I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1866: As promised

The questioning thoughts only existed in everyone's minds for a few seconds before they were directly'cut in the middle' by the next chorus!

"Wait until the autumn leaves are finally golden."

"Wait until Huafa is quietly green."

"We meet in the old place."

"Wait until people are no longer busy."

"Wait until my heart is no longer frivolous."

"We meet in the old place."


The audience seemed to have been tapped, all of them sluggish, with the echo of this chorus in their heads.

The most incredible thing is that this chorus is not a difficult singing skill, nor is it a high-pitched bass. It conquered the audience with singing skills like the "Fantastic" chorus.

The chorus of this song is just the opposite, simple, free and natural.

No deliberate sensation, no pretending to be sad.

It's like singing a few words at random beside you when ordinary friends are bored.

But such a seemingly unpretentious chorus has an indescribable magic.

Poked the hearts of countless viewers,

"Wait until the memory is only the essence."

"Wait until the smile does not pretend."

"We meet in the old place."

"Wait until all sorrows are relieved."

"Wait until you understand the impermanence of the world."

"We meet in the old place."


This chorus makes people feel the more they listen.

At first, everyone thought Jiang Siming's song was like a love song, but now, it turns out that it is not.

In other words, this song is not only about love, but also friendship and family affection.

Wait till the autumn leaves are golden, wait till the flowers are so bright, wait till the memory is lost, wait till the smile is sincere, wait till the sadness is forgotten, wait till experience life...

Isn't'waiting' here just waiting.

Jiang Siming's song perfectly fits Fei Chen's requirements.

Thinking back to the prelude just now, everyone suddenly felt an illusion of enlightenment.

Just listening to the prelude is like an obscure verse, making it difficult to understand the meaning.

But as soon as the chorus came out, everyone seemed to be empowered, and those obscure places were instantly transparent.

I went to taste the lyrics in front and found that it has a lot of meaning.

Some people say that everything in the world is nosy except for life and death.

But in fact, life and death are also nosy, because life and death are inevitable.

But in everyone's short life, the love that has been received and passed on is the big thing!

In this life, we are bound to part, but we must believe that people who are connected with love will usher in the next form of encounter.

The first paragraph is over, and the second paragraph continues.

"One time I was in a deja vu scene."

"At that moment, I suddenly felt that you were right beside me."

"The past, the present, and the future do not necessarily have their boundaries."

"Maybe love can travel through time and reach forever..."

The lyrics and melody of the latter part are still unpretentious, but everyone has no idea what they just took lightly.

It can be said that the older and more experienced people listen to this song, the more empathetic it is.

Many things in life are actually unexpected, and you are caught off guard.

Including separation, life and death.

You will definitely go through life and death one after another with your parents, relatives, and friends.

These farewells are indispensable, no one is spared, and no one can avoid it.

Many viewers who have lost their loved ones, loved ones or friends are already a little moved. This song can easily bring out the sadness in your heart.


When the chorus was over, the accompaniment stopped.

It was rare at the scene that there was no loud cheers after the eight other guests sang, and some only applause.

Yes, everyone uses applause to express their love for this song, because they are really not happy now...

Bai Song stepped onto the stage at this time, and his expression was somewhat complicated.

"Hearing this song, I think of many people who have left by my side. At my age, listening to this song is so touching."

"I was a good brother two years ago. He died of cancer. It was a big blow to me. Just like this song, he came by accident and no one was spared. Alas~"

Bai Song sighed with emotion, and curiously asked Jiang Siming, "Is the title of your song called "Unexpectedly"?"

Jiang Siming smiled and replied, "No, this song is called "Arrival as promised."

Bai Song was stunned for a second at the time, and then his eyes burst into light.

"It came as promised, the name is great! It is a hundred times better than without a promise!"

If this song is called "Unscheduled", although it fits well with the song, there is a deep sense of despair, confusion and disappointment in life.

Overwhelmed by countless accidents, there is a kind of despair of letting fate play around, not wanting to make any resistance, and letting it develop with the flow.

However, Jiang Siming changed the title of the song to "As promised", which is completely different.

That despair disappeared instantly, and hope was flooded. This song title can remind oneself.

Even if accidents cannot be avoided, cherish what is in front of you, and hope that there will always be, and the lost will come back to you in a different way sooner or later.

Bai Song has always heard about it, Jiang Siming is so talented, he has never seen it before, and now he finally believes it.

The audience is also very satisfied with the name.

"Okay, let's not gossip, let's go to the rewarding session of today's last game!"

After Bai Song finished speaking, the QR code appeared again. Countless audience members took out their mobile phones, scanned the QR code decisively, and entered Jiang Siming's bounty pool.

Give him their bounty.

Like them, there are online viewers watching the live broadcast.

In three minutes, the rewarding session is over.

Everyone looked at Jiang Siming's bounty pool, shocked.


Jay's bounty is only 386w+. ,

So, Jiang Siming crushed Zhou Dong?

But the audience quickly realized that it was not Jiang Siming who had surpassed Zhou Dong.

Instead, he chose the difficulty of self-compiled songs on site and enjoyed twice the rewards.

Jay Chou’s bounty is stacked piece by piece, which means that 386w people support him.

Jiang Siming's 515w, divided by two, is less than 260w+.

The gap is still obvious.

No way, Jay Chou's popularity in the Chinese music industry may only be overwhelmed by Zhang Geshen.

However, Jiang Siming still won. From the bounty, he overpowered Zhou Dong more than a little bit and took the first place.

All bounty pools are added on the spot, and a total of more than 23 million soft sister coins bounty.

The money was transferred to a charity fund account in front of audiences across the country. The name of this account was [Flood Fighting and Disaster Relief Funds].

Bai Song said: "Everyone should know that some time ago, many places in China ushered in heavy rains, which caused frequent floods and floods. This first payment will be replaced with relief supplies and sent to all flood-stricken areas."

"Every bit of it will be made public on the whole network, and the donation process will be broadcast live on Gulu Video. People from all walks of life are welcome to supervise."

"Of course, every program bounty is the bottom three, and there will be a small task, that is, the TAs will go to the disaster area to send relief supplies."


First more~~

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