I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1861: Ari recovered

There is still an empty spot, Jiang Siming casually glanced at the anchor position of a certain fish. He wanted to call it PDD or 50-50.

But the two were playing League of Legends in double row, so he gave up.

Seeing Da Sima surviving in a lonely row in the Jedi, watching the barrage said he had been on the plane nine times in ten minutes.

Jiang Siming expressed a wave of sympathy to him.

After all, Da Sima is old, and naturally he can't keep up with the young people in his operations, but at least he has a good mentality, and he doesn't want to behave like a crooked door.

For this point, Jiang Siming had to give him a compliment.

"Three missing one, do you want to get in the car?"

Jiang Siming's sudden barrage, Da Sima even thought it was a high imitation number, and ran to Jiang Siming's live broadcast room to confirm that it was correct, and then hurriedly called for it.

Even after picking up a set of gods, he ignored him, took the grenade and committed suicide, and went out to wait.

In this way, the team once again gathered four people.

On the other side, PDD saw that Da Sima had picked up a Mingshen parking space, and was furious.

"Ya'er! I shouldn't have a double row with your baboon. My parking space is gone. Wow, I'm split!"

"I haven't disliked you yet, scam, you big winter melon!"

PDD's face turned black, and immediately shot back.

The two began to smell bad everyday.

Jiang Siming has already "started" here.

Without Martin's two bosses, Young Master Wang was much more open, and his mouth broke.

After playing a few rounds, Jiang Siming felt that it was meaningless to play like this.

Therefore, several custom water friend competitions were arranged, as well as crossbow arrows and iron pot competitions.

After playing all night, Jiang Siming's live broadcast room continued to laugh.

Jiang Siming found it interesting to play this weird mode once in a while. No wonder Tuantuan and Dadao love to play this mode.

It was not until midnight that Jiang Siming ended today's live broadcast and went to sleep.

Ma Manman was already too sleepy. It was not Jiang Siming, she could not play any longer.

Da Sima was also happy to broadcast when he was exhausted. Today, I can play with him, all kinds of lying chickens.

Wang Dashao, the owl of the night, was a little bit unsatisfied. Seeing that Jiang Siming was no longer playing, he ran to find their IG players to play League of Legends.

Jiang Siming turned off the computer and got up and stretched.

The wives at home are already asleep. They are going to work tomorrow. Jiang Siming is always embarrassed to disturb them now.

Alas, it seems that today I can only stay alone overnight.

Going out and returning to his room, Jiang Siming takes a shower in the bathroom.

After washing, they came out wearing big pants.

Just about to lie down, the door was quietly opened.

Jiang Siming was overjoyed, could it be that which little baby can't sleep thinking about him?

With the moonlight, a graceful figure walked in.

The figure is slim, the upper body is like a mountain, but when it reaches the waist, it shrinks rapidly, like a willow.

Jiang Siming has never seen such a thin waist. He can guarantee that no wife of his own has such a waist.

This gourd-shaped figure seems to only appear in legends.

To Jiang Siming, the dark night was nothing but a fuss. He hurriedly raised his eyes and looked very strange and charming!

The beautiful face, Qiong nose is tall, a pair of willow eyebrows are bent like crescents, and below are peach-like eyes.

The fascination was inadvertently revealed in the light flow.

Light eyebrows are like autumn water, with jade muscles and breeze.

The neck is long and slender, like a swan, comparable to white jade carved skin reflecting the shimmer under the moonlight.

The blue silk that was scattered around the back of the head swayed with the movement, and the exposed jade wrist was white to almost transparent.

The ten jade fingers are like green onions, and the fingernails are red, like red cardamom.

The red nails were not deliberately painted with nail polish, they seemed natural.

Jiang Siming felt the red color, a bit familiar, and when he recalled a little, he immediately remembered.

Ahri's tail...

Ahri's nine-tailed tail is exactly this red, red like a flame.

But the point is, he...hasn't he seen this woman?

A flash of thought appeared in his mind.

Jiang Siming's eyes became weird.

No, right? Is this...Ari's appearance after transformation?

"Master~The slave is Ari~"

The sound is sweet as honey, refreshing.

Jiang Siming can understand King Zhou well now. If Su Daji is like this, it would be normal for King Zhou to be attracted by beauty.

If it weren't for Lao Jiang's "Dao Xing", he would have to lose his mind.

"Ari, aren't you still unable to transform in your cultivation?" Jiang Siming kept himself calm.

Ari smiled slightly, showing two pear vortices on his cheeks.

"Master, Ari has completely recovered ~ you can transform."

"What about A-囡?"

"Does the master mean that silly cat? She is not as good as Ari, it is too early to recover~"

Speaking of Ah-囡, Ah-li started to compare with her again.

"Oh, that's it, that's good, then you go to rest early." Jiang Siming coughed dryly.

But these words didn't seem to have any effect on Ari. Not only did he not leave, but his eyes sparkled, and he stepped up on a lotus step...


The next day, Jiang Siming got up without incident, washed and walked out the door.

Looking at the Shengyuan Fruit Tree, A-Nan and Ari are still on it.

A-Nan got up early and was playing catching birds in the tree.

Ah Li ignored it at all, curled up to sleep on the other side of the tree trunk, as if very tired.

Seeing Jiang Siming's arrival, Ah-Nan immediately released the caught bird and jumped into Jiang Siming's arms.

Jiang Siming glanced at Ari with some guilty conscience, always feeling something weird, as if he was doing something wrong with Ari behind his back.

Jiang Siming had no choice but to tease A-Nan quickly and drove to the company.

When he was in the car, Jiang Siming thought uncontrollably in his head of the charming posture of sentient beings last night.

Not only I don’t feel bored, but I still feel a little bit unsatisfied. It is a pity in my heart that this kind of beautiful night, I want to try again and have to wait another week...

Shake your head quickly to get rid of these nasty thoughts.

When it's over, I become dirty and impure (cover my face).

A few days passed in a flash.

A brand new phenomenon-level music variety show "Le" was promoted on Gulu Video.

Just click on the Gollum video website, and the homepage is a poster.

On the propaganda posters, photos of seven people including Chen Yixu, Miriam Yang, Jay Chou, Stefanie Sun, Lin Sansui, Xu Wei, and Angela Chang appeared on the posters.

With this poster, everyone who opened the Gulu video today couldn't help but hurry in and check it out.

Directly at the seven great gods above, almost a large part of China's traffic was swept away.

Starting from the post-90s, post-80s and post-70s, the youth memories of the three generations and the idols of the three generations are all in it.

Instant fryer online.

"Did you click on the Guru video today? What kind of show is this "Le"? Really fake?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck~ My Jay Chou is in there too!"

"Mom, Xu Wei! This is Xu Wei!"

"Stefanie Sun~ my goddess! But I love Miriam Yang too~"


First more~

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