height.

Jiang Siming smiled and touched gigi's head, and said, "I haven't seen you for months. Does gigi's current skills surpass your dad?"

"Not yet, but my dad is getting lazy now and rarely plays basketball with me." Gigi complained.

After hearing this, Jiang Siming ridiculed Corvo: "It seems that someone who is a dad is not doing well. Is he afraid that his daughter's skills will surpass you?

Old Ke laughed, came up to give Jiang Siming a hug, and hammered Jiang Siming's chest with his fist.

"You guy, what is your intention to provoke the relationship between our father and daughter? I have been busy with the company recently, so I don't have time to practice with gigi."

Jiang Siming smiled and pulled Irene who was behind him, and said: "This is Irene, my wife."

Jiang Siming came to the United States this time and only brought Irene.

Irene originally lived in the United States, so I will come back to see her family this time.

"You know, you guys are so happy." Corvo said enviously.

Which man in the world doesn't envy Jiang Siming now, there are groups of wives and concubines at home, and they are all beautiful.

"Listen to your tone, you also want to copy my life, sister-in-law, did you hear that?" Jiang Siming deliberately shouted loudly to Vanessa behind him.

Sure enough, Vanessa walked over, holding a big belly, and staring at Corvo with bad eyes.

"Do you want to learn from others and find more wives?"

Corvo quickly coughed and said: "No matter what happened, this guy was deliberately provoking, don't listen to him."

The two families laughed and chatted for a while, and Corvo invited Jiang Siming to get in the car to stay at his house.

This time Jiang Siming came to the United States, so instead of going to the Hawaiian villa, he stayed directly at Corvo's house.

This is what Corvo has always thought about.

In addition to the airport, a group of people came to the parking lot, and Corvo had already asked his driver to wait there in two luxury cars.

The children were arranged by Corvo to take another one. He sat in another one with Vanessa and Jiang Siming.

As soon as he got in the car, Jiang Siming noticed Vanessa's stomach and asked curiously: "How many months have it been?"

Vanessa smiled and replied, "It's been two months."

Jiang Siming was a little surprised, and said, "I'm so old in two months? Wouldn't they be twins?"

"Hahaha, Jiang, you guessed it, this time my wife gave birth to twins, one boy and one girl, hahaha." Corvo laughed triumphantly.

Jiang Si took a look at him and said, "That's called a dragon and phoenix baby, and it's also twins."

"Anyway, I have to thank you, this dragon and phoenix, you are the greatest hero!"

Jiang Siming was drinking water, and he almost didn't choke to death when he heard it. What makes him the biggest hero?

Does that mean he and Vanessa made this child? This is too easy for people to misunderstand.

Sure enough, Vanessa squeezed Corvo unanimously.

Corvo also found that he had said something wrong, so he quickly covered his embarrassment with a laugh, and quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, Jiang, the Xiao Huang who has been targeting you has been hospitalized. I heard that he was kidnapped and abused by lawbreakers. All his teeth have been knocked out. He is still living in the hospital. He is so old, but very happy. Haha."

When Jiang Siming heard this, he was happy. Does this criminal mean himself?

"Fortunately, he is in the hospital, otherwise I really don't know how to arrange him. He knows that you are celebrating your birthday. I don't like this kind of person. I don't like this kind of person." Vanessa has no affection for Xiao Huang.

Talking and laughing all the way, came to Corvo's home.

The Corvo family lives in a mountain villa in the Regal District of Los Angeles.

The villa is luxurious and covers a light area. It not only has a heliport, but also a basketball court and swimming pool.

However, compared with Jiang Siming's manor, it was still a lot worse.

But the Corvo family living in such a large place is completely sufficient.

As soon as he moved into Corvo's house, Corvo couldn't wait to have a basketball game with Jiang Siming.

It’s been a long time since I played basketball with Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming also happily agreed. The two changed their jerseys and ran to the outdoor basketball court to play.

If Jiang Siming does not take advantage of his physical fitness, his football skills are actually not as good as Corvo.

However, Corvo knew that Jiang Siming was a **** of war and possessed extremely strong physical qualities, so he boldly let Jiang Siming use his physical advantage.

This attempt made him regret it soon, because he was completely abused...

Whether it is speed or strength, the difference is more than ten thousand miles.

Corvo didn't even have a chance to shoot. He was blocked as soon as he lifted the ball, and he was depressed.

"Fortunately, you did not choose to take the path of professional basketball players, otherwise the NBA will be your world." Corvo said with emotion.

If Jiang Siming uses his physical fitness, coupled with his skills, let alone him, it is Jordan, James and him at the peak, three of them will not be enough for him...

"That's why I don't want to develop basketball into a professional career. It's boring, because there is no opponent." Jiang Siming said, begging to lose.

Corvo felt painful when he heard it, and he had never seen such a blatant cup.

After another bullfight, both of them had a ball addiction. Jiang Siming also played with gigi for a while.

Tomorrow Corvo's birthday, he will go to the Lakers game again, so everyone did not play too late.

After playing, Jiang Siming took a shower, and slept with Irene in Corvo’s guest room, looking forward to watching an NBA game tomorrow.


Second more~

Too tired Today, I went to the city for a busy day, tired, sleepy and hungry. Let's make two changes today and four changes tomorrow.

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