I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1805: E-sports network is on fire!

At the same time, Jiang Siming called and called Andi who was undercover in the orphanage.

Using the same method, both of them were hospitalized, but Jiang Siming deleted their memories.

From Andy's memory, Jiang Siming knew that this woman was more ruthless than Fei'er. He once forced his innocent wife to commit suicide by jumping off the building for a big money.

Simply, Jiang Siming emptied her head directly, making her neurotic too, and when she woke up, she was sent directly to the mental hospital.

Jiang Siming also got all the information about the company of that sister Amy from their memories.

Including all the staff's information, readily available.

The next step is much simpler. Let Xiaoxianjiang Amy's company be exposed, including all the evil things and scams he has done, to inform the entire network.

After doing all this, Jiang Siming clapped his hands without leaving a trace, slipped away and went home.

Next, waiting for Amy, not only the studio closed down, she and all her subordinates became street rats that everyone shouted and beat.

There are also scams created, and what awaits them is one prison after another.

To solve this trouble, Jiang Siming completed it easily.

The reason why he has been dragging before is mainly because this guy wants to play with them.

But seeing these two women more anxiously want to be in position, Jiang Siming didn't plan to play, and completely ended the farce.

On the other side of the ocean, another woman who was related to Jiang Siming encountered the biggest trouble in her life.

"Sister, don't worry, we will get through."

In a villa area, Jonah kept comforting her crying sister who was sitting on the sofa.

"Jona, you don't understand. My sister really went bankrupt this time and owed more than 30 million dollars to the bank. You can't help me."

Anne Hathaway has encountered the biggest crisis in her life.

The movie she invested in with all her strength met Waterloo, and she was full of hopes to vanish.

More than 70 million dollars was voted, but the box office was less than 10 million.

Not only did she hand over her wealth, she also borrowed more than 30 million US dollars from the bank.

She is ambitious and confident that the new play she directed and acted in this time will be a big hit at the box office.

However, no one watched it at all, and even the movie rating gave a very low score.

This made Anne Hathaway almost paled overnight.

My husband doesn't care about her at all, and there are children waiting to be fed under him.

Anne Hathaway was about to collapse.

Jonah kept calming her sister and said: "Sister, I believe we will get through, and I can repay the money."

"Silly Jonah, stop teasing me, you go to work, my sister can handle it alone." Anne Hathaway didn't believe it at all.

"Sister, I can really, I have money, one hundred million!" Jonah said seriously.

Annie looked at her, her crying ceased...


During this time, Jiang Siming stayed with his wife at home while waiting for the Olympics to begin.

He thought that nothing happened during this period, so he could find a time to end the myth copy.

But I never thought that something big happened in the e-sports circle.

A few months ago, Jiang Siming summoned the star players in the e-sports circle to shoot the e-sports online drama, and finally came out.

Jiang Siming invested tens of millions in this web drama and let Zhang Shan, the most outstanding young actor, play himself.

Otherwise, in this web drama, there are also a lot of Huayi artists guest appearances.

In addition to Huayi's, there are also friends Jiang Siming knows who come over to rub the camera for free.

These stars can only be reduced to supporting roles, and the protagonists are all e-sports players.

Now that the filming of the show has been completed, and the editing and post-production have been completed, it has been broadcast on major video websites for several days.

I thought it was a web drama that no one had watched.

Who knows, this web drama directly maxed out the entire network.

Among them, Jiang Siming, played by Zhang Shan, grew up and experienced in the play based on Jiang Siming's success model.

Because it is an e-sports online drama, it is Jiang Siming's achievements in the game.

Unlike those influential online drama filming e-sports competitions, they only know that the other party is sitting at the computer table and playing with the mouse like mentally retarded.

This drama is different. Once it is shot in the game or in the game, it is all shot into a holographic type.

For example, the filming of the Jedi game, the director will follow the entire game map into reality, although it is impossible to do it one-to-one, but use a combination of green cloth, special effects and realistic props to make it.

Can show you an almost the same game map scenery.

The actor turned into a heavily armed soldier and started fighting.

This kind of drama is too interesting to film.

Not only is it passionate, but it also restores the original game experience.

It's not the kind of stupid picture of four people sitting at the computer desk and using their mouse.

Not only are there magnificent and splendid war scenes, but also a great story.

And mixed with the line of love, it is the love story of Jiang Siming in the e-sports circle with Duan, Tuantuan and Kite.

All three actresses are played by young Huayi actresses.

Although the appearance and temperament are much different from the deity, at least they are still passable.

Zhang Shan produces constant love stories and funny plots among the three women.

While making the audience laugh, they also saw an excellent experience of watching the drama.

It is also interspersed with the story of the League of Legends, and big anchors such as pdd and Wuwukai also appear in it.

Even Wang Dashao played in his true colors.

In short, this is not an e-sports drama, it's hot!

The popularity has skyrocketed, and within a few days, it has surpassed the recent hottest urban drama "Thirty Only".

Was rated as the best online gaming online drama.

Many people who don't play e-sports call it wonderful after watching it. They never thought that e-sports players could make such a good-looking show.

Many local TV stations are scrambling to buy broadcasting rights, and advertisers flock to it.

Jiang Siming also watched a few episodes, but he couldn't stand it.

Because...so ashamed.

Can you imagine what it's like to play yourself in a TV series?

He didn't feel embarrassed to watch it anyway, but all the wives at home watched it with gusto.

Although Zhang Shan is far behind their husbands.

But this play records the story of their man, and they will naturally not miss it.

In addition to this drama, by the way, the major professional players who participated in the show have also become popular, and UZI has received many advertisements.

PDD, Da Sima, and Wu Wu Kai, their live broadcast popularity soared, and their fame and wealth all flew to them like snowflakes.

It's not that they let them run to the theater every day during this period.


Second more~

It will be changed twice today, and will be changed four times tomorrow~

Next, Xiao Xiaojiang will be born ahead of schedule. It is expected that he will be born at the end of the Olympic Games. The little lover's name Sake is still hesitating. Everyone has come up with ideas and put on a nice name.

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