I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1858: Liang Tian wants to resign

The wives returned to their normal appearance the next day, no longer suspicious.

Jiang Si secretly said that it was a pity that he thought he would be able to live a fairy life these few days, but he didn't expect this happiness to last only one night.

But once in a while, he was quite content.

The wives are going to work again, Jiang Siming feels that he is still at home quite free.

Although there is no need to play games, but if you don't play games for a few days, your hands are itchy again.

It happens that the live broadcast hasn't been opened for a long time. Jiang Siming plans to have a live broadcast tonight to play games.

It's boring to play alone, you have to call a few fun people together to make it fun.

Jiang Siming opened WeChat and searched it casually and posted a circle of friends.

[Live broadcast in the evening, the game team is first-class and third-party, there is a sign up below. 】

Jiang Siming has very few WeChat friends. Except for his family and wives, he has no more than 20 WeChat friends.

But after this Moments were posted, there were dozens of likes immediately.

[Wang Dashao]: I, I, I! Must take me! I haven't eaten chicken for a month.

[Hu Ge]: I also want to get in the car, President Jiang, I will give you a mobile backpack.

[Lin Sansui]: Let me play games! If you agree that I will not go to the musical tonight.

[Dong Zhou]: Wow, goodbye, I want to play too, but I’m now participating in the 9th anniversary of League of Legends, how about playing LOL? My Sword Master is very strong, and Xiao Kai is here, and his Sword Sister is old.

[PDD]: Xingyanghong team came to ask for a parking space, let’s get a boxer!

These people in front can still understand that they are all old gamers.

But the next few items were stunned by Jiang Siming.

[Penguin Horse]: Haha, Mr. Jiang is good at Yaxing, I just have time tonight, take me to experience the game?

[NetEase Ding]: Is the life of the richest man so comfortable? I want to play too.

Jiang Siming is speechless, these two big bosses also want to play games? Can the elderly play PUBG Mobile? Will you just throw up after playing?

It was interesting to think about it, so Jiang Siming went back to Boss Ma and Boss Ding and asked them to come to the LILI channel at 7pm to find him.

Finally, there is a position, Jiang Siming called Wang Dashao, after all, he was the first to speak.

He was the first to give him a thumbs up.

Does this kid hold his cell phone every day? So idle.

After the appointment, Jiang Siming put away his mobile phone and began to look forward to the evening's fleet departure.

Although he stopped playing and retired, it did not hinder Jiang Siming's still love for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Even if there are no fragments, he is happy to play.

In addition to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, League of Legends, Minecraft, Overwatch, and so on, he also quite likes it.

Just wait for the evening!

Jiang Siming checked the time. It was just noon, and it was still early in the evening.

The wives were still at work, and Xinyi went to take a nap with her stomach upright.

Xiaoxiao will start school tomorrow and is now working hard to make up homework.

Jiang Siming took a piece of ice cream and went to her room to take a look, and found that the girl was working hard.

"I told you to play every day during the summer vacation. I don't care about you. I'm all right now. Can I finish writing?" Jiang Siming opened the ice cream and ate his misfortune.

Zhao Xiaoxiao's mouth pursed, and said depressed: "These homework are too simple, I really don't want to write it, it wastes my time, I leave it to practice it is not good."

Of course Jiang Siming knew that Zhao Xiaoxiao was telling the truth, and he never had to worry about her achievements.

"You are in high school now, are you sure you know all about high school?" Jiang Siming asked.

Two months ago, Zhao Xiaoxiao just finished the high school entrance examination.

Now I have been promoted from a junior high school student to a high school student, and I am still studying at the previous private school, but I have moved from junior high school to high school.

Precisely because it is the same school, the school teachers assigned summer homework in advance before the high school entrance examination.

The reason is that these junior high school students are too crazy to play and forget all the knowledge of junior high school.

Zhao Xiaoxiao's high school entrance examination results are first in the country, which is sparse and ordinary to her.

But the number one in the country, you also have to do homework (laughing and crying)~

"It's going to happen, if I'm not old enough, I'll take the college entrance examination, so that I can apply for your dad's Chinese martial arts university."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming was delighted, and said, "Are you going to go to the Chinese Academy of Arts in the future?"

"Of course, so I have more reason to train every day."

"Okay, I will leave you a position as a master sister at that time."

"Hehe, I must have been invincible at that time."

"Your dad hasn't spoken yet, do you want to be invincible?" Jiang Siming knocked her brow.

"Dad, you don't count. Anyway, you won't grab this name from me."

Zhao Xiaoxiao said proudly, not forgetting to come over and grab Jiang Siming's hand holding the ice cream, and take a bite on the ice cream.

Jiang Siming gave her the ice cream, and walked out the door without disturbing her to make up the homework.

As soon as I went downstairs, I saw Liang Tian just coming back, sitting on the sofa and sighing.

Jiang Siming walked over and gave her an ice cream by the way.

Liang Tian took the ice cream and fell into Jiang Siming's arms habitually.

"What's wrong, something is going on in the station, right?" Jiang Siming guessed.

Liang Tian is still the director of the Mango Terrace. Although he does not often go, he occasionally wants to go back.

Jiang Siming also specially opened a primary wormhole in Changsha for this, so that she could go home and rest after work.

"Well, husband, I don't want to stay on the Mango Channel anymore. The bureaucratic thinking there is too serious. It doesn't look like a TV station, but more like a state-owned enterprise."

Liang Tian talked to Jiang Siming about the unsatisfactory work. She wanted to make a big show on TV.

But Taili was either worried about this, or worried about it, all kinds of shirks and delays, which made Liang Tian very unhappy.

Jiang Siming also listened patiently.

"What show do you want to do?" Jiang Siming was curious.

"It's still a music show." Liang Tian said.

"Didn't you recently made a program called "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", the response is so good." Jiang Siming was puzzled.

Liang Tian planned a great variety show a while ago, and gained blockbuster ratings.

This Jiang Siming also knows, he and his wife like to watch it, even his parents love it.

"That's right, but I want to strike while the iron is hot and create a music competition show that is different from riding the wind and waves."

Liang Tian sighed: "But the station was afraid of me overturning and wanted to squeeze the value of the "Riding the Wind and Waves" program. This means that I will always be responsible. Not only this season, there may be the second season and the third season, all the way to this show. No one will watch."

Jiang Siming understood that this is also the usual routine of current TV stations.

Once a certain variety show becomes popular, they will vigorously squeeze the value of this variety show and develop the second season, third season...even fifth season and sixth season.

As a result, there is a lack of innovation, and a program is the same for seven or eight years.

These programs like "Dad", "Chicken Strips", "Running Man", etc. are all like this.

The first few seasons may have seen a lot of people, but who wants to see it later?


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