I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1826: Jona's request

Komatsu Nana followed the smell and found the kitchen. Looking from a distance, she saw a tall figure busy in the kitchen.

In my hand, Dao Fei Cai Wu.

Cooking was dirty and tiring with oil smoke and vegetable stains, but he didn't seem to be affected at all.

Seeing his cooking work, Komatsu Nana didn't pay attention, but Saito Asuka behind him stared blankly.

She feels that if cooking is a landscape picture, what she sees now is definitely the most pleasing scenery in the world.

But in the next second, the pleasing scenery became a bit tempting to laugh.

It turned out that Jiang Siming was arrested by the two women for stealing food.

The footsteps of the two may be heard, and this figure in the kitchen looks back at them.

At this look, the two women were stunned again.

What level of Yan is this! Gosh!

The two shouted in their hearts.

Although they had seen Jiang Siming on the Internet, they found that what they saw online and in reality were completely two sensory experiences.

"Hello, dinner is almost ready, do you want to wash your hands and prepare?" Jiang Siming took the initiative to greet them.

Komatsu Nana recovered quickly, and she said hello politely, and went into the kitchen to wash her hands.

Saito Asuka, with a lovely blush, bowed to Jiang Siming, and said, "Excuse me."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and followed Komatsu Nana's buttocks in line to wash his hands.

Jiang Siming looked funny, how he looked like two elementary school students.

When dinner was finished, Saito Asuka brought Komatsu Nana to help Jiang Siming serve the dishes, and Ishihara and Shizuka Kudo also came to help.

Five people are sitting at the table.

Jiang Siming and Ishihara naturally sat side by side, while Saito Asuka and Kudo Shizuka sat opposite.

Next to Komatsu Nana sitting alone, Jiang Siming found that the girl seemed to keep secretly looking at him, and she had already looked away when he looked back.

Although a little strange, Jiang Siming still didn't care.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for allowing you to cook by yourself. The three of us are very honored." Kudo Shizuka said to Jiang Siming sincerely.

The more she looked, the more she felt that Jiang Siming was really charming, no wonder Ishihara liked him so much.

If I were twenty years younger, I guess there would be nothing wrong with Takuya Kimura.

As for Ishihara's willingness to marry him, Shizuka Kudo, as a past person, now expresses his understanding.

After all, she is over fifty, and her experience is not comparable to that of Komatsu Nana, a little girl who has only talked about a few relationships.

Such a perfect man would be happy to share with other sisters even if she suffers a little loss.

"It's a small matter. I haven't thank you for taking care of Ishihara before. Ishihara has talked about you many times. Today is a rare opportunity. I thank you on behalf of Ishihara."

Gentleman Jiang Siming raised his glass, Shizuka Kudo immediately raised his glass and touched Jiang Siming, taking a sip of the red wine.

"Well! This wine is so delicious. Why do I never seem to have drunk this kind of red wine before. It tastes so good. It's not Lafite or Latour."

Ishihara smiled and said, "This is brewed by my husband's winery, called Huaxiang."

"Huaxiang? It's really fragrant. Where can I get this wine? I haven't seen it in Japan." Kudo Shizuka asked. She loves wine, especially red wine.

"It hasn't been sold to Japan yet, but if Sister Shizuka wants it, I can give you some. Is ten bottles enough?"

"You don't need so many, two bottles are enough. If I want more in the future, I can buy them at the original price."

Shizuka Kudo drank a few more sips as she said, obviously she found a new favorite red wine.

Komatsu Nana didn't believe it, she also loved to drink, but she also took a sip, her eyes lit up suddenly.

"You taste it, it's delicious." Komatsu Nana introduced to Saito Asuka next to her.

Saito Asuka hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Don't you know, Xiaonai, I don't drink, and my skin will be allergic to rash when I drink."

After that, for fear that Jiang Siming would be unhappy, she quickly poured herself a cup of tea and apologized to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming wanted to laugh at her nervous and cute look.

The meal continued, and besides the red wine, the three women immediately admired the food on the table.

"I believe it now, Ishihara, you are so blessed." Kudo Shizuka was about to swallow her tongue as she ate this delicacy.

The meal lasted until late at night.

Kudo Shizuka and the others were content to leave, and they all admired and admired Ishihara Rimi's husband.

It made Ishihara so happy that he almost couldn't close his mouth, and women wanted face.

Jiang Siming gave her such a face today, a woman would be very happy.

So in the evening, Jiang Siming also got Ishihara's "extra value reward". Well, as for what this super value return is, children over 18 should know.

Until late at night, Ishihara collapsed from exhaustion and fell asleep.

Jiang Siming chose to fly back to Shanghai, lift the two girls Hashimoto and Kite out of the bed, and take them back to Japan.

Hashimoto slept at Ishihara's house, while the kite was carried back to the hotel by him.

The two will have a game tomorrow, so naturally they have to come back, otherwise Dayao might be in a hurry to find someone in Japan.

It was dawn with two hours left, and Jiang Siming had no plans to go to bed.

They all say staying up late is not good, Jiang Siming said that he usually doesn't stay up late, he only stays up all night.

Staying up all night is not considered staying up all night.

When he was idle, Jiang Siming just lay in bed and played and read novels on his mobile phone.

There is no need to go to the copy, even if the time ratio is 1:30 for two hours, it will not do much.

The Pirate Dungeon will take about half a month to wait for Nami and the others to come out of the training ground.

The small copy has one month to refresh the new one.

During this time, Jiang Siming can feel at ease and be an otaku playing with mobile phones.

Check the news on your mobile phone, or go to his Riyue Literature website to find two novels.

By the way, be a boss to inspect how the website is running and whether the authors are lazy.

This author called half-pot of sake on the street, the recent update is not very impressive, ah, consider deducting half of his salary, no matter how well he writes, he will use online justice gloves to educate him.

After reading the novel, Jiang Siming saw that the time was approaching, so he decided to turn off his mobile phone to get up.

But I found that in my ins private message, there was a private message that I just sent.

When Jiang Siming saw it, he didn't expect it to be a private message from Jonah.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry to disturb you. I know you are in Japan. My sister and I are in a hurry and want to come to you. Do you think you can?"

Seeing this private message, Jiang Siming was a little strange, but he still replied.

Jona, who was in the United States, didn't expect Jiang Siming to reply to herself so quickly, and jumped off the sofa with joy.

"How about, Jonah, is he really willing to see us?"

Anne Hathaway still feels a little illusory, her sister actually knows Jiang Siming?


The second ~ third is more likely to be very late, everyone can watch tomorrow, don't stay up late with sake, he is hopeless.

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