I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1869: Lin Jiude betrayed!

Jiang Siming didn't say anything about it. After all, speaking about something that was not at all uncertain would only make Huo Wu and Bingmei's work more stressful.

It is better to watch the changes first.

"You hold these two things, one for each person."

Jiang Siming's hand changed, and two necklace-like things appeared in his hand.

The necklace is strange. It is not a diamond or a crystal, but a pendant in the shape of armor.

"Don't get me wrong, these are two amulets, for you two to keep you safe. If you don't want it, just treat it as I didn't say it."

Jiang Siming explained patiently.

Huo Wu didn't speak yet, but Bing Beauty took it first and said, "Thank you."

Upon seeing this, Huo Wu glanced at Bing Beauty unexpectedly, and then she took Jiang Siming's necklace, played with it curiously, and then put it on generously.

"Okay, go ahead and call me if you have something to do."

After Jiang Siming returned to the car, Lin Jiude immediately ordered the driver to drive towards Li's house.

As soon as he got in the car, Hundred Billion wanted to say something to Jiang Siming, but Jiang Siming gave her a clear look to calm her down.

Hundreds of billions can see that Lin Jiude is wrong, can he still see it.

And mind reading has already seen through all the secrets of Lin Jiude.

It's just that he didn't expect that so many things were involved, and Lin Jiude was obviously not the mastermind.

When the car arrived at Li's house, Li's family had been waiting for a long time.

Li Cheng's wife, the mother of hundreds of billions, said to Jiang Siming haggardly:

"Good son-in-law, you must help your father-in-law. He has been missing for three days, and the shares of the Li family are falling. If this continues, the Li family will be over."

Having said that, Mommy Hundred Billion couldn't help wiping her tears.

Hundred billion hurried to comfort his mother.

Without changing his face, Jiang Siming said to him: "Mom, don't worry, you will be fine soon."

After that, Jiang Siming turned to look at Lin Jiude who was aside, and said without anger, "Steward Lin, is there something for us to explain?"

"Uncle, what do you mean? What do you want me to explain?"

Lin Jiude's expression was well hidden, with an incomprehensible look.

Everyone is also wondering, what is it about Lin Jiude?

Jiang Siming knew that he would definitely refuse to say it, chuckled, and walked slowly towards Lin Jiude.

"Steward Lin, I saved you two years ago. At that time, I thought you were the most loyal subordinate of the Li family, but I didn't expect that I had been misunderstanding you. It seems that people will change."

Jiang Siming walked towards the steward Lin while talking, as if he was chatting at home.

However, Lin Jiude's expression has changed drastically. Jiang Siming gave him too much oppression. He was afraid that Jiang Siming would come and kill him.

But at this time he couldn't act defensively, otherwise everyone would really suspect that there was a ghost in his heart.

"Uncle, I don't know why you slandered me suddenly, but I have a clear conscience, Lin Jiude, if you see me not pleasing to your eyes and want to take this opportunity to get rid of me, I have nothing to say, anyway, my life was saved by you. of."

After Lin Jiude finished speaking, he calmed down again.

He figured out that his strength is so different from that of Jiang Si tomorrow, even if he is defensive, he will never survive. It is better to just play it through.

The Li family were also at a loss, not knowing who to trust.

One is the son-in-law of the Li family, and the son-in-law of Li Cheng's Chenglong.

The other is a loyal servant who has been serving the Li family for decades. It is difficult for them to decide who to trust.

Jiang Siming walked in front of him, but didn't act on him, but patted Lin Jiude on the shoulder.

"Steward Lin, at the beginning of last year, your family's wife and children were all kidnapped, and the other party threatened you not to say anything, so you asked Li Cheng for three days and assumed that you were going back to see your son.

"In the past three days, the other party threatened you with your family's life and asked you to meet the Huang Han traitor and surrender to him."

"Then in this year, you accepted a huge amount of bribes, as well as a large amount of so-called'Heaven Pills' and various high-priced pills of the hermitage. Now you have already broken through the prefecture level, but you have never given it up. Are you right?"

After speaking, Lin Jiude was already sweating, his eyes were shocked.

Everyone was shocked, and they hadn't waited for them to relax.

Lin Jiude launched an attack first, rushing towards 100 billion, the aura of the prefecture-level master suddenly opened up, and the speed was extremely fast.

Now that it was exposed, Lin Jiude didn't intend to catch it all. He had a good idea, and it was impossible to deal with Jiang Siming.

But if he could control the billions, he would definitely throw a rat avoidance and let himself go.

Seeing that he was in front of 100 billion, Jiang Siming behind him was indifferent.

Lin Jiude was overjoyed, thinking Jiang Siming hadn't reacted at all, just when his palm was about to grab a hundred billion neck.

Hundred Billion not only didn't panic, but looked at him with disappointment.

"Grandpa Lin, I really didn't expect it to be you. This is the last time I called you Grandpa Lin. You have nothing to do with my Li family."

There was a bad feeling in Lin Jiude's heart.

In the next second, one hundred billion will open instantly!

[Suzaku Heart Sutra] Launch!

A flame bird emerged from the hundreds of billions of jade hands, and the bird curled up in an astonishing manner and slammed toward Lin Jiude!

Lin Jiude didn't expect 100 billion to have this hand at all, otherwise he would be able to hide from the prefecture level master.

Without checking, Lin Jiude took the palm firmly, and he flew out like a broken kite.

Lin Jiude never dreamed that he looked at the frail young lady who had grown up with such terrifying strength.

Lin Jiude, who fell on the ground, vomited a big mouthful of blood, looking wilted.

At this time, the other master bodyguards of the Li family immediately controlled Lin Jiude.

Lin Jiude looked sullen and said: "You kill me, I am sorry for the Li family, sorry for the owner."

"Lin Jiude, how could it be you!" Mother Hundred Billion couldn't believe it. This kind of deception brought her a huge blow.

Who would have thought that butlers who had been loyal for decades would kill them.

"Madam, I was wrong. Just treat you as I am sorry. You take my life away, but please don't retaliate against my wife and children. They are innocent."

Lin Jiude implored.

"Then you let the master go, I won't pursue it."

Lin Jiude shook his head guiltily, and said, "My master has been handed over by me to the traitor. I don't know where he is, whether he is alive or dead."

The Li family was angrily, and for a while there was nothing to do.

Jiang Siming spoke again: "You don't need to worry about it. I will go and bring my father-in-law back safely. You, self-decision."

Lin Jiude smiled sadly, and said, "Then thank you Grandpa."

After that, Lin Jiude was about to commit suicide.

Hundreds of billions stood up and couldn't bear it, pulling Jiang Siming's sleeve, and begging: "Husband, or... spare his life, after all, he has worked for my Li family for most of his life..."


First more~

Just come back from the hospital, code word immediately!

Everyone guess Jiang Siming will let Lin Jiude go?

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