I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1844: Four bronze heads

[Technology company]: extreme ultraviolet lithography machine, sewage purifier, valuation: US$52 billion

[Game Company]: Blue Hole, R Star, valuation: US$15 billion

[Live broadcast platform]: A certain tooth, a certain fish, valuation: US$12 billion

[Guru Weibo]: Gulu Weibo, valuation: US$12 billion

[Liquor Company]: Huaxiang, Jiudian, valuation: US$9 billion

[Hotel company]: Fuding, Dubai Yacht, valuation: 2.5 billion US dollars

[Fiction Company]: Sun Moon Literature, valuation: 800 million US dollars


Bezos turned a dozen pages and finally read it.

After reading it, he was a little messy, and two words came out of his head to evaluate Jiang Siming.


Yes, it's so monster.

Basically, all of his subsidiaries are out of reach, and the industries involved are dazzling just by looking at them.

Finance, medicine, beauty, minerals, games, technology, live broadcast...

Is there any connection between these?

Interlaced like a mountain, how can it be so simple to support it.

If you have money to invest, you will be successful. There are already rich people in the world.

No matter which tycoon, it is impossible for them to get in touch with new industries like Jiang Siming.

Every industry can rise from the ground, jumping faster than his Amazon rocket.

None of Jiang Siming's subsidiaries can be his Amazon rival.

But the key is that there are so many subsidiaries.

Moreover, each subsidiary should not be underestimated, and adding one piece is not enough.

Others strive to be the strongest and greatest in one point, but Jiang Siming chooses to blossom everywhere and cover all industries.

In this way of success, there will never be the next rich man who can do it.

There must be risks when investing in a new industry. Successful investment will naturally be profitable.

But if the investment fails, it will be another story, and it may even fail.

After reading the entire magazine, Bezos was speechless for a long time.

People who have read this magazine like him have almost the same ideas as Bezos.

This is a monster!

Even if some people say that Jiang Siming has the ability to predict the future of business, they still believe it.

But even if Jiang Siming admits, what can they do, it doesn't have to give up the position of the richest man obediently.

The personal net worth of more than three trillion soft sister coins has set a world record for personal net worth.

Don't forget, Jiang Siming also has the daughter of the richest man in France as his wife.

If you add one, it will be even more terrifying.

The new richest man in the world deserves it.

This magazine sells wildly all over the world, especially in China, where it sells extremely hotly.

For nothing else, Jiang Siming fiercely argued for the Huaxia people.

The richest man in the world in the past did not belong to the Chinese.

Even President Ma and President Wang at their peak can only be the richest man in Asia, and at most they are only the top ten in the world's richest list.

The top ten and number one are completely two concepts.

And Jiang Siming did it, and, from his family history, he did it all in less than two years.

No wonder Bezos only thinks Jiang Siming is a monster.

He now wants to surpass Jiang Siming to regain the throne of the richest man in the world. It is estimated that he can only do it by marrying Bill Gates...

All of China's major news reports were covering the incident.

The Chinese people are actively discussing this matter in reality or online.

"I heard that someone in China has become the richest man in the world! It surpassed Bill Gates!"

"I am the richest man in the world at 26 years old. I am 26, but I haven't achieved anything. I don't even have a five-digit bank deposit, alas~"

"I only envy Jiang Siming's group of wives. By the way, the little girl is also very good-looking, is she lucky enough to be favored..."

"I finally believe that the gap between people is sometimes bigger than the gap between people and pigs."

"Can you keep quiet one by one, don't be sour? You can imitate my father's achievements?"

"Although I am 21 years old, I still have to tell everyone that my father Jiang Siming gave birth to my son when he was 5 years old."


This kind of discussion abounds, and everyone on the Internet is calling for Jiang Siming's father.

Lao Jiang changed from a national husband to a national father...

The first Chinese richest man in the world, this has to be discussed.

The key is that the world's richest man is only 26 years old.

Bill Gates was also 39 years old when he became the world's richest man for the first time.

Didn't they know that after the holographic game was born, Jiang Siming's personal wealth would once again soar!

At that time, all the top ten on the rich list were added, and they couldn't catch up.

Now, it's just the beginning.

Jiang Siming didn't think so much at all, he knew he would definitely become the world's richest man.

If it was before, he might be excited for a while.

But when he has seen the huge wealth hidden in the galaxy, the world's richest man on earth? It's like a small fish in the Pacific Ocean. It's nothing better.

If he really has a goal, Jiang Siming wants to become the richest man in the galaxy.

The outside world is still discussing things about my father and the richest man.

Even the employees of Jiang Siming's company have been discussing this matter. When they see Jiang Siming come to the company, they will congratulate their boss on becoming the world's richest man.

So Jiang Siming doesn't want to go to the company recently.

Others talked about it, but he still stayed with Xinyi at home like a okay person.

Xinyi's belly is a little bigger, and he doubts whether his little lover will be born within two months...

This premature is also a little bit faster.

But Jiang Siming also knew that Xinyi had no response after eating Zhuji Dan before, and it was probably absorbed by his little lover.

No wonder this little guy grows up so fast.

As long as there are no side effects, the earlier the child is born, the happier Jiang Siming will be. He can't wait to hug his first child.

There is no need to go to the company or play games. Jiang Siming is also very leisurely at home.

On a sunny day, Jiang Siming ran to his treasure house to sort out new antique treasures.

When playing games, there are often antiques and cultural relics given by pirate bounties, which are stored in Jiang Siming's ring.

I haven't taken it, but when Jiang Siming cleaned the ring today, he discovered that the antique relics inside were almost piled up like a mountain.

Jiang Siming took them out one by one and placed them in the treasure house, where each antique was often worth tens of millions.

After all, nearly a hundred antique cultural relics and dozens of tons of gold and silver were added to the treasure house.

Jiang Siming counted it casually. His treasure trove contains thousands of items, including jewelry, gold and other items.

The value of this treasure house is already in the hundreds of billions.

If it is exposed, Jiang Siming's net worth will have to skyrocket.

After setting it up, Jiang Siming clapped his hands and prepared to go out.

When he turned his head, Jiang Siming stopped and looked at a collection in the corner.

In this corner, there are several bronze heads, a total of four.


Second more~

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