I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1788: Olympic Games? Retirement battle!

Jiang Siming owns a gambling boat himself, and naturally knows the rules.

In fact, every casino has a blacklist for those skilled in the gambling industry.

For example, if a gambler enters the casino and wins a large sum of money, the casino will not say anything, but will blacklist you.

You won't be able to enter this casino anymore.

So if you want to make a fortune by gambling and be a rich man, it’s okay, but you want to win all over the world, sorry, don’t dream anymore.

Because no casino will accept you a second time.

Other gambling masters, the casino is not so polite, directly threatening you not to come next time.

Some black-hearted casinos will even steal your money back secretly, even if you do it again.

Give you a gift? Have fewer dreams.

The casino gave Jiang Siming a gift because it was so polite to find out Jiang Siming's identity.

Jiang Siming understands the practices of casinos. He never thought about making a fortune by gambling.

Coming here today is just fun, so I won more.

His company makes a hundred times faster than his betting money.

So Jiang Siming was very happy to accept the gift from the casino and left the casino with more than 200 million dollars.

Little Li, who had been waiting below for a long time, heard that Jiang Siming had won 200 million, and was so startled that his jaw dropped.

He had already lost half a million dollars. If he hadn't had a strong willpower and hadn't been addicted, maybe Xiao Lizi would have lost several million by now.

He thought Jiang Siming would lose, but he never thought that this guy would win...

Two hundred million dollars, this has caught up with his income for several years.

Jiang Siming did it in only three hours.

It's so popular.

"This is the principal you borrowed from me, pay you back, and the rest is interest."

Jiang Siming signed a check for two million and handed it to Xiaoli.

Xiao Lizi wanted to decline at first, but as soon as he saw the amount on the check, he accepted it happily.

I made the half-million dollars that I lost and made a million dollars.

After sending the million, Jiang Siming signed another one and handed it to Jonah.

When Jonah looked at the check, her head was dizzy. It was a check for 100 million dollars...

"Mr. Jiang, you are..." Jonah was stunned.

Jiang Siming chuckled and said, "Didn't I tell you earlier, we will all win and lose, I have won 200 million now, naturally 100 million is yours."

Regardless of whether Jonah would accept it or not, Jiang Siming stuffed the check into her hand.

"Remember to save it as soon as you go back, or give it to your family. Your country is very troubled, so don't be robbed." Jiang Siming said.

Jonah was relieved for a while, and she shied a few times to no avail, but she was wise and knew that Piff was not guilty.

"Mr. Jiang, can I save this money with you... I dare not take it..."

Jonah said with a bitter face, she was an ordinary girl with a salary of only a few thousand dollars and suddenly got a check for 100 million dollars.

"It's okay, just ask me when you want it." Jiang Siming also happily took the check back.

The Belgian supermodel looked at Jiang Siming eagerly, hoping that he could also give himself a check.

However, Jiang Siming didn't even look at her, and took Jona into the car.

Xiao Lizi acted as the driver again and drove back to Los Angeles.

At this point in time, the sky is almost bright.

Once in Los Angeles, Jiang Siming separated from Xiao Lizi, and he asked Li Chunlan to pick him up.

As for Jona, she was also honored to ride in Jiang Siming's luxury car.

Jiang Siming asked Li Chunlan to send Jonah back to her apartment.

Before leaving, Qiao Na exchanged contact information with Jiang Siming, and Qiao Na got off the car happily, said goodbye to Jiang Siming, and went back to the apartment to catch up.

Jonah doesn’t know, in the apartment, her sister, with a frosty face, is waiting to'clean up' her...

After sending Jona, Jiang Siming took another day to rush to the Lakers club to help the Lakers players uniformly adjust their body.

After that, he did not stay in the United States any more, and took Irene back to China.

Originally, at the speed of the plane, they had to fly for ten hours to arrive.

How could Lao Jiang wait for so long before returning to Shanghai with Irene at the speed of light.

As for the plane, Li Chunlan helped him drive it, so he didn't need to worry about it.

Life returns to normal.

More than a month has passed since Jiang Siming's wedding, and the Tokyo Olympics is approaching.

Originally, the Olympics had nothing to do with Jiang Siming, but this year's Olympics added e-sports.

The Olympic team chose two types of e-sports, one is FPS and the other is Moba.

Needless to say, MOBA games are naturally League of Legends.

There were two controversies at the beginning of FPS games, csgo and PUBG.

The Olympic Organizing Committee considered repeatedly and finally determined PUBG Mobile as an Olympic e-sports project.

After the project was finalized, the entire PUBG circle ushered in a sensation.

Just kidding, this is the Olympics, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, enter the Olympics!

Back then, the League of Legends only entered the Asian Games, and now PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds entered the Olympics for the first time.

How can Jedi players be unhappy.

As soon as the project was confirmed, the head of China's Olympic team e-sports began to search for information on PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and League of Legends.

The League of Legends is more troublesome to check. They need to check the information, performance, and level of each Chinese player before they can be selected.

After all, this is the Olympics, and each country can only have one team participating.

And the contestants must be nationals.

Everyone in the League of Legends knows that there are a lot of foreign aid, whether it is the IG that won the S8 or the FPX that won the S9.

They all have Korean players, so it is impossible for them to join the entire team.

This is not to discriminate against teams with Korean aid.

It's just to explain the fact that it is impossible for China to find Korean aid to compete in the Olympic Games.

Therefore, it is necessary to select the strongest and most suitable Huaxia players from the teams in each Huaxia division.

This workload is actually very large.

But PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' turn is much simpler. After a little investigation by the China Olympic Organizing Committee, good guys, it was almost confirmed immediately.


Do you still use filtering? The 4AM champions in the past two years have been weakened.

But maybe it's for careful consideration, but also to make the participating teams stronger.

The Olympic Committee finally decided on two places, one is Jiang Siming and the other is Wei Shen.

The positions of the other two players are still under discussion.

This is so, it also means that half of 4AM has confirmed to participate in the Olympics.

The news reached Jiang Siming, and Jiang Siming was naturally willing to participate.

This may be the last PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds he participated in.

After the end of the year, the Holographic Jedi came out.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds will no longer give fragments, and can only pick them from the Holographic Jedi.

So Jiang Siming planned to retire from PUBG after the Olympics.

This can be considered him, the final battle of retirement.


Third more~

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