I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1846: Fortune password?

Soon, the wives returned home in the afternoon.

Jiang Siming gave these two names to them to choose and discuss.

Finally came to the conclusion that Luo Yu was selected.

But everyone was not too willing to give Wanyan the name, so they intercepted "Wanwan" as their daughter's nickname.

Only then was the child's name finally confirmed.

Jiang Luoyu, nickname Wanwan, will meet with you in the near future~

In order to celebrate that his daughter has a name, Jiang Siming went out specially, went to the vegetable market to pick new ingredients and cook to celebrate.

Zhao Xiaoxiao just went home, and if he had to go with him, Jiang Siming followed her.

"Jiang Luoyu, Dad, when will you take this elegant name? Shouldn't you have the style of'booger bibimbap'?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who was sitting in the co-pilot, bit a stick in his mouth, and spoke bluntly.

Jiang Siming's teeth tickled, he rolled her eyes and said, "What do you know, your dad's inner elegance, you will never feel it."

"Cut, wait until Wanwan grows up to be happy or not like this name." Zhao Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"I think your girl is owed." Jiang Siming raised his hand and pretended to fight, Zhao Xiaoxiao smiled like a silly treasure.

The two father and daughter were playing and making trouble in the car, but they didn't expect to suffer. They were seen by a female traffic policeman on the roadside.

Comrade traffic police stopped Jiang Siming's car. People thought Jiang Siming was violent against Zhao Xiaoxiao.

So out of responsibility, Jiang Siming's car was stopped immediately.

"Hello, roll down the window and show your driver's license."

Jiang Siming was helpless, Zhao Xiaoxiao smiled happily. One day, my father was questioned by the police uncle.

The window rolled down and the traffic police immediately recognized Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming didn't have any airs, and he explained embarrassingly: "I'm having fun with my daughter, sorry, comrade police."

After Jiang Siming explained, the traffic police immediately let him go and advised Jiang Siming to drive safely and not to make trouble.

Jiang Siming accepted it humbly. This was indeed his mistake, and he was also thinking about traffic safety.

The female traffic policeman is also very pleased that Jiang Siming can be so humble, she almost thought she was going to get involved.

Finally, the female traffic police also asked Jiang Siming for an autograph for her daughter.

In this way, Jiang Siming was ready to start again.

Unexpectedly, not far away, a dark-skinned foreigner rode a bicycle and ran across the road. It was obviously a red light, and the old man rode away without serious consideration.

Originally, bicycles were not allowed to go on this driveway. Even if the old black didn't understand, he would dare to run through the red light.

When the traffic police saw nature stop him immediately, but in a few words, the old black not only did not apologize, but went very far.

"You also need to care about riding a bike? You guys are too wide! Don't touch me, let alone my car, otherwise you are at your own risk!"

The black man was arrogant at first glance.

Especially when I came to China and found that foreigners are very popular in China, it was even more unscrupulous.

In fact, this phenomenon has not happened once or twice, nor did it appear alone.

But in China, there are a large number of "Muyang dogs" who yearn for foreign countries and admire foreign countries. They are respectful and respectful to foreigners who come to China, just like grandchildren.

China is a country of etiquette, yes, but not their dog-like treatment.

It is those Muyang dogs who keep these foreigners arrogant and domineering.

The foreigner who jumped in the queue in Qingdao is a very vivid example.

The traffic police was serious and was about to drag him out of the car.

But this old black actually directly started with the traffic police.

Seeing that the old black man is tall and strong, and the female traffic policeman is just a mother with a ten-year-old daughter, how could she be an opponent.

Just as the female traffic police retreated to call for support, a palm whizzed past her.



Several molars sprayed out of the black man's mouth.

The black man fell straight to the ground, unlike his arrogant and domineering appearance just now.

The female traffic police looked back and found that it was Jiang Siming. She felt relieved and worried.

"Mr. Jiang, you..." The female traffic police was embarrassed.

Jiang Siming took out a small notebook at this time, handed it to her eyes, and said: "This matter is now under the control of our department."

The female traffic policeman looked at the small book and was in awe.


Jiang Siming didn't talk nonsense, made a phone call, and within two minutes a police car came and took the old black away.

"According to the assault on the police and violation of regulations, we will deal with it seriously, and immediately send him back to his hometown after handling. Don't want to enter China in this life."

Jiang Siming said several members of the Tian Group.

The other party immediately agreed, hacked up, took away, simply and neatly.

The old black heard the results of his treatment in a daze, and he couldn't even care about the pain in his teeth, crying and admitting his mistake.

There is no other reason. He is a poor boy in a slum in a small African country. He heard that China treats foreigners very preferentially, so he spent all his life savings and bought a plane ticket to China.

After staying for a year, the old black regarded this place as heaven.

No one here thinks that he is a poor ghost, relying on his status as a foreigner, various preferential treatments, and even some brain-disabled women.

He was so comfortable in such days.

Now when I heard that Jiang Siming was going to beat him back to his original form, how he accepted it, so he didn't care about revenge against Jiang Siming, and he confessed his mistake with a nose and tears.

"I love China, I really love this place, please let me stay!"

Lao Hei's cries made the female traffic police softer.

Jiang Siming didn't believe it at all, and sneered: "It seems that many foreigners now know the wealth code for coming to China."

"What wealth password dad?" Zhao Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"I love China." Jiang Siming replied with a shrug.

When the female traffic police and the members of the sky team heard it, their eyes lit up.

Let alone, it is so.

In order to come to China to make money, many foreigners shouted loudly. Why do I love China, China is my favorite country and so on.

But in fact, if there are a hundred foreigners who shout this slogan, it would be nice to have one sincere.

"Take it away, looking disgusting." Jiang Siming waved his hand in annoyance, too lazy to talk nonsense with this kind of stupidity.

Jiang Siming regrets it a bit. He didn't make a suggestion during the previous Kyoto meeting to clean up such foreigners.

The old black was tortured away, and Jiang Siming did not stay here, and the female traffic police thanked Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming politely said yes, and then drove away.

It was almost five o'clock when we arrived at the vegetable market.

"You have to buy something quickly, or your mothers will be hungry today."

As soon as Jiang Siming stopped the car, he pulled Zhao Xiaoxiao into the vegetable market.

But this girl just doesn't like him holding hands, she likes to hold his arm.

In Zhao Xiaoxiao's words, holding hands is like an adult with a child, she is not a child (toldly).

The two entered the vegetable market, and Jiang Siming quickly bought a lot of ingredients and planned to go home.


First more~

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