I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1815: 400 points in six days!

Six days passed each day, and every day there was a handful of qualifiers.

Jiang Siming didn't miss any of them. In six days, although the fragments were still useless, he had collected a lot of omnipotent fragments.

At present, the number of Jiang Siming's universal fragments has reached 105, and it is not in vain that he has been patiently waiting for the ABC three groups to finish playing these days.

He is boring to play in this kind of unqualified game, just like playing high-scoring passers-by, there are almost no opponents.

In the six sea elections, the Huaxia team ate a full six chickens.

The other three groups are first and often change hands, but in group D, the China team firmly dominates the first.

The total score is more than 400 points of terror.

The highest of the other three groups is the United States team, but 200 points.

Fortunately, the audition is considered the top four of each of the four groups, otherwise it is estimated that the top four of other groups will not be ranked.

At the end of the six days, the promotion list was released.

The Chinese team, the U.S. team, the South Korean team and the Thailand team are the first in the four groups.

Secondly, Japan, Italy, Russia and Sweden are second in the four groups.

There are also 16 national teams from Denmark, Germany, etc., which will enter the finals.

The teams played from the sea elections are no longer those crooked melons.

Especially the top eight, each team should not be underestimated.

After the roster is released, the game will officially start the day after tomorrow, so everyone has one day to rest.

During the break, Jiang Siming and the team members continued to go to the stadium to watch other events after a brief training.

What's the use of hard training now?

Just this day, it's better to relax.

Besides, it’s not easy to come to the Olympics. Let’s take a look at how we are worthy of this four-year Olympic event.

Jiang Siming and Great God are the same. They both came to the Olympic Games for the first time in their lives. They wanted to take a walk everywhere.

It is only a pity that Jiang Siming was too young for the 2008 Yanjing Olympics. He was still in junior high school. He was still a child at the time and didn't know how important the Yanjing Olympics were.

When it was broadcast live on TV, he also patronized and took his friends to catch loach in the fields.

Thinking about it now, Jiang Siming felt that he must have been an iron man at the time and missed such a wonderful scene.

Now I can only watch the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

In the past few days, he has also seen many competitions.

In a few days, the number of gold medals of various national teams has gradually increased.

The US team has nothing to say in sports. In all previous Olympics, their gold medals are among the best.

In the 2008 Yanjing Olympics, the China team surpassed the United States in the number of gold medals. In other Olympics, the United States took the lead.

The United States not only wins more gold medals, but also has a lot of bronze and silver medals.

Counting all the Olympics together, the United States has won more than a thousand gold medals. This number is staggering.

The same is true for the Tokyo Olympics. In the six days, the United States still ranked first, with 18 gold medals.

The Huaxia team followed closely with 13 gold in second place.

Don't underestimate the gap between the five gold medals, this is the gap between the five competitive events.

If you lag further behind, it will be more difficult to chase.

Today is also a very important day for gold medals, because today's event is mainly swimming.

However, almost no one is optimistic about the China Team.

In the two events of track and field and swimming, Asians are inherently disadvantaged.

Otherwise, when Fei Ren Xiang appeared, why would so many Chinese fans admire him?

Because of the track and field events, China has almost never had any good results before.

It's the same with swimming, before a big poplar finally appeared.

But because of special events, Da Bai Yang was suspended.

Now in the Chinese swimming world, it can be said that there is no successor.

The United States is also a superpower in swimming competitions. Among the top ten swimmers in the world, at least five are Americans.

Although the Great Demon King Phelps has retired, the other strong men are equally powerful.

In the Tokyo Olympics, even Dayao himself is not optimistic about swimming.

But swimming is another competitive sport with a lot of gold medals.

What 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, breaststroke, freestyle, butterfly, medley, relay and so on.

Coupled with the two categories of men and women, in swimming, there are dozens of gold medals.

If the US or other national teams take it all, then the China team will have to fall behind.

In fact, the women's side is okay, and the Huaxia team can compete.

Mainly the current men's swimming event, I really feel powerless.

Da Baiyang was suspended, and the only Ning Tao who could tell a little about it, put himself to death.

Although Ning Tao had some strength, he was arrogant and arrogant. He violated rules and disciplines. In the end, knowing that the national team was going to expel him, he quickly retired early and got a good reputation.

Now, in the area of ​​Chinese men's swimming, some youth training team members forcibly pulled over to the competition.

Dayao was also there today with the coaching staff, and kept cheering and cheering on the youth academies so that they can play with peace of mind.

But in fact, everyone can see that strength can not be arbitrarily raised overnight, let alone breakthroughs and achievements with a passion.

"Difficult." Dayao returned to the rest area and sat with Jiang Siming again, feeling a little disappointed.

Obviously, he has no hope for this Tokyo swimming event.

Jiang Siming sounded a little awkward.

In fact, there is a reason why Huaxia Swimming is weak.

First, there are few swimming pools, and second, awareness is not in place. Few parents are willing to agree to their children to learn to swim. Because of the frequent drowning incidents, parents do not want their children to touch the water.

Second, the Chinese children wanted to go swimming in the river, and the parents were so disgusted that they would not allow the children to go to the river even if they were killed for fear of accidents.

Although this is also for the children's safety, in such an environment, wanting them to become great swimmers is idiotic.

Occasionally a few outstanding ones are released, and they all disuse themselves. It is really sad and embarrassing.

Jiang Siming didn't have much reaction at all, but he noticed that when the youth training team members of China were training in the swimming pool to prepare for battle.

A foreign swimmer sneered and said a few humiliating words to the youth training team.

Although they couldn't hear the voice, Jiang Siming could hear it clearly.

What this man said meant provoking and humiliating the China Team.

After hearing this, Jiang Siming pointed to the foreigner calmly and asked Dayao: "Who is this person?"

When Dayao saw it, his expression was unhappy, and he obviously didn't have a good impression of this person.

"This man is called Horton. He has a thief costume and has publicly mocked us many times."

When Jiang Siming heard the name, he also remembered. It turned out that this guy was Holden.

Although he doesn't know Holden, he only needs to read the Olympic news a few times before to know that this person is very disgusting.

After listening to Jiang Siming, he turned around and spoke to Dayao. This opening shocked Dayao.

"I think..."


First more~

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