I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1823: Smooth start

The Thai team has been grudges against Jiang Siming for a long time, and has fallen into his hands dozens of times.

This group of Thai hunks, seeing this rare opportunity, want to regain their breath.

The four of them abandoned the car as far away as possible, cautiously all the way, and walked quietly to the surrounding area of ​​Jiang Siming's house, and then stayed motionless like the old monk entered the house.

When Jiang Siming came out, they immediately started!

But the Thai old irons don’t know that they have a ‘perspective’ to know the exact location of Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming also has ways to guard against it.

Without the golden shadow and the red shadow, Jiang Siming's perception of danger is his ability to save his life.

At the moment when the danger perception came on, Jiang Siming reacted too fast and turned away.

When the front foot walked, the sound of four guns sounded on the back foot!

Jiang Siming was so surprised that he was sweating.

He finally knew where the biggest crisis of killing the king was, and that was it!

As long as he did not find the opponent and strayed into the encirclement of the enemy, he would be in a dangerous situation.

Had it not been for the perception of danger, Jiang Siming would have just died.

After avoiding this wave, Jiang Siming headed back to the housing area, avoiding the subsequent bullets.

Even if he just dodges the first round of bullets, Jiang Siming can't dodge the subsequent ones.

When he ran into the house, he was hit by at least four bullets in the back, which made his scalp numb.

3. Grade A is directly scrapped.

Fortunately, the game mode is rich in materials, and there is a new armor in this room.

But luck is not too good, only Grade 2 is enough.

The Thai team failed to intercept Jiang Siming and was unwilling.

I'm definitely not reconciled. I finally caught the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but didn't.

Especially after knowing that Jiang Siming had been disabled, it was even more difficult to bear.

"Pack it, he's in the room, we seal mine one by one, he will definitely not survive!"

The Thai team decided to smash to the end.

They are known for their reckless play.

The Thai hunk is not for nothing.

The four people felt downhill and surrounded the house where Jiang Siming was hiding.

Jiang Siming, who was on the second floor, heard it clearly, and he knew where everyone was.

When they came, Jiang Siming also put on a first aid kit.

Although the blood bar is not full, there is not enough time for him to continue taking drugs.

The four people surrounded him, definitely wanting to greet him with the Molotov cocktail, and they were going to treat him like a trapped beast.

"Don't blame me if you are looking for death by yourself!"

Jiang Siming's eyes condensed, his pupils full of murderous intent.

Do you really think that you will be killed by others?

Thai fierce man, let's see who is fiercer than whom!

The second floor is on the balcony, and Jiang Siming is not so stupid to hit someone directly from the balcony.

The opponent must have defended heavily on the balcony long ago.

Jiang Siming chose to strike first, stuck at the top of the stairs, and withdrew half a step.

The house has one on each side, and the stairs are next to the west window.

Jiang Siming listened carefully and heard the steps approaching. He knew that the opponent should have come with a Molotov cocktail or grenade and wanted to throw it in.

Jiang Siming decisively descended the stairs, and at a glance he saw the Thai team member who was about to throw in with the grenade.

The sister controls the gun like a lifeless soul!

The bullet shattered the glass and plunged into the opponent's heart!

The power of sister control is amazing, and it can kill in seconds without starting.

4. Level A is in the hands of the fully automatic sister control, just like the paper is fragile.

This person could not even make the final throw, raising his hand thunder and being knocked down.


The next second he fell to the ground, he was replaced by his own grenade, saving Jiang Siming's effort to repair him.

"He's down the stairs! On the first floor!" The players who fell to the ground could only give feedback to their teammates.

And Jiang Siming had already turned through the window on the west side.

After the other three found out, they wanted to copy Jiang Siming from the left and right bread.

But Jiang Siming turned it back like a loach.

Only after the three came over did they realize that they had been tricked.

Jiang Siming had already turned out from the other side of the window at this time and touched the position behind them!

If the circuit breaks, the road is cut.

Two of the Thai players were touched by Jiang Siming and killed mercilessly with guns controlled by their sister.

The last one was left. Jiang Siming saw that he was a second-level head, and he didn't even want to end it.

Traded out Mosin Nagan and gave him a happy GG.

It is a pity that after the four of them died, nothing was revealed to Jiang Siming, only a piece of omnipotent fragment that Mosina had won for him.

Universal fragment: 115 pieces.

From being surrounded and ambushed to the Jedi counter-attack, Jiang Siming finished all this, clapped his hands and left calmly.

Only the little heart that was frightened by everyone has not been able to calm down.

Next, Jiang Siming did not choose to leave another place to wait.

After searching all the way, he really couldn't find anyone, so he returned to the point occupied by the great gods.

The next drama became much simpler, and the four of them have been playing the autumn breeze in the best position.

The great gods occupy an excellent position, belonging to the destiny position.

The four of them are in this position, as long as they are not captured, they can securely win.

In the end, everybody got a few more heads in the finals, perfectly eating chicken.

It is a pity that this one failed to compete with the truly strong team of the United States.

The U.S. team had bad luck and encountered too much firepower during the transfer.

In the end, only one lone wolf entered the circle.

The Lone Wolf is the strength of the Manchu Huaxia team and was easily killed.

The audience in the United States is also quite unwilling, but there is no way to accept it.

At the end of the first game of the final, the China team was still the first.

Score 60 points.

Although there is no such exaggeration in the qualifiers, this score is already a lot ahead of other teams.

After the game, the Huaxia team happily returned to the hotel.

The finals are off to a good start.

Although Dayao doesn't play PUBG Mobile very much, he also knows that the Huaxia team is in a good situation.

In a good mood, he paid out of his pocket and asked Jiang Siming and their PUBG members to secretly go to a Japanese restaurant outside to eat Japanese food.

He would definitely not do this if he changed other athletes, because other athletes competed on their physical fitness, so he didn't dare to give them food.

But for e-sports players, they relax a lot and have less scruples.

Unless you eat food poisoning and go to the hospital.

Dayao also knew that it was a bit embarrassing for e-sports players to eat the same canteen with other athletes during this period, so he took them to improve their meals.

There is no need for people to control their diets this way, but for the sake of the Olympic Games and everyone’s opinions, they endured it.

As a head coach, he naturally cannot ignore this too much.

Jiang Siming and Kite didn't feel anything at all. As long as they were greedy, they would sneak out every night to eat and drink with Ishihara and Hashimoto.

It's the great gods who rarely eat something outside, and almost didn't cry when they ate.

During this time, they are too difficult~~~


Third more~

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