I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1839: Nicole is...

After all manufacturing is turned on, the factory starts to operate.

Jiang Siming did not forget to take out the scrap Li Chunlan and put it into the factory.

[Maintenance robot]: Repair time 3 days/set

Fortunately, the time is fast, and it can be done in three days.

Jiang Siming discovered that the most buggy part of this factory is that it can manufacture robots without restriction.

If we continue at this rate, there will be hundreds of robots in less than a year.

But it takes a long time to build a robot army, at least a few years.

Jiang Siming was not in a hurry, he was just taking precautions anyway.

Put Li Chunlan in the factory and wait three days before coming to pick it up.

Finally, put a combat robot as a security guard just in case.

This robot factory can be regarded as the best treasure Jiang Siming got in the Olympics.

How can we not pay attention to something worth three hundred omnipotent fragments.

In this Olympics, Jiang Siming didn't take many pieces.

Except for the [Dimensional God's Favorite Nicole], [Breaking Eye], and [Warwick 15% Shares], there are only two Eight Wonders.

This level of harvest can be said to be quite poor in the past.

But Jiang Siming couldn't help it if the fragments were updated.

When he got home, Jiang Siming remembered the Nicole pet he had picked up. He was so happy at home these days that he almost forgot about it.

Choose to use this fragment.

Then, a whirlpool appeared in the void.

Jiang Si will not be surprised by this phenomenon tomorrow.

Soon, a small lizard appeared in the whirlpool. The small lizard looked completely different from all the lizards Jiang Siming had seen.

This is not like a lizard, but like a squirrel.

His skin is crystal blue, his head is cute, and a long tail is behind him. Jiang Siming is cute as soon as he enters the stage.

If lizards all over the world grow like this, there will definitely be countless people willing to raise them.

Jiang Siming remembered that Nicole was not the lizard race of the earth, it was the fogtail race of Vastal's descendants.

Strictly speaking, it is a different-dimensional lizard, and its image is naturally different from that of the earth lizard.

Fortunately, Nicole is not completely physical. Like Acho, both are pure animal forms.

After Xiao Nicole came out of the void, she didn't recognize Jiang Siming's life when she saw Jiang Siming. Instead, she ran to Jiang Siming's feet and smelled it.

It can feel that Jiang Siming is its owner, and adding Jiang Siming's animal affinity attributes makes Nicole feel at ease with him.

Only after getting close to Jiang Siming for a while, Xiao Nicole suddenly exploded her hair, as if she felt a crisis.

After it rushed to Jiang Siming's shoes, the whole body quickly changed to the color of Jiang Siming's shoes.

In the blink of an eye, it blends with Jiang Siming's shoes.

If it weren't for Jiang Siming's Eye of Forgotten, I really couldn't tell where Nicole was.


Jiang Siming remembered that this was Nicole's talent skill.

The ability like a chameleon can make oneself blend with everything.

And Nicole's perception was very accurate. It didn't take long for it to transform, A-Nan and Ari had already rushed over, smelling and smelling the air near Jiang Siming.

The eyes of the two little guys were bewildered. They clearly saw something like a small bug on the tree playing at Jiang Siming's feet.

So I jumped over immediately, wanting to see what it was.

But when he came over, he didn't find any traces, and even the air didn't have any strange smell.

The two little guys thought they were wrong, so they looked confused.

Jiang Siming laughed and cried, these two little fools.

"Well, they are your partners and won't hurt you. Come out."

Jiang Siming had to lower his head and talk to his shoes.

Ah Nu and Ah Li looked at their masters like fools.

Is the owner crazy, how can he talk to his shoes?

Just as the two little things looked at their master with sympathetic eyes, Jiang Siming's shoes suddenly moved!

A small lizard appeared in front of them.

This shocked Ah-囡 and Ah-ri.

Ari even subconsciously opened his flame-colored tail to attack.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming stopped in time.

After he finished explaining, the two little guys understood that they were here to fight for favor.

After understanding, Ari and A-nan instantly lost interest in Nicole, and turned their heads away with no interest. The old Gao was cold.

But Nicole became very interested in them both.

Seeing Ari and A-nan left, it immediately followed, even the owner Jiang Siming ignored.

"Yeah, quite familiar, not bad, but it saves me from worrying about it being isolated." Jiang Siming felt quite satisfied.

But within two days, he realized that something was wrong.

This little Nicole, like a worm sticking to the back of Ari and A-Nan's **** every day, follows them inseparably.

Every time, one of them could not bear it and almost beat it. Then it gave up and then went to the other one.

Not only that, Xiangxiang and Aqiao did not escape its'devil's claws', and followed every day.

And A Qiao has the best temper, and he even started to'handle' A Qiao.

Either holding Aqiao and not letting go, or retracting into Aqiao's arms to sleep with Aqiao while Aqiao is asleep.

Jiang Siming sensed something was wrong, and hurried to check Nicole's specific information.

I don't know if I don't check it, I'm surprised when I check it.

This Nicole turned out to be... Lily!

I am grass!

Jiang Siming was stupid.

It is clearly stated above that Nicole likes girls, and in the different-dimensional world of League of Legends, she likes staying with female heroes the most.

And Nicole had loved Leopard Girl before, that is Nidalee.

After being rejected by Nidalee, Nicole ran to Paulax, and Galen was beside him.

Nicole couldn't get close, so she had to give up, but later Nicole went after Feng Nu, Syndra, Qin Nu and so on.

In short, the more beautiful a woman, the more she likes it.

After Jiang Siming checked the information, the whole person was in a mess. He never expected that it would be hard to guard against house thief day and night.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally found a **** pet to go home. How can this make him good...

Jiang Siming was also a little puzzled, why didn't it look for the mistress of the house, instead of looking for them?

But soon he thought of something.

In the League of Legends, it is still a half-human form.

Here it is completely in animal form, so it only likes beautiful female animals.

How high A-Nan's face is, let alone Ari.

No wonder this little Nicole turned into a moron and followed them as soon as she saw them.

After knowing it, Jiang Siming was so **** in his heart that he even wanted to send it back to the dimension space.

But this time, once the Yuan pet came over, it couldn't be sent back, unlike the dimensional maid.

Jiang Siming can only eat coptis and accept this little guy.

Fortunately, Ah Nan and Ah Li ignored it at all, so they could only pray that Xiang Xiang and A Qiao would not be bent by it...


Third more~

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