I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1870: Being regarded as a kind of infatuation...

Most of the people who surrounded her were wearing nurse and doctor uniforms, and seemed to have a good relationship with this girl.

The most noticeable thing is that the girl is wearing a laurel wreath on her head.

Wearing this laurel wreath made her even more stunning.

"Congratulations, Wei Yi, you are now Miss Xiangjiang Champion."

"Yes, I didn't expect that the little nurse in our hospital would win the Hong Kong beauty pageant, and we would have face afterwards."

"Wei Yi is going to have a dinner party today."

"Artist Wei has a good heart, and it is reasonable to win Miss Xiangjiang."

"Wei Yi, as soon as the competition is over, you have become a hot search term on the Internet, and the people who pursue you in the future will probably form a team."


After listening to what these people said, Jiang Siming understood.

Affection This girl is a nurse in the hospital. She participated in the Hong Kong beauty pageant and won the championship.

No wonder it looks so good-looking, quite a bit like Li Jiaxin when he was young.

It just so happened that the security guard kept annoying him, and Jiang Siming simply pretended to be the end.

"Get out of here, my goddess is here, but I have been waiting for a long time."

Jiang Siming dullly pushed the security guard away, and swayed towards the girl who was surrounded with flowers.

The girl was still saying this to her friends around her, and a tall figure walked towards him.

He didn't speak, and put the flowers in her hand into her hands as soon as he came over.

Then he said domineeringly: "For you, if you agree, you will be my girlfriend."

Of course Xie Weiyi, who was astonished, refused.

He decisively returned the flower in his hand to Jiang Siming, but his tone was still very polite and declined.

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend."

Jiang Siming, who was rejected on the spot, had actually expected it.

He was just trying to cover people's eyes.

Taking back the flowers that he had just sent out, Jiang Siming didn't feel embarrassed either, he gave a generous oh, then walked to the side and sat down.

But Jiang Siming did not'give up', but continued to say to the girl: "I will wait for you here. If you still refuse me within today, I will leave. If you should pay attention, we will Start dating."

After speaking, Jiang Siming hugged the flower in his arms, and the old monk sat down as if he had entered concentration, regardless of the strange gazes around him.

Xie Weiyi didn't expect Jiang Siming to be so persistent. Although she couldn't bear it, she couldn't persuade Jiang Siming in front of so many people.

Otherwise, others thought they were really moved by him.

Besides, Xie Weiyi didn't respond to anyone chasing girls like this, eager to go upstairs to see her family.

Her mother had appendicitis and had been hospitalized in the hospital where she worked during her competition.

She will go up and tell her family the good news.

When Xie Weiyi left, everyone turned their attention away from Jiang Siming.

It's just a kind of infatuation chasing girls. There is nothing good about it. There are all kinds of people in Xiangjiang, which is not surprising.

The security guard lost interest in Jiang Siming, and went back to the door to guard.

Jiang Siming stayed in place, motionless, as if he was really infatuated waiting for the girl upstairs to reply.

Neither girl nurses were moved.

He even ran upstairs and told Xie Weiyi who was celebrating with his family.

"Ah? He hasn't left yet? It's been more than two hours." Xie Weiyi didn't expect Jiang Siming to really wait for her downstairs.

Xie Weiyi's father asked his daughter what happened, and Xie Weiyi said it all.

When my dad heard someone stalking his daughter, he wanted to go down and teach Jiang Siming.

Fortunately, he was held back by Xie Weiyi.

"Dad, forget it, he didn't do anything to me, he was very polite to me, just forget it, just ignore him, he said, he will give up if he doesn't reply today."

Xie father stopped now.

And Jiang Siming, who was downstairs, had been'waiting bitterly.' In the eyes of the hospital people, he was a lover who could not chase a girl.

The hospital was still crowded, and Jiang Siming never moved his butt.

Until two Qianying walked into the hospital, one of them supported one of the girls.

The supported girl kept twitching, foaming in her mouth.

"Doctor, come and save people, my sister is crazy, come on~"

The helper girl kept shouting.

The doctor at the hospital came to check immediately and saw this symptom, and immediately determined that it should be the epileptic culprit.

The people around shook their heads. It's a pity that such a beautiful girl didn't expect a goat to be crazy.

When Jiang Siming saw these two people, he almost didn't laugh, but fortunately he was still wearing a helmet.

But this is still too funny.

Aren't these two Huo Wu and Bing Beauty.

The ice beauty supported Huo Wu, who was the epileptic goat.

The two of them must have found Li Cheng's location too, and they are about to enter the hospital.

But Jiang Siming didn't expect that they would pretend to be epileptic patients.

Looking at what Huo Wu was like, Jiang Siming wanted to introduce her to her Huayi as an actor. Good fellow, she was really acting like that, and her saliva dripped.

After receiving confirmation from the doctor, a nurse immediately carried her onto a stretcher.

"Go up to the fifth floor. The fifth floor is the psychiatric department."

Said the doctor.

When the security guard heard about the fifth floor, he was a little wary, but seeing Huo Wu's appearance really didn't look like a pretend, so he didn't stop.

The two women entered the hospital smoothly.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but admired that with this lurking kung fu, he couldn't beat the Ice Beauty and Huo Wu in shooting horses.

He is still stuck on the first floor of the hospital.

Of course, Jiang Siming never liked to play lurking, he loves reckless, reckless play, from games to reality.

It's a pity that he hasn't waited for the person he was waiting for.

Not long after Huo Wubing beauty went upstairs, gunshots came from above!

Suddenly the hospital was in chaos, and a large number of patients, doctors and nurses ran out of the hospital.

Jiang Siming will spend it for a while. It seems that he will have no results if he waits. Both of these guys have been exposed.

Instead of leaving, Jiang Siming planned to go upstairs.

When the security guard saw Jiang Siming's movements, he immediately became suspicious and took out a gun from his waist and aimed at Jiang Siming.

"Stop me!"

Jiang Siming looked back at him and said amused: "If you get a bit of water on the loach, you really think you are seafood? Don't you think you are quite capable without you?"

The security guard was angry and was about to shoot, but the next second, his eyes went black and his seven orifices collapsed, and he didn't know how he died...

After getting the fake security guard, Jiang Siming immediately disappeared out of thin air on the first floor.

On the fifth floor, blood was already on the floor, and there were corpses everywhere.

The gunfire fluctuated, followed by screams.

Ice Beauty and Huo Wu fought against the team guarding Li Cheng.

The people in this group are all masters, and they are all elite ghost agents.

Although he has died a lot, he still resists the Ice Beauty and Huo Wu in an orderly manner.

On the other hand, Bing Meiren and Huo Wu are already somewhat weakened.

After all, they are just masters of hermit cultivation, and they are still stuck at the pinnacle of the profound rank.

The opponent is the top master of the Lijian empire, and there are so many people, it is not easy for the two to survive now.

But if this continues, they must die here.


Third more~

Three shifts today, and one more owed tomorrow. I’m tired after a day in the hospital.

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