I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1864: Fairies fight!

Everyone did not expect that the person who opened the show was Chen Yixu.

Nicknamed Doctor, Fat Chen, and Prince of Love Songs of Hong Kong, there are so many classic songs.

"Ten Years", "Exaggerated", "Your Backpack", "Red Rose", "Under Mount Fuji" and so on are all classics.

And like Zhang Geshen, Fei Chen is very desperate for his career, holding dozens of concerts almost every year.

Although Fei Chen had been known for a long time, his appearance still made the audience restless.

"Ahhhh! It's eason! My male god!"

"Fei Chen, we love you~"

"Let Chen Yixu start, so this show dares to play like this, and it must be the finale if it is changed to another show."

"I love the doctor so much, no matter how many years I have listened to his "Ten Years", I am not tired of it."

"I don't know what song the doctor is going to sing, I look forward to it. Is it original?"

"That's why you think too much. The doctor's singing skills are fine, but originality is not his strong point. Lin Xi wrote most of his songs."


The noise at the scene stopped at the moment the stage sound rang.

The sound quality alone shocked all the audience.

The remnant sound curls up, and the sound curbs the clouds.

The speaker penetrates the music through the air and penetrates everyone's ears.

Without the slightest noise, penetration and three-dimensionality are the two most critical factors in sound quality.

Here, these two factors are perfect!

Everyone is like being in the golden hall of Vienna.

This is the sound quality, even people who don’t understand music find this sound quality to be very comfortable.

The familiar melody makes everyone's eyes look different.

Isn't this "Your Backpack"!

It’s too classic. I’m so excited that I have to do my best as soon as I play.

The viewers are naturally the happiest, and they like to watch this kind of unique show.

"In 1995, we were at the airport station."

"You lend me and I don't want to return it."

"That backpack is full of souvenirs and tribulations"

"There are patterns left by friction."

"Your backpack, it still hasn't worn out yet"


Tens of thousands of viewers couldn't help singing along with the very familiar lyrics and melody.

This is a classic, and it must be sung on the whole occasion.

The eight other guests behind the stage immediately felt a lot of pressure.

When the doctor came out, he was unique. It would be no good if they were compared.

When the song was over, the audience was still unfulfilled, chanting for another song.

Fortunately, when Bai Song came to the stage, it was completed in a few words.

"I used to listen to the song eason very much. I didn't expect to give you such a big surprise when I first came here. Let's not say much, let's start rewarding!"

After Bai Song finished speaking, a huge QR code appeared on the big screen with a link for rewards.

The audience took out their mobile phones one after another, and the audience watching the live broadcast also picked up their phones.

This is an event that all people participate in, no matter who it is, you can reward your favorite guests.

Each mobile phone can be rewarded nine times in each program, but the reward amount is limited to one, if it is self-created, it is two.

As soon as the QR code appeared, it was accompanied by Chen Yixu's bounty pool.

It is 0 at the beginning.

But soon, this amount began to skyrocket!

It broke more than two hundred thousand in a few seconds.

In other words, more than 200,000 people have rewarded a dollar in these few seconds.

Each time the audience is given three minutes to give a reward, these three minutes depend on the master’s skill, whether everyone can spend the three minutes of waiting naturally.

Obviously, this is not a problem for Bai Song. He easily chatted with Fei Chen for three minutes, and had a good time with Fei Chen, and almost forgot his bounty pool.

When three minutes are up, the bounty pool is closed.

Fat Chen's bounty is outrageously high: 1854421.

One hundred eighty fifty thousand!

Good deed, this bounty makes everyone amazed.

As expected of Fat Chen!

There was also a ranking list, Fei Chen’s 185w+ was displayed on the top, occupying the first place, and there are eight grids below, waiting for other guests to sing after the announcement.

Bai Song paused for a second, and then unexpectedly said: "I just got backstage news. Before the next guest appeared, one of the guests chose to improve the difficulty of himself and created a song on site."

The audience was surprised. Didn’t expect someone to choose to create this super difficult scene?

Who? Is it Jay Chou?

If it is Jay Chou, it is understandable that Jay Chou’s musical talent can be said to be unmatched.

When he was young, writing songs was the same as eating and drinking, and he could write a golden song in a few minutes.

Angela Chang's "Dear That Isn't Love" was written by Jay Chou in ten minutes and sent to Angela Chang.

And Blizzard asked Jay Chou for a song. Jay Chou wrote a song "Half Orc" in less than five minutes.

Before his debut, Jay Chou attracted the attention and favor of Wu Zongxian with his super talent in songwriting and attracted him into the entertainment circle.

Bai Song continued: "Since someone chooses to create his own, then we have to invite a guest to choose a topic, and the singer who chooses to create his own will also be the last one to appear. This time is the time for him to write songs. We will Arrange for another band to accompany him the whole time, let us wait and see."

After speaking, Bai Song asked Feichen: "Then please ask Eason to write the question."

Fei Chen thought for a while, and said, "Then use'waiting' as the theme. I personally like this type of song."

"Okay, then our topic is'Waiting.' I hope this guest will be prepared and we will wait and see."

After speaking, Bai Song and Fei Chen walked off the stage together.

Before long, another guest appeared, Miriam Yang!

Although Miriam Yang is not as famous as Fat Chen in the mainland, no one dares to say that she has never heard her songs.

"Kiss Everywhere", "Zhi Ming and Chun Jiao", "Goodbye Er Chome", etc., these Cantonese songs, I believe many people have heard them.

There are also many people who like her.

As if not under the strong pressure of Fei Chen 185w, Miriam Yang sang a song "Wild Child", a song written by Huang Weiwen before.

The song has a small audience, but it is also very nice.

And there is no doubt that Miriam Yang's singing skills can easily conquer the audience with a powerful female singer.

Perhaps the most indispensable thing in this program is singing skills. They are all singers of the heavenly queen and queen level, and singing skills need not be questioned.

However, Miriam Yang's bounty pool is not as fat as that, only reaching 101w+, but it is also a very high number.

Then guests came on stage one after another.

Angela Chang, Stefanie Sun, Xu Wei and others have appeared one after another, which can be called the "fight of gods" in the Chinese music world!

Everyone’s bounty broke one million, Angela Chang 144w+, Stefanie Sun 140w+, and Xu Wei 158w+.

When it was Lin's three-year-old and Jay Chou's turn, the atmosphere on the scene reached its peak.

The bounty of both of them is ridiculously high, Lin is three years old and 255w+.

Zhou Dong is even more exaggerated, 386w+, refreshing everyone's cognition.

But Jay Chou sang "Qilixiang", not an original song.

This also lets everyone know that there are other people who choose to create a singer on site!


First more~

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