I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1786: Can we change it...

Jona was selected by Jiang Siming, and the other supermodel girls in the square cast envy and jealous eyes at Jona.

Seeing Jonah brought back by Jiang Siming, Xiao Li was also full of envy.

Comparing with Jonah, the Belgian girl he had flirted with immediately disappeared.

I had known that he would wait for a while before determining the target. If he saw Jonah, he would definitely pass by and sultry people as soon as possible.

Of course, it's still a problem to get it.

But Jonah is really much better than the supermodel around him.

Little Lizi even wanted to discuss with Jiang Siming, can we change it...

When Jonah saw Xiao Lizi, she quickly recognized the identity of the other person, but was not too surprised.

Her sister is Anne Hathaway, a member of the entertainment industry. She has already been fascinated and knows a lot.

So even if it was Little Plum, Jonah didn't stay on him much.

On the contrary, she was more curious about Jiang Siming. She always felt that Jiang Siming was familiar, but she couldn't remember who the other party was.

It wasn't until after getting in the car that Jonna searched with her mobile phone and found out the identity of Jiang Siming.


The sudden exclamation made the little Li in the front row think that Jiang Siming couldn't help doing bad things to the other girl so quickly.

From the rearview mirror, he cast a wretched look at Jiang Siming.

The Belgian supermodel of the co-pilot is even more envious. If she is taken advantage of by Jiang Siming, she will never yell so much, and she will even be happy to cooperate...

But Jona in the back row was not taken advantage of by Jiang Siming at all.

But she didn't say much, but her heart was already stirring up waves.

It turns out that he is the Chinese man who has been dominating the headlines in their U.S. countries recently. She said how could he be so familiar.

Especially the recent global sensational wedding held by Jiang Siming made Jonah always feel incredible.

These women are all willing to follow him, wouldn't they be jealous?

Even if they are bold Western girls, they can't share the man they love with other women, right?

At least Jona couldn't accept it.

How did he do it, is it really just relying on wealth?

Jonah, who was full of question marks and curious, looked at Jiang Siming quietly.

But found that Jiang Siming was also looking at her.

Jona flushed immediately and asked strangely: "What are you doing looking at me like this?"

Jiang Siming was a little puzzled: "How do I feel that you look like a Hollywood actress."


Jona laughed, but started to flick her blond hair. She stared at Jiang Siming boldly, and jokingly said: "Then which star do you think I look like?"

Jiang Siming deliberately thought about it, and suddenly he slapped his legs, and blurted out: "Like Ubi Goldberg!"

Ubi Goldberg is a famous ugly girl in Hollywood.

When Jiang Siming said this, Jonah was taken aback for a moment, then laughed angrily, and for the first time someone said that she looked like Ubi Goldberg.

Jona, who was not angry, was angry and funny, and finally decided to ignore Jiang Siming, turned her head, and went'talking' with the scenery outside the window.

Jiang Siming didn't mean to coax the girl, so he picked up the phone and told Irene that he was safe.

After more than two hours' drive, a group of four finally arrived in Las Vegas.

This world-famous casino.

Macau is much worse than Las Vegas.

This is a favorite place for gamblers all over the world.

Here, you can get rich overnight with a few dollars, or you can turn from a rich man to a homeless overnight.

One side is heaven and the other side is hell, full of fantasy.

In addition to gambling, travel, shopping, vacation and more.

In addition to being called the "World Entertainment Capital", it is also called the "Marriage Capital".

Because it is very convenient to get married here.

There is a marriage registry that never closes. The marriage procedures are very simple, regardless of gender, nationality, or race.

Even if it is a man or a woman, it is recognized here.

And the privacy is very high. Many Chinese celebrities secretly get married here.

At first, Jiang Siming wanted to go to Las Vegas, but after considering it for a long time, he decided to face the public opinion and settle it in China.

Upon arriving in Las Vegas, Xiao Lizi first took them to go around for a while, and after eating and drinking, everyone went straight to the casino.

Xiao Lizi chose the largest casino in Las Vegas, where there are as many as tens of millions of billionaires winning or losing.

None of those millions of people who came out to bet are looking at you with a straight eye. It's too common.

This is also the city of Las Vegas, the most profitable operating casino, which generates tens of billions of water overnight!

Little Lizi took Jiang Siming to exchange chips first.

"I'll change to half a million dollars, Jiang, how about you? Say yes today. I will pay for everything. Although I know that you don't like my little money, please let me be the host again." Xiao Li Zichong Jiang Siming smiled.

Just by saying this, you can see that Xiao Lizi's EQ is really high.

Jiang Siming didn't refuse either, and said, "Then it would be as good as you."

"OK, a total of one million dollars, thank you." Xiao Lizi immediately signed a check and exchanged it for one million chips.

Xiao Lizi handed 500,000 chips to Jiang Siming, and he gave the supermodel 50,000 chips next to him.

He didn't do anything, just got fifty thousand dollars in chips and played casually. The Belgian supermodel was so happy that he gave Xiaoli a sweet kiss on the spot.

Fifty thousand dollars, a supermodel like her, only one or two thousand dollars a month's salary.

This fifty thousand dollars is almost her salary for one or two years.

Sometimes money is so easy to use, especially for girls who worship money.

Jiang Siming glanced at Jona next to her and couldn't help but smile when she looked expectant and embarrassed to speak.

Jiang Siming handed over 500,000 chips.

"Here you are, you can bet."

Jonah was taken aback, but Jiang Siming gave her half a million all at once.

Although her sister is Anne Hathaway, her pocket money is also strictly controlled.

So Jonah just lived on her own salary.

She has never seen this half a million dollars.

"I don't want it, it's too much." Jonah hurriedly declined.

Jiang Siming did not give her the opportunity to refuse, and handed all the chips to her hand, saying: "I'm not lucky, no matter how much money I lose, it's better to invest in you. You bet, we will divide the win or lose 50-50. ."

Despite Jiang Siming's insistence, Jona had to take these heavy chips and follow Jiang Siming.

The Belgian supermodel next to him suddenly felt that the fifty thousand dollars in his hand was not so fragrant...

The four of them exchanged their chips and walked into the casino.

This super large casino has a wide variety of types, and almost all gambling methods are available.

Xiao Lizi likes to play Texas Hold'em. He immediately ran to the Depo's gaming table to take a position, and waved to Jiang Siming to sit next to him.

Jiang Siming had no choice but to take Jonah over.


First more~

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